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He said what traduction Portugais

4,772 traduction parallèle
He said what him and Jessica had was real and that I was never gonna have it.
Ele disse que o que ele e a Jessica tinham era real, e eu nunca o iria ter.
He said, "But what we're going to do instead of that, we're just going to become your partners." l said, "No, you're not becoming my partners."
As outras lojas de bebidas contrataram-nos para te matarmos. " Eu não conseguia acreditar. Nem sequer sabia o que pensar.
"Okay, you know, what's his next step?" You know, who's he got left to give up? And he looked at me, he said, "Well, we never said anything about you."
O FBI não está do nosso lado desde o dia em que mataram o meu pai.
No, you heard what he said.
Não, tu ouviste o que ele disse.
Felicity Smoak works at Queen Consolidated. She said they were working on something similar. But Oliver Queen shut it down once he realized what it could be used for.
A Felicity Smoak trabalha na Queen Consolidated e disse que projectaram algo semelhante, mas que o Oliver Queen cancelou o projecto quando percebeu que poderia ser utilizado para outros fins.
What he said is crazy, and if you'd have asked me 10 days ago if I thought any of this was true...
Sei que o que ele disse é de loucos e se me tivesses perguntado há 10 dias se achava isto plausível...
Exactly what the guy with the three kings said when he put his pink slip in the pot.
Exactamente o que disse o tipo com os 3 reis quando pôs o registo do carro no monte.
He told me what his dad said.
Ele contou-me o que o pai dele disse.
I don't care what he said.
Não me importa o que ele disse.
Can I stop you? Please? That's what he said,
Foi isso que ele disse.
If... if we could do this all along, why the hell did we do what he said?
Se podíamos ter feito isto desde o inicio, porque fizemos o que ele nos pediu?
What he said, he didn't mean it.
Aquilo que ele disse, ele não queria dizer aquilo.
He said, "hey, Randy McHolland, what makes..."
Ele disse "Randy McHolland, o que faz..."
I'm very grateful for what he said.
Estou muito grata pelo que ele disse.
That Mongoose man... if he had stayed down in the early rounds, what would they have said about him?
Aquele homem, o Mangusto... se se mantivesse no tapete, logo no inicio, o que iriam dizer acerca dele?
Can you tell me exactly what Jacques Pascal said before he fired his weapon?
Pode descrever exactamente o que Pascal disse antes de disparar a arma?
Um, I don't know what he said because he was speaking in French.
Não sei o que ele disse porque falou em francês.
But then he said in English "I want what is mine."
Mas depois ele disse em inglês "quero o que é meu".
He's gonna check on Ethan, that's what he said.
Vem ver como está a Ethan. Foi isso que ele disse.
Wanted... this is what he said, all he wanted - was to rest among the reeds. - It's brown.
O que digo é que tudo o que ele queria, era descansar entre... os juncos.
That's what he said?
O que é que ele disse?
S... Did you hear what he said here?
Ouviste o que ele disse?
I said this, he did that. What are you trying to say?
"Isto e aquilo." \ Que estás a querer dizer?
I take back what I said earlier and will speak the only language he understands.
Retiro o que disse antes, e falarei na única língua que ele entende.
When I asked you what happened to my father's body after he was killed, You said you cremated him.
Quando lhe perguntei o que aconteceu ao corpo do meu pai, depois de ter sido morto... o senhor disse que o tinha cremado.
I don't care what he said!
Não me interessa o que ele disse!
That's what he said, okay?
Foi isso que ele disse.
What CI? That CI of yours who said he spotted Parrish.
Aquele teu informador que disse ter visto o Parrish.
I wasn't sure it was him, not until I heard him say what he said to you.
Eu não tinha certeza que era ele, não até o ouvir a dizer o que ele te disse.
You know what he said to me... Eastwood?
Sabes o que me disse, o Eastwood?
He said the police would probably come round to see me and ask me to confirm what he was about to tell them.
Ele disse que a polícia se calhar ia ver-me e pediu-me que confirmasse o que estava quase a dizer-lhes.
- I know, but that's what he said.
Eu sei, mas foi o que ele disse.
It wasn't what he said, it was the look on his face.
Não foi o que ele disse, foi o seu olhar.
You know what he said?
Sabe o que é que ele disse?
And then, what do you- - I never said he was- -
- E tu... - Nunca disse que ele era...
And he said, "who cares what holt thinks?"
"O que interessa o que o Holt pensa?"
Do you have any idea what he just said?
Fazes alguma ideia daquilo que ele acabou de dizer?
Here's what's really sick. We didn't even question him because he said it was the right thing to do.
E o pior é que não questionámos o Slade porque o Oliver disse que era o se devia fazer.
You know I'm like, "What? !" He said, " You hung a nigger.
E eu pensei, "O quê?"
And he said, "What date do you want?"
E ele disse, "Os Twisted Sister."
And he was in the next office doing the same thing. So I asked what he was doing, and he said,
E ele estava no outro escritório a fazer a mesma coisa.
One day I was called into the office of the president of Atlantic Records, Doug Morris, and he said, " You know what?
repetidamente. Um dia foi chamado ao escritório do presidente na Atlantic Records, o Doug Morris, e ele disse, " Sabes que mais?
And he said, " What do you want?
E ele disse, " O que queres?
He said, "Well, shut up. This is what you gotta do."
Ele disse, " Bem, então cala-te.
That's what he said, is it?
Então, foi isso que ele disse?
What he said on that broadcast, I do agree with some of it.
Concordo um bocado com o que ele disse no vídeo.
What he said.
O que ele disser.
Keith Richards seems to remember everything, but Manheim said after he got out of rehab, he could barely remember his own birthday, much less what happened to his agent.
O Keith Richards lembra-se de tudo, mas o Manheim disse que após a reabilitação nem se lembra do aniversário, quanto mais o que aconteceu com o agente.
Oh,'cause I bet what happened was that he said he wanted to go out and have a little party.
Aposto que o que aconteceu foi que ele disse que ia sair para uma festinha.
That's what he said. My neighbor.
Foi o que o meu vizinho disse.
Dad, if what he said is true...
Pai, se o que ele diz é verdade...

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