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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ P ] / Perhaps tomorrow

Perhaps tomorrow traduction Portugais

137 traduction parallèle
Perhaps tomorrow?
Talvez amanhã?
Perhaps tomorrow we'll be on the plane.
Talvez amanhã estejamos naquele avião.
Learn to use a sword like him and you may earn your freedom,..... as he'll earn his very soon, perhaps tomorrow.
Aprendam a usar a espada como ele e talvez ganhem a liberdade, como ele ganhará a sua em breve, talvez amanhã.
But each day I thought, "perhaps tomorrow".
Mas cada dia pensava :'Talvez amanhã...'.
Perhaps tomorrow night, when you are less afraid.
T alvez amanhã à noite, quando tiver menos medo?
Perhaps tomorrow we could talk.
Talvez possamos falar amanhã.
I see myself perhaps tomorrow, perhaps next year, being handed from man to man as if I were an amusement
talvez amanhã, talvez no próximo ano, nas mãos de um homem e de outro
Perhaps tomorrow.
- Não, agora não. Talvez amanhã.
Perhaps tomorrow.
Talvez amanhã.
No, it would adore to talk about the championship, but perhaps tomorrow.
Não, adoraria falar do campeonato, mas talvez amanhã.
- Perhaps tomorrow night.
- Talvez amanhã á noite.
I was wondering, are you possibly free for dinner, perhaps tomorrow night?
Ouça... estaria livre para jantar comigo?
Talvez amanhã esteja mais firme.
- Perhaps tomorrow.
- Talvez amanhã.
It's hopeless... perhaps by tomorrow... no longer.
Não há esperança. Talvez aconteça amanhã... Não vai durar muito.
Perhaps I'll tell you tomorrow.
Talvez lhe diga amanhã.
Tomorrow perhaps.
- Talvez, amanhã.
Lieutenant, I think perhaps we'd better have a little powwow in your office tomorrow.
Tenente, é melhor termos uma conversinha, no seu escritório, amanhã.
Tomorrow perhaps.
Ou mesmo amanhã.
Tomorrow, perhaps, there would be a battle... and he would be in it.
Tomara que amanhã tenha uma batalha... e ele esteja presente.
Perhaps it would be pleasant for you to go tomorrow and bring back the jewels you redeem.
Um símbolo dos bons velhos tempos. Isso sou eu.
Perhaps you will have words for me by tomorrow night?
Talvez você vai ser algumas palavras para mim amanhã à noite?
Perhaps you would attend a meeting at my house... at eleven o'clock tomorrow morning.
Talvez queira aparecer na minha casa... às onze amanhã de manhã.
Perhaps he won't be home until late tonight, or he may even camp in the hills and come in tomorrow after you're gone.
Talvez só regresse hoje, muito tarde... ou talvez acampe nas colinas e volte só amanhã, quando já se tiver ido embora.
He'll be free by tomorrow, perhaps.
Ele vai ser libertado amanhã, talvez.
- Perhaps I'll come back tomorrow.
- Talvez venha cá amanhã.
Tomorrow, perhaps.
Amanhã, talvez.
- Tomorrow, perhaps.
- Amanhã, talvez.
Perhaps we'll try again tomorrow.
Talvez nós tentaremos outra vez amanhã.
- Tomorrow, perhaps.
- Bem, ainda não. Amanhã, talvez.
Perhaps his lordship will sleep better... if we do not tell him before tomorrow... what trango peeray means, eh?
Possivelmente Sua Senhoria dormirá melhor esta noite se não lhe dissermos o que significa trangko peeray, ein?
Perhaps Caesar could return later or tomorrow.
Talvez César possa voltar depois...
Perhaps, if I... if I could rest it tonight, I'd be all right tomorrow.
Talvez se descansar esta noite, estarei bem amanhã.
- Perhaps we'll get a bill tomorrow. - No, surely not.
- Talvez recebamos a conta amanhã.
Well, tomorrow, perhaps.
Bem, talve amanhã.
Perhaps tomorrow.
- Talvez seja melhor amanhã.
Perhaps you will be executed tomorrow.
Talvez seja executado amanhã.
Perhaps it's just as well that you won't be here tomorrow, to be offended by the sight of our May Day celebrations here.
Talvez também não queira estar aqui amanhã, para não ofender-se perante a vista da nossa celebração do Dia de Maio.
Perhaps it's just as well that you won't be here... to be offended by the sight of our May Day celebrations tomorrow.
Talvez também não queira estar aqui amanhã, para não ofender-se perante a vista da nossa celebração do Dia de Maio.
Now they know our address perhaps e appears tomorrow. "
Agora sabem a nossa morada e talvez apareçam amanhã. "
Because we go into battle, perhaps never to see our loved ones again, I wish to announce that tomorrow I intend to marry.
Porque vamos para combate e podemos não voltar a ver os nossos entes queridos, desejo anunciar que amanhã pretendo casar-me.
- Perhaps by tomorrow.
- Talvez amanhã.
'Enter paradise now! Perhaps you won't be able to tomorrow'.
'Uma vista às terras primitivas do Paraíso na Terra! "
Perhaps we'll go swimming together tomorrow.
Talvez pudéssemos ir nadar juntos, amanhã.
Perhaps not tomorrow.
Talvez não seja amanhã.
Listen, your family is arriving tomorrow. Perhaps it's better if I...
Ouve, amanhã chega a tua família, se calhar é melhor eu...
Perhaps I could come back tomorrow.
Talvez possa voltar amanhã.
well perhaps it's hardly fair to tell you to whom it belongs until tomorrow morning when it will be in the hands of the lady's husband.
Bem, talvez seja injusto revelar a quem pertence até amanhã de manhã. Quando estiver nas mãos do marido da senhora.
Concerned that tomorrow is perhaps the biggest race of your entire career and the person with whom you have chosen to stay is....
Preocupado com o facto de amanhã ser, provavelmente, a corrida mais importante da tua carreira e a pessoa em casa de quem decidiste ficar, é...
Perhaps you could join us for dinner tomorrow evening.
Talvez se pudesse juntar a nós para jantar, amanhã à noite.
Perhaps we'll call on you tomorrow.
Talvez te vamos visitar amanhã.

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