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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ P ] / Perhaps one day

Perhaps one day traduction Portugais

183 traduction parallèle
Perhaps one day I will tell you everything.
Talvez algum dia te conte tudo.
Perhaps one day the story of our adventures will all be written in a book
Talvez um dia a história das nossas aventuras seja escrita num livro.
Perhaps one day you'll honor me by sketching Magnific.
Talvez um dia me honre desenhando o'Magnific'.
Perhaps one day there will be change, for hate is festering in the bosom of these people, hate which could become strong enough to defy the fear they live with.
Talvez um dia aconteça uma mudança, porque o ódio está a envenenar este povo. Um ódio tão profundo que desafia o medo.
Perhaps one day, in the future it shall be there again.
Talvez um dia, no futuro volte a haver perdão nos teus olhos.
I don't know, but perhaps one day people will live where they like
Não sei, pode ser que algum dia a gente viverá no lugar, onde queiram viver
Perhaps one day, if it is permitted, you will find Yonada again.
Talvez um dia, se for permitido, voltes a encontrar a Yonada.
Perhaps one day I might bite... mistress.
Talvez um dia eu possa morder... mestra.
Perhaps one day you will be a tiger.
Talvez um dia sejas um tigre.
If you know, but you can't tell me now, perhaps one day you will.
Se sabes mas não podes dizer agora, dizes-me outro dia, Kris?
Perhaps one day, it might be a great deal
Talvez, um dia, te interesse muito.
Perhaps one day, the subscribers of the lending libraries will club together and hire an assassin.
Talvez as bibliotecas se unam e contratem um assassino.
Perhaps one day your husband and I can meet as friends.
Talvez um dia o seu marido e eu possamos encontrar-nos como amigos.
Perhaps one day you will live like this.
Talvez um dia venhas a gostar de viver assim.
Perhaps one day, When i can deal with my seedy lineage, I will see you again.
Talvez um dia, quando puder enfrantar a minha linhagem desonrada, vos veja outra vez.
Perhaps one day, when this terrible war to finish, let's work again joined.
Talvez um dia, quando esta terrível guerra acabar, trabalhemos de novo juntos.
Perhaps one day, you will find me.
Talvez, um dia, você me encontre.
Perhaps one day when the pig-men roam free, it will be stopped, Kramer.
Talvez um dia, quando os homens-porcos andarem por aí livremente, o ritual termine, Kramer.
Perhaps one day you'll even feel the hand of God on your shoulder.
Talvez um dia, até venha a sentir a mão de Deus no seu ombro.
Then perhaps one day, I'll come visit you.
Então, talvez um dia eu o visite.
Perhaps one day you'll learn to care about something you can't tick.
Talvez um dia aprendas a importar-te com algo que não possas marcar com um lápis.
Perhaps I too would have a suitor one day
Que talvez também eu Viesse a ter alguém
I thought perhaps you'd forgive me one day.
Um dia talvez me perdoe.
Perhaps I shall one day.
Talvez use, um dia.
Perhaps I will one day.
Talvez um dia o faça.
One day, perhaps Gauguin will come.
Um dia, talvez Gauguin possa vir.
And one day, perhaps, you'll put an advertisement in the newspaper looking for me. And I won't answer you, Albert.
Talvez um dia coloques um anúncio no jornal à minha procura e eu não responderei.
Unless, perhaps, one day... a war...
A não ser, talvez, um dia... uma guerra...
Perhaps I will one day.
Talvez um dia.
- There will be no execution. Perhaps, one day, as you toil in the salt mines at Tipon, you will rue the day that I saved your lives.....
Talvez um dia nas minas de Taypon, para onde vão ser deportados, lamentareis o ato de clemência com que lhes salvo a vida.
One day perhaps he will realise, don't you think, gentlemen?
Mas um dia talvez percebam. Esqueçam os fertelizantes.
Perhaps you will see it one day.
Quem sabe o vejas algum dia.
- Perhaps you will one day.
- Talvez o façais, um dia.
Perhaps he dreamt that voyages of discovery to the planets would one day be like the voyages of geographical discovery in his time and place.
Talvez tenha sonhado que essas viagens de descoberta aos planetas, seriam um dia como as viagens de descoberta geográfica, do seu tempo e lugar.
Perhaps, one day, there will be civilizations again on Earth.
Talvez que um dia haja de novo civilizações na Terra.
You must resist this temptation. One day perhaps you'll meet someone, marry, raise a family.
Tens de resistir a essa tentação, porque, um dia, talvez conheças alguém, talvez cases e cries uma família...
And to where, one day soon perhaps, I might venture as well.
E para onde, um dia, em breve, talvez também me aventure.
Finally, realising that if there is no phone call the first day, there probably won't be one, or perhaps there will be one, but a day later,
Finalmente, percebendo que, se não receber uma chamada no primeiro dia, provavelmente não receberá nenhuma, ou talvez receba uma, mas um dia mais tarde,
They'll be 24 perhaps 30 hours without a drink and, if we fail to take Beersheba in one day...
Terão que aguentar 24 horas ou talvez 30 sem beber. E... se não conseguirmos tomar Beersheba num dia?
Well, perhaps you will one day, and i won't hear it.
Talvez um dia tu espirres e eu não ouça.
One day, perhaps, we shall look at it together. No, I respect your privacy, my darling.
Talvez um dia o possamos ler juntos.
Perhaps dozens of them, one for every day of the week.
Um para cada dia da semana?
Perhaps we have known it in the reception, one day.
Talvez a tenhamos conhecido na recepção, um dia.
Mademoiselle Grey when it will return for Devon and to be remembered of the day in which Sir Carmichael was it killed, perhaps one remembers of having seen a stranger to patrol the village...
Mademoiselle Grey quando voltar para Devon e se recordar do dia em que Sir Carmichael foi morto, talvez se lembre de ter visto um estranho a rondar a aldeia...
Perhaps... one day.
- Bem, então... Talvez... um dia.
- One day, perhaps.
- Um dia, talvez.
As a boy, I'd scurry away from my father at the market while he did his deals just to peek over the wall, dream of, perhaps, crossing it one day, seeing England for myself.
Quando era garoto, eu acompanhava o meu pai no mercado quando ele negociava. Só para dar uma espiada do muro. Sonho, de que, talvez um dia, pudesse atravessá-lo.
So perhaps we should allow Babylon 5 time to realize or one day even exceed the dreams we have invested in it.
Por isso talvez devamos permitir que a Babylon 5 tenha tempo para realizar ou... até exceder os sonhos que investimos nela.
Perhaps not, but it has changed. Every night the monster comes, and every day our numbers are lessened, and no one will speak of it. No one speaks of the fear that he will be next.
Talvez não mas tem mudado todas as noites o monstro vem e cada dia somos menos e ninguém fala sobre isso ninguém fala sobre o medo de ser o próximo mas cada refeição torna-se mais silenciosa do que a última
Well, perhaps I will come back one day. Just to have sushi with you.
Talvez regresse um dia, só para comer sushi consigo.
Perhaps we could come along to your studio one day.
Poderíamos visitar o seu estúdio um dia.

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