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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ H ] / He said to me

He said to me traduction Portugais

3,187 traduction parallèle
He said to me in Munich,
Ele disse-me em Munique,
He said to me, "you watch and learn'cause she will teach you everything you need to know."
Ele disse-me, vê e aprende porque ela vai ensinar-te tudo aquilo que precisas de saber.
He said to me, " Ami, I don't understand you.
Ele disse-me, " Ami, não te percebo.
Did you hear what he said to me?
- Ouviste o que ele me disse?
And when he does, she may not want to repeat the things she said to me.
E quando for, ela pode não querer repetir o que me disse.
I called Jimmy, and the first thing he said to me was...
Liguei para o Jimmy, e a primeira coisa que ele disse foi :
He said he had to make preparations and he would be back at 11 A.M. today to get me.
Disse que fez os preparativos e que voltaria às 11 : 00 para me vir buscar.
He said he needs to see me...
Ele disse que precisa ver-me. Agora.
He said he was gonna take me away and we were gonna go to Cabo together.
Eu nunca devia ter acreditado nele.
He goes, "How much you want me to bring?" I said, "Bring it all!"
Ele continuava : "Quanto queres que leve?" Eu respondi : "Traz tudo!"
Joe came up to me and said what a stupid mistake he made and he shouldn't have never followed Bernie.
O Joe chegou-se ao pé de mim e disse-me que estúpido erro que tinha cometido e que nunca deveria ter alinhado com o Bernie.
He said it to me in the preinterview. And then the company stuck an interpreter next to him, and I think her job was more than interpreting because she wasn't accurately translating...
Disse-me na entrevista prévia, e a empresa pôs uma intérprete ao lado, e acho que a função dela era mais do que interpretar, porque não estava a traduzir...
He said it to me, and he said it to a conference room full of staffers.
Ele disse-o a mim e a uma sala cheia de membros da equipa.
- He said it to me!
- Ele disse-mo!
It's nicer than anything he's ever said to me.
É mais simpático do que alguma coisa que ele alguma vez me disse.
He said he was going to fire me for yelling at him.
Ele disse que ia demitir-me, por ter gritado com ele.
Uh, he e-mailed, said to expect some sort of addict-sitter.
Enviou-me um e-mail... Disse para esperar um género de viciada-ama.
And if he said one wrong word or tried to run--bam.
Se ele me tivesse digo algo ou tentasse fugir... bang.
He said that he was going into the interior the next morning on some geological surveys, and that he would call or e-mail me whenever his crew got to someplace where they had cell or Internet service, but he didn't know how long that would be.
Ele disse que ia para o interior na manhã seguinte numa pesquisa geológica, e que ligava ou mandava um e-mail assim que a equipa chegasse a um lugar onde tivessem sinal de telemóvel ou rede de Internet, mas ele não sabia quanto tempo ia demorar.
He said you were the original arresting officer and informed me to tell you that we have him in custody.
Ele disse que você era a agente encarregada e pediu-me para lhe avisar que o temos sob custódia.
And I remember asking him every day if we can let the bird go, and he said something to me I'll never forget.
E eu lembro-me de lhe perguntar todos os dias se podia deixar ir o pássaro, e ele disse-me algo que nunca vou esquecer.
Anyway, he told me to get out of my car, and he said that he knew me - - from the spa.
Ele mandou-me sair do carro e disse que me conhecia do spa.
You know those people that Montgomery was involved with, he said that they wanted me dead, that I was getting too close, and he said that he was gonna give his life in order to protect mine, and they still tried to kill me.
O Montgomery disse que as pessoas com quem estava envolvido queriam matar-me, que estava a chegar muito perto e ele disse que ia dar a sua vida a fim de me proteger, e ainda tentaram matar-me.
Then he came up to me and he said, "What's your name?"
E ele vem até mim e pergunta :
He said he always wanted to meet me, to get to know me.
Ele disse que sempre quis me encontrar, me conhecer.
He mentioned it to me before leaving for Richmond, said he was looking for more investors.
Falou-me dela antes de partir para Richmond, e disse que procurava investidores.
I know I should've said something earlier, it's just, James told me to keep my head down, and then all of a sudden, he was dead. And I didn't know what to do. It's okay, Buck.
Sei que devia ter dito alguma coisa antes... mas o James disse-me para ficar quieto e do nada, ele estava morto, não sabia o que fazer.
He said that he was ready to make things right for me.
Ele disse que estava pronto para acertar as coisas para mim.
He said he set the fire to protect his family but he wouldn't tell me more than that.
Disse que provocou o incêndio para proteger a família. Mas ele não me quis contar mais do que isso.
The last time I talked to him, he said that he missed me and he would pay me to come eat popcorn with him, but then he hasn't returned a text of mine in over two weeks.
E da última vez que falei com ele, disse que tinha saudades minhas e que me pagava para ir comer pipocas com ele, mas há duas semanas que não responde a nenhuma mensagem minha.
When I talked to Cowboy Jeff he said that this was the place to come.
Quando falei com Jeffe o cowboy ele disse-me que não era sitio para vir.
He never said anything about that to me.
Ele nunca me disse nada disso.
He said, " I thought that's why you wanted to speak to me,
Ele disse : "Pensei que fosse por isso que querias falar comigo."
He said he wanted to know about the pills that could help me.
Ele queria saber dos remédios que podem me ajudar.
He said he can't do it without me. He said I'm essential to his plan.
Disse que não pode fazê-lo sem mim, que sou essencial para o plano.
I was there at Robert Stigwood's party sitting between Mick Taylor and Mick Jagger when Taylor leaned across me, and he said to Jagger, "I'm leaving the band".
Eu estava na festa do Robert Stigwood, sentado entre o Mick Taylor e o Mick Jagger, quando o Taylor se inclinou e disse ao Jagger : "Vou deixar a banda."
I met with him once and he said to me : " All you people from the music business.
Encontrei-me com ele uma vez e ele disse-me :
He has grown on me. That's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me.
Essa é a coisa mais simpática que alguém alguma vez me disse.
Peter called, said he was supposed to make lunch.
- Kelly. O Peter ligou-me, disse para trazer um lanche.
Dr. Thredson, he... he said some things that are starting to make sense.
O Dr. Thredson disse-me umas coisas que começam a fazer sentido.
He said to tell you, "Good luck tomorrow."
Ele pediu-me para te desejar boa sorte.
I tried to stop him, but he was bigger than me, and he said he would kill me, too, if I didn't stand very still and be quiet.
Tentei impedi-lo, mas era maior do que eu, e disse que me matava também, se não ficasse parada em silêncio.
I tried to stop him, but he said he would kill me, too, if I moved a muscle.
Tentei impedi-lo, mas ele disse que também me mataria, se mexesse um músculo.
He said he was going to ask you about it.
Disse-me que iria falar-lhe sobre isso.
He hung up the phone, he turned to me and he said, "Mom's dead."
Ele desligou o telefone, virou-se para mim e disse, "A mãe morreu."
"I have known Moray since he's been married." That's what he said to me.
He said the same thing about you and he told me to give you this.
ele disse o mesmo de ti e disse-me para te dar isto.
He said if I had to kill, I might as well kill people who deserved it.
Disse-me que se tinha de matar, que fosse quem merecesse.
Judge Morris said to tell you, he's sorry for all your family's been through.
O juiz Morris pediu-me para lhe dizer, que tem muita pena, por tudo o que a sua família tem passado.
He said you testified to Charlotte's mental incompetence.
Ele disse-me que você testemunhou a incompetência mental da Charlotte.
This morning, when I said hello to Sam, he smiled back at me and told me to inspect his teeth.
Esta manhã, quando eu disse olá para Sam, ele sorriu para mim e disse-me para inspecionar seus dentes.

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