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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ H ] / He said no

He said no traduction Portugais

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And he said no.
E ele disse não.
No, and Agent Leonard said that he took off about an hour ago, but I tried his cell and he didn't pick up.
Não, e o Agente Leonard disse que ele saiu há cerca de uma hora, mas tentei o telemóvel dele e não atendeu.
So, Matt went off and he got some coke, some champagne and some sausages for her and took'em back and he said she just had this big grin on her face and she goes, "Thank you!" and just hoovered up the coke and drank some champagne and ate her sausages.
Então, o Matt saiu e foi buscar um pouco de coca, um pouco de champanhe e algumas salsichas para ela e trouxe-as de volta e ele disse que ela tinha um grande sorriso no seu rosto. Depois ela diz : "Obrigado!" e só snifou a coca, bebeu um pouco de champanhe e comeu as salsichas.
No, he said he's going back up to Stonehaven.
Não, ele disse que ia voltar para Stonehaven.
And what would he do if you said no?
O que fazia ele se negasses?
He had asked me to marry him, and I said no.
Ele pediu-me em casamento, e, eu disse que não.
I said that whatever he wanted... he was gonna get... and that there was no man...
Disse-lhes que ele ia conseguir tudo aquilo que quisesse.
No, no. Joe, uh, has said he wants to come out and, you know, hang out with us. Excellent.
O Joe disse que quer vir ter connosco.
The kid came to my school and said... I should tell you that he'd batter the old man. And you're next.
Apareceu na minha escola e disse para te dizer que vai bater no velho e que tu és o próximo.
He said he'd do anything to protect me, no matter what the cost.
Ele faria tudo para me proteger, custe o que custasse.
You said that he would do anything it took to protect you, no matter what the cost.
Disse que ele faria tudo para a proteger, não importa o quanto custasse.
- Nothing, no... She said "criminal career". What did he do?
Ela disse "carreira criminosa", o que fez ele?
Marinella cut her finger in the centrifuge, Marinella cut her finger in the centrifuge, but when we got back from the hospital, the man from the TV was here, and he said we won.
A Marinella cortou um dedo no centrifugador, mas quando voltámos do hospital estava cá um senhor da televisão que disse que ganhámos.
The next day, he said he'd come and then cancelled again.
No dia seguinte, anunciou que pensara melhor e vinha, mas ontem à noite cancelou.
He never said no to her.
Ele nunca lhe disse que não.
He said he filed for separation yesterday.
Ele disse que ontem deu entrada no divórcio.
You said he bullied you in high school, right?
Disse que ele já o maltratava no liceu, certo?
She said, "He's the kind of boy that loses all the time. " And you know what those boys grow up to be, don't you?
Ela disse que eras o tipo de rapaz que estava sempre a perder, e nós sabemos no que é que esses rapazes se tornam...
Ray said he and Caitlin got stuck in traffic for hours because of an overturned big rig.
O Ray disse que ele e a Caitlin ficaram horas presos no trânsito por causa de um grande camião capotado.
But I tracked down the emergency call Simkins said he got a couple days ago at that deposition.
localizei a chamada de emergência há alguns dias no depoimento.
Said he was a decent guy, Pointed out that he had no priors.
Disse que era um senhor às direitas e salientou o facto de ele não ter antecedentes.
He said his time in juvie got him away from Jenna, and he was actually grateful to me.
Disse que o tempo que passou no reformatório o afastou da Jenna e ficou-me grato.
Ms. Branigan said he left his jacket at the restaurant, he should come get it.
A Sra. Branigan disse que ele devia ir buscar o casaco, que esqueceu no restaurante.
She said he'd paid his debts.
Ele pagou-lhe e deixaram-no fugir.
He wanted to know if you thought about what he said.
Ele queria saber se já pensáste no que ele disse.
He said, "No, we're not going anywhere."
Ele disse :
He said, "No, we're not police officers."
Ele disse : " Não, não somos polícias.
The state's attorney in Milwaukee said they don't have anything on Alstory Simon. He's not involved in the case up in Milwaukee.
O procurador de Milwaukee disse que não tinham nada contra o Simon, que ele não estava envolvido no caso de Milwaukee.
And he makes no mention of Kenneth Edwards who's the most important witness of all. Who actually said that he saw Porter shoot the victims.
Não menciona Kenneth Edwards, a testemunha mais importante, que afirmou ter visto Porter a disparar contra as vítimas.
He said there's something going down in Missouri.
Ele disse que anda algo a passar-se no Missouri.
Remember what Genny said, armemos no hassles until he returns.
E lembrem-se do que disse o Genny, nada de sarilhos até ele voltar.
We can no longer trust him to us. He said what he said just to buy time.
Não podemos confiar nele, ele quer apenas ganhar tempo.
He said the city was safe, there was no residual risk.
Disse que a cidade estava segura, que já não havia perigo.
He said if I cop to everything, I'll just get a couple of months in juvy.
Se eu assumir tudo, serão apenas 2 meses no reformatório.
I talked to Jacob again, and he said there was a man at the river and...
Falei com o Jacob outra vez, ele disse que havia um homem no rio e...
He said you left Ethan $ 5 million in your will.
Ele disse-me que deixaste 5 milhões de dólares ao Ethan, no testamento.
He said he felt like he had rats in his brain.
Ele disse que sentia "ratos" no cérebro.
No, I said what exactly did he do?
Não, eu perguntei o que ele te fez.
Lokman said he'd drop me at the bus terminal.
O Lokman disse que me deixava no terminal de autocarros.
Have you thought about what he said.
Pensaste no que ele disse?
He said to go to high school was not a big deal.
Disse que andar no secundário não era um grande problema.
I have no idea. Damon said he put her where she was always meant to be.
Não faço ideia, o Damon disse que a enterrou onde ela devia ter estado sempre.
- Tyler said he hid it in the piano.
O Tyler disse que o tinha escondido no piano.
He said Los Angelicos was moving into the butter game.
Ele disse que "Los Angelicos" estavam a querer entrar no negócio da "manteiga".
No, he said his dad didn't know.
Não, ele disse que o pai não sabia.
He said he'd rather go back to clearing mines in Afghanistan.
Ele disse que preferia voltar a limpar minas no Afeganistão.
He said : "Look it says here on on the refrigerator"
Ele disse : " Olha, diz aqui no frigorífico.
There was this mailing list for people who were working on RSS and XML more generally and there was a person on it named Aaron Swartz who was combatitive but very smart and who had lots of good ideas and he did never come to the face to face meetings and they said :
Havia uma mailing list para as pessoas que trabalhavam no RSS e no XML mais genericamente e havia lá alguém chamado Aaron Swartz, que era combativo, mas muito esperto... AUTOR, ATIVISTA E JORNALISTA AMIGO DO AARON... e que tinha muitas boas ideias. Ele nunca vinha às reuniões presenciais.
It was funny you know, he just sold a startup so we all kind of presumed he was the richest person around... but he.. ah.. he said " Oh, no.
Foi engraçado. Ele tinha vendido uma startup, por isso, todos achámos que ele era a pessoa mais rica daqui, mas ele disse :
So sometime in probably late July Aaron called me and I happen to pick up and he said :
Algures, provavelmente, no final de julho, o Aaron ligou-me e eu, por acaso, atendi e ele disse :
It's not? No, he said.
"Não é?"

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