Many people traduction Portugais
7,826 traduction parallèle
How many people attacked you?
- Quantas pessoas te atacaram? - Está tudo bem.
You guys collect as many people as you can and get them the hell out of here.
Ouçam, reúnam as pessoas que puderem e saiam daqui!
How many people are desperate for the truth?
Quantas pessoas desesperam pela verdade?
How lovely to walk in and find I know so many people.
Que maravilha entrar e descobrir que conheço tanta gente...
Not too many people can hack a guided missile.
Não há muitas pessoas capazes de hackear um míssil teleguiado.
How many people have you saved with this?
Quantas pessoas salvou com isto?
Not many people worked for them for any length of time..... without having to do some pretty horrible stuff themselves so...
Ninguém trabalhava pra eles por um certo tempo..... sem ter que fazer coisas terríveis pessoalmente então...
- I don't trust many people.
- Não confio em muita gente.
There are just so many people in this room who made this day possible.
Está aqui tanta gente que tornou este dia possível.
With how many people aboard?
Com quantas pessoas a bordo?
How many people in this bitch pop pills?
Quantas são as pessoas que me ouvem que tomam comprimidos?
I mean, how many people are running around on this planet hyped up on pain pills'cause their doctor told them they can be?
Quantas pessoas andam, neste planeta, hiperativas por causa da medicação para a dor porque o médico lhes receitou.
How many people here have actually held a sword in battle?
Quantos de vós empunharam efetivamente uma espada numa batalha?
Have you any idea how many people I've employed over the last 20 years?
Tem alguma ideia de quantas pessoas empreguei nos últimos 20 anos?
So many people got up. I didn't want the meeting to run late.
Falaram tantos, não quis atrasar a reunião.
Do you have any idea how many people I had to compel to make that happen?
Fazes ideia de quanta gente tive de compelir para fazer com que isso acontecesse?
How many people have you killed?
Quantas pessoas já mataste?
Come on, how many people have to get killed before you start having fun?
Quantas pessoas terão de morrer até começar a divertir-se?
Not many people do.
Não há muitas pessoas que sabem.
Turns out not many people want to probably get shot for $ 24,000 a year.
Parece que não há muita gente que queira provavelmente levar um tiro por $ 24,000 ao ano.
- How many people have you killed?
- Quantas pessoas mataste?
Look, your father was killed because he asked too many people too many questions.
O teu pai foi morto porque fez muitas perguntas a muitas pessoas.
A great many people, m'lady.
Muita boa gente, Milady.
Not many people would say that.
Poucas pessoas diriam isso.
My mother fooled many people with her treachery, but the biggest fool of all was you.
A minha mãe enganou muitos com a sua traição, mas o maior tolo fostes vós.
How many people have you killed?
Quantas pessoas matou?
How many people died because you did what you had to do?
Quantas pessoas morreram porque fez o que tinha de fazer?
I've killed too many people.
Eu matei muitas pessoas.
How many people want to kill you?
Quantas pessoas querem matar-te?
I am many things to many people.
Sou muitas coisas para muitas pessoas.
'I mean, how many people has she put behind bars?
Quer dizer, quantas pessoas pôs ela atrás das grades?
But that night, so many people were mad at Alison.
Mas, naquela noite, havia tanta gente zangada com a Alison.
With this many people around, I can't promise anything.
Com tanta gente, não posso prometer nada.
Helped many, many people escape to the West.
- Ajudou muitas, muitas... Pessoas a escapar para o ocidente.
I mean, so many people don't know the difference between an anhinga and a snake bird and a swamp hawk.
Muitos não distinguem uma anhinga de um carará e um pato do pântano.
And I think it probably was because so many people identified with it in the first place.
O especial dos super-títulos de guerra é o dueto do século.
So many people have left.
Tanta gente já foi embora.
There's not too many people I can say that about, but you?
Não há muitas pessoas a quem possa dizer isto, mas você?
Oh, we're gonna ruin so many people's evenings!
Vamos arruinar o serão de tantas pessoas!
But if I would have known how many people would have been killed by taking that...
Mas se soubesse quantas pessoas iriam morrer por causa disto...
Look, I have many skills, but I can't manipulate what people have heard... Yet.
- Tenho muitos talentos, mas não posso manipular o que as pessoas ouviram.
The reason my father is able to operate with impunity is that so many of the people whose authority he undermines have no idea he exists.
O meu pai só é capaz de agir com impunidade, porque muitas das pessoas cuja autoridade ele enfraquece não fazem ideia que ele existe.
after so many lies to so many different people...
Depois de tantas mentiras, a tantas pessoas diferentes?
There's too many people and not enough tents.
Há demasiadas pessoas e poucas tendas.
Yeah, there are many of those where people live.
Sim, há muitas dessas onde as pessoas moram.
How many innocent people are going to die until you prove that you are not a coward...
Quantas pessoas inocentes irão morrer, até provares que não és uma covarde?
No. Mallory was founded by people of many religious beliefs.
Mallory foi fundada por pessoas de muitas crenças religiosas.
How many of the same people serve on the same board, and...
Quantas são as mesmas pessoas que trabalham no mesmo quadro, e...
Look, I can find the people who killed my son, and prevent the death of God knows how many others.
Olhe, posso encontrar as pessoas que mataram o meu filho, e evitar a morte de Deus sabe quantos mais.
When I made the decision to prosecute war criminals, they said, and many of those people were my friends, they said
Quando eu tomei a decisão de processar criminosos de guerra, disseram, e muitas dessas pessoas eram meus amigos, disseram
So many choices and decisions, but surround yourself with people you love, listen to your heart, and keep on creating your own happily ever after.
Tantas escolhas e decisões, mas cerque-se de pessoas que ama, ouça o seu coração, e continue a criar o seu próprio viver feliz para sempre.
people 5151
people like me 81
people of earth 28
people don't change 46
people screaming 74
people change 205
people like you 105
people can change 59
people are talking 31
people are scared 36
people like me 81
people of earth 28
people don't change 46
people screaming 74
people change 205
people like you 105
people can change 59
people are talking 31
people are scared 36
people talk 81
people make mistakes 71
people get hurt 32
people are watching 31
people were killed 27
people are dying 81
people will die 36
people are dead 47
people are looking 23
people lie 29
people make mistakes 71
people get hurt 32
people are watching 31
people were killed 27
people are dying 81
people will die 36
people are dead 47
people are looking 23
people lie 29