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It wouldn't have happened traduction Portugais

101 traduction parallèle
It's the first time he ever did, and if it wasn't for your husband's bad influence this wouldn't have happened.
Se não fosse a má influencia do teu marido, isso nunca teria acontecido.
I'm sorry, Tarzan, I didn't know this or it wouldn't have happened. We'd be ready to start now if O'Doul hadn't suddenly been taken ill.
Estaríamos prontos para partir se o O'Doul não tivesse ficado doente.
But maybe it wouldn't have happened if you'd done your job like you said.
- Sim. Possivelmente não teria ocorrido se tivesse feito seu trabalho como disse.
If you'd gone, it wouldn't have happened.
Se tivesses ido à porta, isto não teria acontecido.
Maybe if I hadn't started to cross the road, it wouldn't have happened.
Talvez se eu não tivesse começado a atravessar a estrada, não tivesse acontecido.
If you'd been more careful, it wouldn't have happened.
Se fosses mais ágil, não acontecia. - De que nos vale?
It wouldn't have happened if he hadn't been careless.
Se ele não tivesse sido tão descuidado...
It's just one of those things that wouldn't have happened if the world was in its right senses.
É uma dessas coisas que... não teriam acontecido, se o mundo não tivesse perdido a razão.
If you'd have seen my side of this, it wouldn't have happened.
Se visse pelo meu lado, isto não teria acontecido.
But it wouldn't have happened except for him.
Mas aquilo só devia acontecer com ele.
"It wouldn't have happened if she hadn't been a drinker."
"Isso não teria sucedido se ele não fosse bêbeda."
If Tanner hadn't made that mistake, it wouldn't have happened.
Se Tanner não se engana-se isto nunca teria aconteceido.
And I thank you for not pointing out that it wouldn't have happened, if I had remembered to soak the wheel and swell the wood.
Agradeço-lhe acima de tudo, por não dizer que a culpa é minha. Sei que têm de se molhar para a madeira inchar.
If you'd invited me into the neighbourhood before, it wouldn't have happened.
E se me tivessem convidado á vizinhança antes... isto não teria acontecido. Vejamos. Vou pensar um pouco.
It wouldn't have happened if it weren't for you.
E não teria acontecido se não fosses tu.
It wouldn't have happened if I was here.
Não acontecia se eu cá estivesse.
If I hadn't opened, it wouldn't have happened.
Se eu não tivesse aberto a porta, nada disto tinha acontecido.
In a way, if it wasn't for me, this whole mess probably wouldn't have happened.
Se não fosse eu, nada disto teria acontecido.
Do you ever consider, just maybe, if you felt more upset, it wouldn't have happened?
Nunca te passou pela cabeça que isto poderia não ter acontecido se tu ligasses mais?
If you hadn't come, it wouldn't have happened! I was the one who was invited, you -
Se não tivesses vindo, nada disto teria acontecido.
If you were paying attention, it wouldn't have happened.
Se tivesses estado com atenção, não tinha acontecido.
Yes, but it wouldn't have happened in our back yard.
Sim, mas não teria acontecido no nosso quintal.
If it was gonna happen, wouldn't it have happened already?
Se fosse possível algo com a Rachel não deveria já ter acontecido?
It wouldn't have happened if you'd brought him back.
Nunca teria acontecido se tu o levasses de volta, como te disse.
Wouldn't have happened with you, though, would it?
Não teria acontecido consigo, pois não?
If what you're saying is true... I wouldn't remember it because it wouldn't have happened yet.
Se o que está a dizer é verdade... eu não me lembraria porque não aconteceu ainda.
It just wouldn't have happened. What?
O quê?
This could only happen to me! If you'd picked me up, it wouldn't have happened.
Mas aquela merda só aconteceu por não me teres ido buscar.
If you hadn't neglected me, it wouldn't have happened.
Se não me tens largado já nada disto acontecia.
It wouldn't have happened if Miss Isabel hadn't been playing with my head.
Não teria acontecido, se a menina Isabel não estivesse a atrapalhar-me.
If you hadn't dismissed Lorkin, it wouldn't have happened.
Se não tivesse despedido o Sr. Lorkin, isto talvez não tivesse acontecido.
It wouldn't have happened if I'd been watching him.
Não tinha acontecido se eu tivesse tomado conta dele.
- It wouldn't have happened, if not for me.
- Não teria acontecido, se não fosse eu.
Well, maybe if you paid more attention to that gorgeous creature... than your little modeling gig, it wouldn't have happened.
Bem, se prestasses mais atenção àquela linda criatura... do que àquele pequeno trabalho de modelo, isso não teria acontecido.
If he hadn't shown the girl how to crush a windpipe, it wouldn't have happened.
Se nao mostrasse à rapariga como esmagar a traqueia, nada disto teria acontecido.
Even if it does, you won't remember it tomorrow... because it wouldn't have happened yet.
E mesmo que aconteça, amanhã não te vais lembrar, porque ainda não terá acontecido.
This wouldn't have happened if it weren't for you.
Nada disto teria acontecido se não fosses tu.
I wish it wouldn't have happened that way,
Eu desejava que não tivesse acontecido dessa maneira.
- Otherwise, it wouldn't have happened. - Right.
Now if and it, it happened... that they forgive him... so he didn't have to do to hisself what he wouldn't let be done to him... well then, I guard, that man might think... setting forth afterwards... with whatever fucking loudmouth went along with him...
Agora, se acontecer... que eles o perdoem, de forma que não necessite de fazer a si o que não quer que lhe façam, bem, julgo que pensaria, ao ir-se embora depois, com qualquer desbocado que fosse com ele,
It wouldn't have happened.
Ou não teria acontecido.
Yeah, then maybe it wouldn't have happened.
Talvez não tivesse acontecido.
It wouldn't have happened if you'd done what I told you to.
Nunca teria acontecido se tivesses feito o que eu te disse para fazer.
Shorty... that wouldn't have happened to be at Hatlantic, would it?
Isso não era pra ter acontecido no Hatlantic, não é?
Is it by chance that the Magistrate Viola says : If you hadn't protected Sindona, the Ambrosoli crime wouldn't have happened?
É por acaso que, como o Juiz Viola disse... se não tivesse protegido Sindona, o assassinato de Ambrosoli não teria acontecido?
If you'd have jumped in, it wouldn't have happened, would it?
Se tivesses aparecido, isto não teria acontecido, pois não?
Doesn't it happen to every guy at some point? And it wouldn't have happened at all
Não acontece a todos os gajos, a dada altura?
If I'd worked with you, maybe it wouldn't have happened and so it's my fault too.
se eu tivesse lhe ouvido no inicio, teria colaborado, e talvez nao tivesse acontecido! e portanto, e tambem culpa minha!
It wouldn't have happened if you hadn't been messing around with the goddamn things in the first place.
Não teria acontecido se tu não te metesses com as coisas, em primeiro lugar.
But if it wasn't for what happened to them, we wouldn't have Eyeborgs to scrape out scum like you.
Mas se não fosse pelo o que aconteceu a eles, não teríamos Eyeborgs para eliminar a escória como tu.
If I could go back... It sure as hell wouldn't have happened.
Se pudesse voltar atrás, não teria acontecido.

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