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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ I ] / I told you that

I told you that traduction Portugais

10,027 traduction parallèle
Yeah I told you that.
Pois, eu bem disse.
Hey, look, if you tell Leo that I told you that Donnie told him... We'll never finish our hip-hop Christmas album!
Se contares ao Leo que te contei que o Doni lhe contou... nunca acabaremos o nosso álbum de Natal de hip hop!
I told you that dress would bring us grief.
Eu disse-te que esse vestido nos traria problemas.
I told you that I had seen that girl alive on the street..
Eu disse-lhe que tinha visto aquela rapariga viva na rua.
What if I told you that you could go back, but it wouldn't change the future?
E se vos dissesse que podem recuar no tempo, mas que isso não altera o futuro?
Yes, I told you that, and they're coming at noon.
Sim! Eu disse-te. E eles chegam ao meio dia.
I told you that I was gonna pay you in credit.
Eu disse-lhe que ia pagar a crédito.
Well, you might recall I told you that magic comes with a price?
Bem, recordas-te de eu ter dito que a magia tinha um preço?
What if I told you that you were wrong?
E se eu te dissesse que estás errada?
Well, you might recall I told you that magic comes with a price?
Deves lembrar-te que disse que a magia vem com um preço.
I told you that... magic comes with a price.
Disse-te que a magia vem com um preço.
I told you that we both had to play ball.
- Disse-te que tínhamos de alinhar...
Yes, I told you that.
Sim, já te tinha dito.
That's it? I told you.
Só isto?
I told you, women shouldn't drink that.
Eu disse-te que as mulheres não a deviam beber.
I told you now, that's a very powerful kind of a substance there to be fooling around with.
Já te tinha avisado, é uma substância demasiado potente para se brincar.
I was told that soon enough Krennic would have you as well.
Disseram-me que, em breve, o Krennic também te iria levar.
Um, one of Emily's friend's asshole father told Emily that when you get over 50, you got to work out every day, so she thinks if I don't exercise, I die.
Um, um pai imbecil de um amigo de Emily disse a Emily que quando começa depois dos 50, tem que trabalhar todos os dias, então ela pensa que se não exercitar, morro.
All I told him was that if you want me to do that, then don't eat the asparagus.
Tudo o que lhe disse foi : "Se queres que faça isso, não comas os espargos".
I'm sorry about that, I told my kids not to play with this stuff until I spoke with you.
Desculpe, eu disse aos meus filhos para não brincarem... com estas cenas até eu falar consigo.
Now that I've told you all about me let's get better acquainted.
Agora que falei de mim, vamos conhecer-nos melhor.
When I told them that you quit, the team disbanded.
Quando disse que desististe, a equipa desistiu toda.
We always have to do what you want and our lives are revolving around this in vitro shit, when told you straight out - that I don't need kids.
E que a nossa vida agora seja a merda do in vitro, quando te disse várias vezes que não preciso de filhos.
I told you you have to treat a guy like that very, very gently.
Eu disse-te para seres muito, muito gentil com aquele tipo.
- It's that woman I told you about.
- É aquela mulher de que te falei.
I knew that whatever had happened, you did not choose to leave me, that something had taken you from me, and everything that you have told me tonight confirms at least that.
Sabia que, o que quer que tivesse acontecido, não escolheste deixar-me, algo te tinha levado junto de mim, e tudo o que me disseste, esta noite, confirma isso, pelo menos.
When you told me that you were a MacKenzie... oh, I looked up your family history.
Quando me disse que era um MacKenzie... Eu pesquisei a história da sua família.
When we first met, you told me that I was the Patron Saint of Lost Causes.
Quando nos conhecemos, você disse-me que eu era o, Santo Padroeiro das Causas Perdidas.
I never told you that.
Eu nunca te disse isso.
You know, when I told you about my little brother that was terrorized in Milford High School- -
Sabes quando te falei no meu irmãozinho aterrorizado na Secundária de Milford?
I already told you, that shit ain't up for discussion.
Já te disse, essa merda está fora de discussão.
And if I told you it's an allergic reaction to cologne that's hastening the spread?
E se lhe disser que é uma reação alérgica à água-de-colónia?
You can't have it now. If you'd have called, I could have told you that.
Não pode levá-lo, devia ter ligado.
But the suit won't get filed until the criminal trial and however many months that'll take, which I could have told you over the phone if you'd have called first.
Mas só após o julgamento, leve os meses que levar. Podia ter dito isto ao telefone.
I can think of at least three lies she must have told you to bring that about.
Consigo pensar pelo menos em três mentiras que ela vos pode ter dito, para virem até aqui.
Second, she told you my name was Drummond, but when I plied that trade, I was called Teach.
Segundo, ela disse-vos que o meu nome era Drummond, mas quando estava naqueles negócios, era tratado por Teach.
- I told you I only found that out... - You must know something.
Eu disse-te que só fiquei a saber...
You know, when I was... when I was 16 years old, my father told me that if I didn't give up music and marry a dull banker, he'd cut me off.
Sabes, quando eu tinha 16 anos, o meu pai disse-me que, se eu não desistisse da música e me casasse com um estúpido banqueiro, ele deserdaria-me.
Someone told me if you have it at home, they give you gas through the cooker, and I think that's dangerous.
Tentamos dar-vos o máximo de informação possível.
I wish you would've told me that, what, 800 miles and 28 hours ago?
Gostava que me tivesses dito isso há 1300 km e 28 horas.
Look, I told you, we need to get Tommy's attention, and the best way to do that is with that news crew right there.
Olha, disse-te que precisamos de atrair a atenção do Tommy, e a melhor maneira de o fazer é com aquele pessoal dos noticiários ali.
You know, there's something I never told you about that day.
Sabes, há uma coisa que nunca te contei sobre aquele dia.
What if I told you that you can't hurt the newcomers?
E se te dissesse que não podes magoar os recém-chegados?
I just told you guys that so you would leave that place.
Eu disse que tinha encontrado para sairmos daquele sítio.
- What if I told you there was a way all of your owner-operators can save literally hundreds of dollars a year in electrical costs? And reduce the time that it takes to make a milkshake, by half.
E se lhe dissesse que havia uma forma de todos os seus franquiados pouparem centenas de dólares em electricidade todos os anos e ainda reduzir para metade o tempo de fazer um batido?
Has anyone told you that I've used the word?
Alguém lhe disse que usei essa palavra?
If you had asked for my advice earlier, I would have told you not to attack Winterfell until we had a larger force, or is that obvious, too?
Se já tivesses pedido o meu conselho, ter-te-ia dito para não atacar Winterfell até termos uma força maior.
Uh, look... I told you I'd get you home safely, but that was it.
Olha... eu disse que trazia-te para casa em segurança, mas era só isso.
So when you told me that I could protect her, that was a lie too?
Quando me disse que podia protegê-la, era uma mentira?
That's Sana'a, the girl I told you about.
É a Sanáa, a moça de que te falei.
When I came thirteen years ago, Marian told me not to wait, And that you were spending the night with Ava.
Quando cheguei há 13 anos, a Marian disse para não te esperar, porque passavas a noite com a Ava.

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