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I heard shots traduction Portugais

184 traduction parallèle
- I heard shots.
Ouvi tiros... e corri.
I heard shots.
Ouvi tiros.
I heard shots of lunatic men.
Ouvi tiros de homens lunáticos.
This one here, and I heard shots from over there.
Está um aqui e ouvi tiros dali.
I heard shots! Stay back, everybody stay back, right now.
Para trás, todos para trás!
I heard shots from over there.
Ouvi tiros dali!
- I heard shots from over there.
Os tiros vieram dali.
I think I heard shots.
Creio que ouvi disparos.
Then I heard shots.
Depois ouvi tiros.
I heard shots fired.
Ouvi o som dos tiros.
I heard shots.
Eu ouvi tiros.
I heard shots but I thought they were firecrackers.
Ouvi tiros, mas pensei que fossem foguetes.
All right, look. I heard shots, man.
Está bem, ouvi tiros.
I think he was killed before we heard the shots.
Acho que foi morto antes de ouvirmos os tiros.
As I understand it, you people, you were all downstairs when you heard the shots and you ran upstairs to the library.
Se bem percebo, vocês estavam todos na parte de baixo quando ouviram os tiros e correram para cima para a biblioteca.
I think he was killed before we heard the shots.
Penso que ele foi morto antes de ouvirmos os tiros.
I heard the shots and saw him run out and enter the Packard and away.
Ouvi os tiros e vi-o correr para o Packard e arrancar.
I heard two shots!
Ouvi dois tiros!
I heard the shots, Wes.
Eu escutei os tiros, Wes.
I came back when I heard the shots.
Voltei quando ouvi os tiros.
I heard shots!
São disparos!
- I was just out riding... on my way to Medusa Mine and I heard the shots.
- la a caminho... da mina Medusa, quando ouvi os tiros. Não fazia ideia que era o senhor.
- You were in your room, writing... - Yes, I was in my room, writing, and I heard two shots.
- Sim, estava no meu quarto, escrevendo, e ouvi dois tiros.
- I heard three shots.
- Eu ouvi três. - Eu também.
- I heard four shots.
- Ouvi 4 tiros.
I thought I heard some shots.
Achei que tinha ouvido tiros.
I stopped at the gate when I heard the shots.
Parei ao portão quando ouvi os tiros.
I said I thought I heard a car after the shots.
Eu disse que acreditei escutar um carro depois dos disparos.
We heard shots, but I don't see bullet holes.
Ouvimos tiros, mas näo vejo buracos de bala.
I got scared when I heard the shots.
- Tive medo. O som dos fuzis me assustou.
When I heard those shots, for a second I thought you guys had had it.
Quando ouvi os tiros, pensei que estivessem feitos.
Ouvi os tiros com a minha corneta acústica.
I don't think he could've heard the shots or he would've called for help.
Não creio que tenha ouvidos os tiros, senão, teria pedido reforços.
You mean? I mean, they thought they saw a gun. They heard shots.
Mais tarde viram a arma no chão, mas não podem ter visto a arma no momento em que entrou na sala.
I mean, somebody must have heard the shots.
Alguém deve ter ouvido os tiros.
I told you, Dane, we heard two shots.
Eu disse-te, Dane, ouvimos dois tiros.
I heard some shots.
Ouvi uns disparos.
- Yes, I heard the shots.
- Sim, ouvi os tiros.
I heard two shots.
Ouvi dois tiros.
I don't know if he heard the shots.
Näo sei se ele ouviu os tiros ou näo.
" No, I couldn't have heard the shots.
" Näo, näo podia ter ouvido os tiros.
When I got back home, I heard two shots from upstairs, one after the other...
Quando voltei a minha casa, Comissário ouvi logo dois tiros, no andar de cima.
" Then I heard a series of shots.
" Então ouvi uma série de disparos.
First, she said she saw both shots, but I just asked her and she said she heard the first shot and then came running out here.
Ela fez um acréscimo à história. Primeiro disse que viu os dois tiros, mas quando perguntei... disse que ouviu o primeiro e daí correu cá para fora.
Maybe I, uh, maybe I didn't see him. Maybe I heard the shots.
Se calhar eu... se calhar não o vi. Se calhar ouvi os tiros.
You know, when I heard the shots, I guess I kind of panicked.
Quando ouvi os disparos, entrei em pânico.
Look, Lieutenant, I got out of the car, I heard some shots, went around the corner into the alley, Sonny was layin'dead.
Tenente, eu saí do carro e ouvi tiros, contornei a esquina e o Sonny estava morto.
And then I heard... these two shots... bang, bang.
Depois ouvi dois tiros... bang, bang.
I heard the shots the shots that killed Favian.
Ouvi os tiros os tiros que mataram o Favian.
I wouldn't have much to say. I only saw the floor... and I heard some shots and I dialed 911, like you said.
Mas não vi nada... só ouvi os tiros, e liguei para apolícia, como me pediu.
I heard the shots.
Ouvi tiros.

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