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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ O ] / Of course you did

Of course you did traduction Portugais

740 traduction parallèle
Of course you did.
Claro que tinhas.
Of course you did. Twenty-six carloads of munitions gone off like a trick cigar.
Claro que foi. 26 carruagens de munições foram pelos ares!
Of course you did, Willemien.
Claro que era, Willemien.
- Of course you did.
- Claro que sim.
Of course you did.
Claro que conseguiste.
Of course you did.
É claro que sabia. Está bem.
Of course you did.
Com certeza você quis.
Of course you did, Max.
Claro que sim, Max.
Of course you did.
Claro que sim.
Yes of course you did, and I wanted to talk to you about that. We're done talking, Clanton.
- Queria falar convosco sobre isso.
Well, of course you didn't, darling. Neither of us did.
Claro que não, nenhum de nós o queria matar.
Of course you did, Chief.
- Obrigado, chefe!
Of course you did.
Claro que fizeste.
Yes, of course you did.
Sim claro. Nós...
- It's just that I had a lot of homework. - Of course you did.
- Tinha muitos trabalhos de casa.
Of course you did.
- Claro que tinhas.
Of course you did.
Pois claro!
Of course you did.
É claro que gostavas.
Of course. You did the right thing.
Està claro, fizeste bem.
Of course, you may not recall everything you did.
Claro, podes não te lembrar de tudo o que fizeste.
I'm afraid I can't discuss it. During the course of your treatment of Ms. Damien did you ever discuss her relationship with doctor David Cousins?
Durante o tratamento, alguma vez falaram do relacionamento
Did you look all through the desk? Of course.
- Viste bem na secretária?
- Of course, he did not know you had an appointment with Monsieur Villette.
- Mas ele não sabia que a senhora tinha uma reunião com o Sr. Villette.
Of course you refuse to answer because I submit you did not return to the rectory at 11 : 15.
É claro que se recusa a responder, porque não regressou à reitoria às 23h15.
Course, if you did that you'd throw all these men out of work.
E se conseguir fazer isso, vai deixar estes homens sem trabalho.
Of course, you had no personal motive... in picking Paris, did you? That's right.
Then you really meant it? Of course I did.
- Estava realmente a falar a sério?
No, of course you never did.
Não, claro que não.
You won't like it, Too obvious, The mother did it, of course,
Não vai gostar, É demasiado óbvio, Foi a mãe, claro,
- Of course. - No offence. - What did they get you for?
Por que o pegaram?
Did you ever handle an outboard boat? Of course.
- Sabe dirigir um barco a motor?
Of course, I would not appreciate your doing to me what you did to Jordan at Monaco.
É claro, eu não gostaria que você fizesse comigo... o que você fez ao Jordan em Mônaco.
You know, of course, what you did here.
Você sabe, é claro, o que você fez aqui.
That is the proposition, isn't it? You did agree. Of course she did.
Não foi esse o acordo?
Of course you did.
- Claro que estragaste.
- Do you care for me as you once did? - Of course I do. You know that.
- Ainda importa comigo?
One, that you did, on or about 1126 Conspire to publicize a london borough In the course of a bbc saga ;
Primeiro, de no dia 26 / 11 ou lá perto, ter conspirado para publicitar um bairro de Londres numa saga da BBC.
Of course, I didn't know him the way you folks did.
Eu não o conhecia como vocês.
You phoned, huh? Of course I did!
- Já ligaste?
Never did anything right, of course, you know, according to his father's standards.
Nunca fazia nada bem feito para o gosto do pai.
Did you miss me? - Of course I did!
- Sentiste a minha falta?
I would, of course, tell you more. But it would be safer for you if I did not.
Diria-lhe mais mas é mais seguro para você se não o fizer.
Of course, you did the right thing.
Certo, fizeram bem.
" He has, of course, never forgiven you for what you did to Julia,
" É evidente que nunca vos perdoou o que fizestes a Júlia
- Did you think I'd be above ground? - Well, of course.
- Acha que estarei em cima da terra?
Of course you can. What did you say?
Irmã... -
Of course I did, you dumb knobhead, I'm a soldier.
Claro que fiz, idiota, sou um soldado.
Not to mention, of course, the nice job you did for me.
Já para não falar do belo trabalho que fizeste para mim.
- Look, lady... he went through an awful lot of trouble and a lot of money, to get us to find you. Of course he did.
- Oiça, minha senhora, ele passou muitos problemas e gastou muito dinheiro para a conseguir encontrar.
- What do you mean "of course"? Well, what did he say?
- O que queres dizer com "claro"?
During the course of your intimate sexual relationship with Mrs. Forrester where did you have sex with her?
Durante o seu relacionamento sexual com a Sra. Forrester, onde tinham relaçöes?

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