He looked at me traduction Portugais
538 traduction parallèle
But I knew he was somebody the way he looked at me.
Mas notei que era alguém pelo jeito que me olhou.
He looked at me for a minute, in his blind way and burst out with it.
- ele olhou para mim um minuto, na sua maneira de cego e depois disse-o.
- He looked at me funny.
- Ele olhou esquisito pra mim.
He looked at me.
Me olhou.
- He looked at me like I was a dead man!
- Olhaste-me como se já estivesse morto!
When he looked at me and laughed.
Quando ele olhou e sorriu pra mim.
Oh, the way he looked at me.
Oh, a maneira como ele olhou para mim.
Just then when he looked at me.
Quando ele olhou para mim.
- Well. he looked at me and I looked at him.
- Ele olhou para mim e eu... para ele.
How he looked at me when I came to his room with my bag!
Você ama-o mais que tudo no mundo. Mais do que a você mesma.
He looked at me with the same eyes that are in my nightmare.
Ele olhou-me com o mesmo olhar dos meus pesadelos.
He looked at me.
Every time he looked at me, I had to pretend to look at the advertisement above his head.
Sempre que olhava para mim, eu fingia estar vendo o anúncio atrás dele.
Of course, I never took him seriously, but I still remember the way he looked at me when he said,
Claro, eu nunca levei a sério, mas ainda me lembro como eu olhei, quando disse :
He looked at me and he said, what's the matter, Rich.
Olhou para mim e disse : "O que se passa, Rich?"
And he looked at me and he said, what, you a man now, mother fucker.
Olhou para mim e disse-me : "Agora és um homem, sacana?"
And then he opened his eyes and he looked at me.
E depois abriu os olhos e olhou para mim.
He looked at me and I took off and I ran.
Ele olhou para mim. E fugi. Corri dali para fora o mais rápido que consegui.
He / she looked at me as if is totally crazy, do you know?
Ele olhou para mim como se eu fosse doido.
He looked at me often but he never spoke to me.
Olhou-me várias vezes mas jamais me falou.
He looked at me the other day and I mean not just looking, but real sort of meaningfully.
Ele olhou muito tempo para mim no outro dia. E não foi só olhar, foi um olhar intenso, sabes.
It was just the way he looked at me.
Foi a maneira como olhou para mim.
He looked at me three times.
Olhou-me três vezes.
- He looked at me and took me in his hut.
Olhou bem para mim e levou-me para a cabana dele.
he stopped and looked at me.
Ele parou e olhou para mim.
I looked up at the windows and wondered if he were there... or if something awful had happened.
Recordo-me de ter olhado para as janelas, e ter pensado se lá estaria... ou se algo teria acontecido para ele não aparecer.
I don't like the way he looked at me.
Não me gosta como me olha.
He was looking at her first then looked over at me.
Primeiro olhou-a a ela depois a mim.
He looked up at me and said :
Ele olhou para cima, para mim, e disse :
He stopped here and looked at me.
Parou aqui e olhou-me.
He just looked down at me, and he laughed.
Ele simplesmente olhou para mim e riu. "Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!"
He just looked at me and said "If you don't wanna go to the Point, don't go."
Ele olhou para mim e disse "Se não queres ir para West Point, não vás."
No, sir. He just said it cool and hard, and looked right at me.
Não, disse-o de uma forma calma e olhou directamente para mim.
He's the only person who looked at me and didn't see a cripple.
Ele é a única pessoa que olha para mim e que não vê um aleijado.
The man on TV. He looked right at me and told me it was naughty.
O homem na televisão, ele fitou-me e disse-me que era incorrecto.
When he looked at my feet, I thought I'm done...
Observou-me os pés, até fiquei gelado...
I turned and looked at my brother to see what he was going to say.
Virei-me e olhei para o meu irmão, para ver o que ele ia dizer.
He just looked at me...
Limitava-se a olhar para mim...
He looked at me, but I had the feeling he looked through me, and he gave me a shake of the hand and murmured something, but I didn't understand. It's...
Apertou-me a mão e murmurou algo, mas não percebi o que foi.
But Eva Braun was beside him and he... shook hands to all the others. She embraced me really heartily and looked at me with a little sad smile and said, "Please try to go out of here."
Mas Eva Braun, que ficara do seu lado e que já apertara a mão a toda a gente, abraçou-me com emoção, olhou para mim com um sorriso triste e disse-me para eu tentar sair dali.
I looked at him, and he said to me :
Olho para ele e diz-me :
He looked at her and they both looked at me.
Olhou para ela e olharam para mim.
Outside the door of the bedroom, he stopped, looked at me and said...
Do lado de fora da porta do quarto ele parou, olhou para mim e disse :
He looked at the parchment and immediately offered me 200 Turkish pounds for it.
Ele olhou para o pergaminho e imediatamente Ofereceu-me 200 libras turcas por ele.
And just before he jumped, he looked back at me, he said, now, you know I'm gonna be chasing you again tomorrow.
Mesmo antes de saltar, olhou para trás e disse : "Sabes que amanhã também te vou procurar."
He looked up at me, he said,
Olhou para mim e disse : "S'outor",
I think, he looked at me.
Eu acho que ele olhou para mim.
He looked twice at such a shabby fare, but I jumped in before he had time to object, showed him a handful of sovereigns and promised him one if he would get me to the Church of St. Monica within 20 minutes.
Ainda hesitou quando me viu tão maltrapilho, mas subi para o cabriolé antes de ter tempo de recusar, mostrei-lhe um punhado de soberanos e prometi-lhe um se chegássemos a Saint Monica no espaço de 20 minutos.
And then when I asked him about it, he just looked at me as if he didn't know what I was talking about.
Depois, quando lhe perguntei pelo tornozelo, olhou para mim como se não soubesse do que estava a falar.
I didn't get a good look at him either, but he sure looked at me.
Também não o vi bem, mas ele olhou bem para mim.
And I looked at my husband next to me, and it was as if he... he was a stranger.
Olhei para o meu marido, deitado a meu lado, e era como se fosse um estranho.
he looked 18
at me 65
he looks just like you 33
he looks like you 29
he looks like me 17
he loves me not 34
he loves you 282
he looks 48
he looks nice 21
he looks familiar 43
at me 65
he looks just like you 33
he looks like you 29
he looks like me 17
he loves me not 34
he loves you 282
he looks 48
he looks nice 21
he looks familiar 43