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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ I ] / I should have called

I should have called traduction Portugais

368 traduction parallèle
I imagine I should have called you madam.
Imagino que deveria chamá-la de madame.
Oh, I should have called him yesterday.
Devia ter telefonado ontem.
I guess maybe I should have called you earlier.
Acho que deveria ter telefonado mais cedo.
Maybe I should have called.
Se calhar era melhor que eu tivesse telefonado.
That's when I should have called Mr. Fleeson to have you ejected from the premises.
Isto já devia ser suficiente para ter chamado o Mr. Fleeson... para a convidar a sair.
I should have called you...
Eu deveria chamar, e então...
I should have called myself.
Devia ter-te ligado.
I should have called.
Devia ter telefonado.
I know I should have called, it just completely slipped my mind.
Sei que devia ter telefonado, mas passou-me.
I should have called.
Eu deveria ter ligado.
- I should have called.
- Devia ter telefonado.
Look, I know I should have called first but I just needed to see you.
Olha, eu sei que deveria ter chamado primeiro mas eu só preciso de o ver.
I should have called a lawyer.
Devia ter ligado a um advogado.
I should have called first.
Devia tertelefonado antes.
- I know, I should have called.
- Eu sei, devia ter ligado.
I should have called.
Deveria ter telefonado.
I should have called the police that night, but I was weak.
Naquela noite devia ter chamado a Polícia, mas fui fraco.
Yeah, maybe I should have called.
Sim, talvez devesse ter telefonado.
I should have called.
Devia ter-lhe ligado.
- I should have called...
- Devia ter ligado...
I should have called after the accident.
Eu devia ter ligado depois do acidente.
I should have called the ambulance sooner.
Deveria ter chamado a ambulância mais cedo.
Max, I should have called you sooner, but...
Max, devia ter-lhe ligado, mas...
I should have called you.
Certo, devia tê-la contactado.
Piss off! Sorry, I know I should have called you.
Desculpa, sei que devia ter ligado.
I should have called.
Devia ter ligado.
I should have called you first to apologize for my husband's unfortunate outburst. You know what?
Devia ter ligado e pedido desculpa pela cena infeliz do meu marido.
I know I should have called first.
- Sei que devia ter avisado antes.
How strange that I should be called a destitute woman when I have all these treasures locked in my heart.
É estranho me considerarem uma mulher carente quando tenho todos esses tesouros trancados no coração.
I know we should have called.
Sei que ele devia ligar.
Strange that I should be called a destitute woman when I have all these riches locked in my heart.
Elas não são tomadas, mas crescem com os anos. É estranho que me chamem de mulher sem recursos... quando tenho todas estas riquezas... guardadas no meu coração.
I should not have called.
Eu não devia ter telefonado.
I should have never called on you guys.
Não os devia ter chamado.
You should have called. I would have come and tucked you in.
É uma pena não poder colocá-lo na cama, a dormir.
I should have just called the police right away.
Devia ter chamado logo a Polícia.
You should have called. I was worried.
Devias ter ligado, eu estava muito preocupada!
I'm very worried about him. You should have called me earlier.
Estou muito preocupada!
You know, you should have called me'cause I would have come over.
Deveria ter-me chamado, eu teria ajudado.
I shouldn't have called you at home. - should I call you at the office?
Quer que lhe fale para o escritório amanhã?
I should not have called.
Nunca o devia ter chamado.
I guess you should have called.
Devias ter telefonado.
If I'd known as much this morning, I should never have called on him.
Se soubesse disso, esta manhã, não teria ido visitá-lo.
I have been 42 year at the bar and were I called to defend these people, I promise you, I should be confounded.
Exerço advocacia há 42 anos e, caso fosse chamado para defender esta gente, garanto-lhe que seria justo.
I don't have it, you should've called first.
Não tenho, devias ter ligado antes.
I would have gone with you. You should have called me.
Se me tivesses dito, ia contigo.
I should never have called you guys in the first place!
Eu nem sequer lhes liguei!
I should never have called you.
Nunca devia ter-te ligado.
- You should have called Psych. - I did. They never showed up.
- Devias ter chamado a Psiquiatria.
Should have called in sick Shit, I had somethin'to do!
Devia ter metido baixa Tinha coisas para fazer
Aaron, I called you because we have new information you should know about.
Aaron, temos informações novas que te interessa saber.
You know, you should have called first. I would've cleaned up a little bit.
Devia ter ligado, que eu teria feito umas arrumações.

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