Lost something traduction Portugais
709 traduction parallèle
I lost something.
Perdi algo.
I lost something to which I was quite attached.
Perdi algo ao qual era muito ligado.
We lost it, but you lost something too.
Perdemos. Mas vocês perderam algo também.
They always look like they just lost something.
- Logo vi. Parece sempre que perderam alguma coisa.
Say, you think you lost something?
Acha que perdeu uma coisa?
- Have you lost something?
- Perdeu alguma coisa?
Lost something?
Perdeu alguma coisa?
Have you lost something?
Perdesteis alguma coisa?
There isn't anyone here who hasn't lost something since Tate Kimbrough came to town.
Não há ninguém aqui que não haja perdido algo desde que Tate Kimbrough chegou à cidade.
I thought I lost something.
Pensei que tinha perdido uma coisa.
Have you lost something, dear?
- Perdeste alguma coisa, querida?
Because I had lost something.
Porque tinha perdido uma coisa.
- You seem to have lost something.
Parece que perdeste alguma coisa.
- Have you lost something?
- Perdeu algo?
Lost something, mister?
Perdeu alguma coisa, Sr?
Sister, we lost something.
Tenho a impressão que perdemos qualquer coisa, irmã.
- You've lost something.
- Perdeu uma coisa.
No, he's lost something. And Gervaise running through to this final obstacle.
E o Gervaise corre para o último obstáculo.
I found something. I lost something.
Encontrei algo. Perdi algo.
Lost something, Fedya?
Que perdeste, Fédia?
The fact is that one of our guests has lost something.
O fato é que um de nossos hóspedes perdeu uma coisa.
Sailor looks like he's lost something.
Parece que o marinheiro perdeu algo.
I said I'd lost something, I don't suppose you've found it?
Eu disse que tinha perdido algo, suponho que não o encontrou?
Have you lost something?
Perdestes alguma coisa?
We've all heard people talk about animal magnetism... the natural man... the noble savage... as if we'd lost something valuable... in our long evolution into civilized human beings.
Todos nós temos ouvido falar... sobre o magnetismo animal, o homem natural, o nobre selvagem... como se houvéssemos perdido algo valioso... em nossa longa evolução rumo a seres humanos civilizados.
You lost your whistle or something?
Esqueceu-se do apito?
I tell you, something wonderful went out of my life when I lost her.
Garanto-lhes que algo maravilhoso saiu da minha vida quando a perdi.
You know, Mr. Thompson, I was thinking this Rosebud you're trying to find out about... Yes? Maybe that was something he lost.
Sabe, Sr. Thompson, estive pensando... essa Rosebud que você tenta descobrir... pode ter sido algo que ele perdeu.
Maybe Rosebud was something he couldn't get or something he lost.
Talvez Rosebud fosse algo que não conseguiu, ou perdeu.
Actually, I got started on something and lost track of time.
Na verdade, dediquei-me a uma coisa e perdi a noção do tempo.
Old Charlie Summerton ain't the only one that lost his self-respect, but I aim to do something about getting mine back.
O velho Charlie Summerton não é o único que perdeu o respeito, mas vou fazer algo para recuperar o meu.
Just before you come, my husband and I was wondering what would you do if you found something that was lost.
Pouco antes de você chegar, eu e o meu marido estávamos a falar do que fazer caso encontrássemos algo que tivesse sido perdido.
The last two days, you've lost everything you've ever lived for, and I've found something I wanted all my life.
Nos últimos dois dias perdeste tudo pelo qual lutaste toda a vida,... e eu encontrei algo que sempre quis em toda a minha vida.
Young girl in her condition would try to stick close to her tribe- - unless of course they- - she gets lost and they just run off and leave her or something.
Uma jovem no seu estado tentaria ficar perto da sua tribo, a menos, claro, que ela se perca e eles fujam e a deixem ou isso.
My lord, I was born about 3 : 00 in the afternoon with a white head and something a round belly. My voice, I've lost it with hallowing and singing of anthems.
Nasci às 3 da tarde, com a cabeça branca e o ventre redondo,... a voz perdi por gritar e cantar antífonas.
Something he had seen or heard unhinged his mind. He lost his memory completely.
Alguma coisa que viu ou ouviu o fez perder completamente a memória.
Señor Miller returned something I seem to have lost.
Señor Miller veio devolver algo que aparentemente perdi.
But nobody must realize that the artist is a poor, trembling idiot, second-rate living by chance and risk, in disgrace like a child his life reduced to absurd melancholy degraded by the feeling of something lost for ever
Mas ninguém deve perceber. O autor é um pobre idiota... um medíocre... vive no acaso e no risco... desonrado como uma criança. Reduziu a sua vida à melancolia e ao ridículo... de um ser que sobrevive degradado, sob a impressão... de ter perdido alguma coisa para sempre.
Lost something?
Perdeste alguma coisa?
Something is lost? My little medal of St Christopher, to bring me luck and deliver deliver me from evil.
Perdi a medalha de S. Cristóvão de boa sorte que me livra do mal.
Something like that, they lost contact.
Foi qualquer coisa assim. Perderam o contacto.
I was just looking for something I lost.
- Só procurava algo que perdi.
- Perhaps it is something that I have lost.
Talvez seja algo que perdi.
I always said Spencer Black lost his leg because there was something headed for the track.
Sempre disse que o Spencer Black perdeu a perna porque entrou qualquer coisa na pista.
He must have gotten lost, been part of a convoy or something.
Deve ter-se perdido do comboio ou coisa do género.
There's always something : Last time the pilot who was supposed to take us to Bermuda lost his way and we were heading towards Cuba.
Sabes, Inga, há coisas boas em sitios como este são sujos mas adoráveis.
It was odd wanting to give something one had lost oneself.
Foi estranho, querer dar algo que eu própria perdi.
I just lost my papers or something.
Só perdi os meus papéis.
If something is lost, it needn't be all lost, need it?
Se algo está perdido, não precisa estar tudo perdido, ou precisa?
Oh, so that's it. You lost some family. That make you something special, does it?
Perdeste a família e por isso julgas-te diferente?
Are you lost or something?
Perdeste-te ou quê?
something went wrong 81
something 1990
something came up 177
something happened 421
something like that 1529
something's happening 161
something on your mind 83
something's not right 271
something bad happens 16
something special 67
something 1990
something came up 177
something happened 421
something like that 1529
something's happening 161
something on your mind 83
something's not right 271
something bad happens 16
something special 67
something is wrong 141
something's wrong here 34
something's wrong 881
something's bothering you 28
something wrong 855
something's coming 64
something bad 90
something else 372
something like this 93
something to eat 69
something's wrong here 34
something's wrong 881
something's bothering you 28
something wrong 855
something's coming 64
something bad 90
something else 372
something like this 93
something to eat 69