Maybe you could traduction Portugais
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I know, but maybe you could cut Zeb a little slack today.
Eu sei, mas talvez possas dar uma trégua ao Zeb hoje.
Maybe you could declassify it?
Pode desconfidenciá-la.
Thought maybe you could use a ride home.
Pensei que quisesses boleia para casa.
Maybe you could write it down for me, then, right next to your...
Talvez possa anotar para mim, então, mesmo ao lado do seu...
Já consideraste que talvez isso sirva de lição?
But actually, I was thinking maybe you could start helping me in the wood shop.
Na verdade, estava a pensar... Talvez pudesses ajudar-me na marcenaria.
He'll probably never speak to me again, but maybe you could tell him that I wasn't lying.
É provável que não volte a falar-me, mas talvez possas dizer-lhe que eu não menti.
You know, thought maybe you could, uh...
Pensei que talvez pudesses...
Maybe you could sweep up the place...
Talvez pudesses investigar o local... Vamos lá.
Hey, uh... maybe you could talk to someone.
Ouça... Talvez pudesse falar com alguém.
I know, right? I thought, you've been here longer than I have, you and Meredith. Thought maybe you could talk about it.
Pensei que como tu e a Meredith, estão há mais tempo aqui do que eu, talvez pudessem falar.
Maybe you could hold on to those, huh?
Talvez isso vocês consigam segurar.
I was wondering if maybe you could come by sometime.
Pensei se não queres aparecer qualquer dia.
Hey, maybe you could help us build the dam.
Ei, talvez tu possas ajudar-nos a construir a barragem.
So maybe you could figure out the time of death by calculating the soil conditions and absorption rate of the blood?
Será que podes descobrir a hora da morte calculando as condições do solo e nível de absorção do sangue?
So, uh, maybe you could tell him that everything you're teaching him is wrong and horrible before he gets kicked out.
Então, uh, talvez você possa dizer-lhe que tudo o que lhe está a ensinar é errado e horrível antes que ele seja expulso.
Or maybe you could tell me differently.
Ou talvez me possas dizer o contrário.
I thought maybe you could take off the afternoon. We could shop for paint samples for the nursery and open a baby registry.
Achei que ias tirar a tarde de folga, para vermos amostras de tintas para o quarto, e fazermos a lista de presentes do bebé.
Um... [sniffles] Maybe you could try the british embassy?
Talvez possa tentar na Embaixada Britânica?
Maybe you could also serve unicorn burgers and magic beans, and I'll invite my boyfriend, Bigfoot!
Talvez também possas servir hambúrgueres de unicórnio e feijões mágicos. E eu convido o meu namorado, o Pé Grande.
Maybe you could try.
Talvez possa tentar.
Maybe you could coach.
Talvez pudesses treinar .
If you wrote the monsters off the page, maybe you could write them back on.
Se os monstros ganharam vida através da sua escrita, talvez possa neutralizá-los da mesma forma.
I thought maybe, together, you and I could kill him.
Achei que, juntos, nós os dois podíamos... matá-lo.
Maybe if Aiden were here, he could make you see it.
Talvez se o Aiden fosse vivo, ele pudesse ajudar-te a ver a verdade.
Do you think we could maybe come in and exchange it for the other one?
Acha que posso entrar e trocar isto por outra?
Maybe we could get you warmed up some.
Talvez a gente possa aquecer-te um pouco.
Yeah, she is. Maybe I could bring her by so you can meet her sometime.
Talvez eu a traga um dia e podes conhecê-la.
Hey, maybe when this movie goes into production, you could be, like, a medical consultant.
Ouve, talvez quando este filme passar para a produção, podias ser, tipo, um consultor médico.
Maybe we could, uh you know, compare notes?
Podíamos, talvez, trocar informações.
I'm really embarrassed about the way I behaved, and I thought maybe I could make it up to you guys.
Estou mesmo envergonhada pela forma como me comportei. Achei que poderia compensar-vos.
Maybe there was a time when the feelings were real and we could have had a real relationship, but the moment that you aligned yourself with your father, it was all over.
Talvez tenha havido uma época em que... os meus sentimentos foram reais... e talvez pudéssemos ter tido uma relação real, mas quando alinhaste com o teu pai, acabou-se tudo.
You could have just said, "Maybe later."
Bastava teres dito "Talvez mais tarde".
You know, on second thought, I could maybe eat a little something.
Sabes, noutros pensamentos, até que poderia comer algo.
Thought maybe you and I could talk.
Achou que podíamos falar.
Well, maybe what you could do is...
- Talvez possas...
Maybe afterwards, you could even... Sleep over.
Talvez mais tarde, poderiamos... dormir sobre isso.
Oh, yeah, you are. - Do you think you could maybe demonstrate that move in context?
Achas que podes demonstrar isso num contexto?
I know this sounds crazy because we're already on a team together, but I learn so much working with you, I don't know, maybe we could, like, make a two-man team?
Sei que parece loucura porque já estamos numa equipa, mas aprendi tanto a trabalhar contigo, sei lá, talvez possamos fazer uma dupla?
Maybe then you could afford to rent your own Dumpster.
Talvez assim possas pagar o teu próprio caixote.
The only thing I thought you could do was, you know, play, like, maybe in a wedding band or go to Hollywood and get the big record deal.
As opções que pensava existirem eram... tocar em casamentos, ou ir para Hollywood e assinar contracto com uma grande discográfica.
Okay, but, I mean, I thought since you were in charge, maybe I could be your right-hand man, your tinker bell.
Mas pensei que podia ser o teu braço direito, a tua Sininho. - Sininho?
We thought maybe you could tell us.
- Pensávamos que talvez nos pudesse dizer.
And maybe maybe... we could have detected the percreta earlier, but it doesn't mean we could've done anything for her that you didn't do.
E talvez, talvez, pudéssemos ter detectado a placenta percreta antes, não significa que pudessemos ter feito alguma coisa por ela, que tu não fizeste.
I know I should be able to do this by myself, but it would be great if you guys could maybe keep an eye on me.
Eu sei que devia fazer isto sozinha, mas seria bom se me vigiassem.
Um, you know, well, now's not a... Not a great time, but, uh... But, you know, maybe I could catch up with you in the morning or we could grab coffee.
Agora não é boa altura, mas talvez pudéssemos falar de manhã, ou podíamos tomar um café.
Well, this morning when we didn't think the rose could be for you, it seemed like maybe it hurt your feelings.
De manhã quando nem nos lembrámos que a rosa podia ser para ti, parece que isso te magoou. - Suponho que sim.
Maybe you guys could put it in a... you know, in a shot.
Talvez vocês possam colocá-la um pouco... sabe, em destaque.
It's pretty gross, so maybe just while we're together, you could keep the old chewer shut?
Enquanto estamos juntos, talvez possas fechar a boca?
You want, maybe, to go for a drive? Or, maybe we could find someplace to drive together?
Queres ir dar uma volta ou ir à procura dum sítio para passearmos juntos?
Do you think you'd have time, you could maybe sign my card later?
Pode assinar-me o cartão?
maybe you could help me 19
maybe you should be 18
maybe you are 55
maybe you 78
maybe you should 207
maybe you can't 19
maybe you can 86
maybe you're right 670
maybe you don't 49
maybe you shouldn't 29
maybe you should be 18
maybe you are 55
maybe you 78
maybe you should 207
maybe you can't 19
maybe you can 86
maybe you're right 670
maybe you don't 49
maybe you shouldn't 29