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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ H ] / He wouldn't tell me

He wouldn't tell me traduction Portugais

267 traduction parallèle
I went down to ask her where he was, and she wouldn't tell me, so I shot her.
Fui perguntar-lhe onde é que ele estava, ela não me disse e alvejei-a.
I tried to tell the king, but he wouldn't listen.
Tentei falar com o rei, mas ele não quis me ouvir.
He wouldn't tell me.
Não me quis dizer.
He wouldn't tell me where Corinne was.
Ele não me diria onde Corinne está.
I tried to tell my father, but I was just a kid then. He wouldn't listen to me.
Quis dizer ao meu pai, mas era uma criança e não me deu atenção.
And he said to tell you that he wouldn't need any Indians to help him do the job.
E mandou-me dizer-lhe que não ia precisar de índios para ajudá-lo a fazer o trabalho.
I'd like to know why you had gall to tell Kenneth he wouldn't have to worry much longer about David and me.
Porque disseste ao Kenneth que não pensasse em mim e no David?
No, he wouldn't tell me where he was going.
Não, ele não me disse onde é que ia.
I don't know, he wouldn't tell me, that's one of the reasons I didn't believe him.
Recusou dizer-mo. E desconfiei.
You got me, the kid here's got something so important that he can't tell anybody but you, on account of, "I wouldn't believe him".
Está aqui... um menino que tem algo muito importante, que tem de falar com você. Pensa que eu não acredito nele.
He wouldn't tell me where they were but I know every hiding spot in this country.
Não me queria dizer onde estavam, mas eu conheço todos os esconderijos desta região.
But I can tell you this : If Beauregard could get his orders filled by regular channels without these ruinous delays, he wouldn't have sent me to bring his powder through.
Mas se Beuaregard pudesse receber que atendam as ordens por via normal... sem estes atrasos, não me teria mandado repor a pólvora.
I bet Ocean knew it, but he wouldn't tell me.
Aposto que o Ocean sabia, mas não me diria.
He wouldn't be able to tell me, sir.
Não poderia dizer-me, senhor.
Tell me, that joker in the backroom wouldn't be a guy about 5'10 " tall, 150 lbs, black hair, green eyes, a black mustache and carrying an attache case with the seal of a foreign government on its flap, would he?
... 68 kg, cabelos pretos, olhos verdes, bigode preto,..... de um país na aba?
He wouldn't tell me her name, a charming girl, but her father was impossible.
Sim. Não me revelou o nome da rapariga, mas acho que era linda. - O pai é que é um brutamontes.
Why wouldn't he tell me?
Por que não mo diria ele?
I said, "Man, you'd better tell me who you spent our last $ 5 on." He wouldn't tell me nothing.
Eu dizia : "Em que gastaste os últimos $ 5?", mas ele não dizia nada.
We did. He wouldn't tell me her name.
Já, mas ele nunca me disse o nome dela.
Well, I remember this night with my dad driving over there to the Shoebridge's all alone, and then getting in a big fight with Ma, because he'd come home at 4 : 00 a.m., and he wouldn't tell her what he was doing or something.
Lembro-me duma noite em que o meu pai foi sozinho a casa dos Shoebridge e discutiu com a minha mãe, porque só voltara às 4 da manhã, mas não lhe quis dizer o que estivera a fazer.
He wouldn't tell me.
Como é que ele se chama? - Jwala Singh.
He wouldn't tell me.
Ele não me dizia.
No wonder he wouldn't tell me the truth.
Não admira que não me dissesse a verdade.
Maybe you could just tell me where he lives. Then I could approach him myself, and you wouldn't be involved.
Talvez o senhor possa dizer-me onde ele mora... e procuro-o eu mesmo... e o senhor não se envolverá.
He wouldn't tell me who done it.
Não me quis dizer quem foi.
And he wouldn't tell me anything.
E que ele não me diria mais nada.
And then I just phoned him to ask him why and he wouldn't tell me.
Telefonei para perguntar o motivo, mas ele não mo disse.
He wouldn't tell me.
Não me disse.
Four weeks into the new semester, my superintendent told me I had to replace Mrs. Hagley, a kindergarten teacher of 25 years'experience, with an undercover police officer, and he wouldn't even tell me why.
Já dentro do semestre o meu supervisor disse-me que devia substituir Mrs. Hagley, uma professora com 25 anos de experiência, por um polícia disfarçado. Ele não disse porquê.
He wouldn't tell me.
Ele não me contava nada.
Dexter saw it, but he wouldn't tell me what happened.
O Dexter viu, mas não me quis dizer o que aconteceu.
- He wouldn't tell me.
- Não me quer dizer.
He wouldn't tell me her name Only that she is married and the truth of it would be her ruin
Acho que não é má ideia perguntar á Cecily Corde.
- Why wouldn't he tell me?
Que bicho lhe mordeu?
He wouldn't tell me where...
Não me disse para onde.
- He wouldn't tell me.
Disse que se alguma coisa lhe acontecesse
Me and my husband, Lloyd, was going to see Lloyd's brother Jimmy Dale Morgan and Mr. Beckwith was going to see some friend of his whose name he wouldn't tell us.
Eu e o meu marido Lloyd ia-mos ver o irmão do Lloyd Jimmy Dale Morgan e o Sr. Beckwith ia ver um amigo seu cujo nome não nos quis dizer.
He took the X-rays... and he made me swear that I wouldn't tell anybody that he had'em.
Ele tirou-me as radiografias e fez-me jurar que não diria a ninguém que ele as tinha.
Something special about it, but he wouldn't tell me.
Nunca me disse porquê.
- Why wouldn't he tell me?
- Porque é que ele não me disse?
Well let me tell you, if he was being that concerned about me... I wouldn't be helping you into bed right now
Bem, deixa-me dizer-te, se ele estivesse assim tão preocupado comigo, não estaria a ajudar-te a pôr-te na cama agora.
I tortured him until he was half-dead... but the fool wouldn't tell me anything.
Torturei-o até estar meio-morto... mas o idiota não me dizia nada. Então porque voltaste?
He wouldn't tell me his phone number, where he worked.
Não me dá o telefone, não me diz onde trabalha...
That morning after he saw you, Andy told me to tell you that if anything were to happen to him that it wouldn't be your fault.
Naquela manhã, depois de te ver, o Andy disse-me para te dizer que, se lhe acontecesse alguma coisa a culpa não seria tua.
Why wouldn't he tell me, unless he's screwing her?
Por que não me contaria, a menos que andasse a dormir com ela?
If he was going to leave town, he wouldn't tell me about it.
Se ele ia deixar a cidade, não me iria dizer isso a mim.
He wouldn't tell me.
Ele não me disse.
If we were doing Shakespeare, a teacher would give me a hard time, and he wouldn't tell me what I wanted to know. I'd ask outright questions, and you're not supposed to do that.
Se representávamos Shakespeare e o professor não me dizia o que eu queria saber, eu fazia logo perguntas, e isso não se deve fazer.
You know, I threatened to leave the faith if he wouldn't tell me where Gina was, but he just questioned my commitment to the Church.
Por ter deixado o culto, ele não me diz onde é que ela está, só questionava o meu comprometimento com a igreja.
If Crais had killed Crichton, he wouldn't tell me.
Se Crais tivesse matado Crichton, ele não teria me contado.
Well, why don't you tell the governor yourself? Oh, he wouldn't listen to me.
Porque não fala você com o governador?

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