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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ S ] / She kept saying

She kept saying traduction Portugais

127 traduction parallèle
Oh, I liked her very much, but she kept saying that I was quite different from what she expected.
- Gostei muito dela. Mas deixou claro que eu não era o que esperava
Margo didn't know where he was and didn't care, she kept saying.
Margo não sabia onde estava nem se importava... dizia ela,
But she kept saying that I was quite different from what she expected.
Mas deixou claro que eu não era o que esperava
She kept saying he had something of hers, but she couldn't find it.
Insistia que ele tinha algo que era dela, mas não o encontrava.
She kept saying she was praying for me.
Sempre dizia que me lembrava em suas orações, que fazia votos... algo no estilo.
We talked about the war and she kept saying...
Falámos da guerra e ela não parava de dizer :
Right till the end, she kept saying Norman was the one who was crazy.
Pra finalizar a história, ela ficou a gritar que o louco era o Norman
She kept saying something about... evil designs or plans... you know, between her English and my Japanese.
Ela estava sempre a falar de... desígnios do mal ou planos... sabes, entre o Inglês dela e o meu Japonês.
She kept saying she was going to give it to me, but then we ended up in bed.
Ela estava sempre a dizer que me ia dar um, mas depois acabamos na cama.
She kept saying it.
Repetia ela.
She kept saying, " It wasn't you, Matt.
ela continuou a dizer que não fui eu.
All the life went out of Luciner after that. She kept saying it was her fault.
Seria melhor que falasse com a sua esposa, antes de acreditar no que os outros dizem.
But she kept saying, "No, no." So, finally, I got my hand down there on her frog. But her pants were buttoned, and I was begging her...
ela ficava dizendo que náo... então, finalmente, eu pus a mão na perereca... mas a calça dela estava fechada.
- "Let me in", she kept saying. - Get out!
- "Deixe-me entrar", ela continuou dizendo.
- "Let me in," she kept saying.
- "Deixe-me entrar" ela dizia.
She kept saying "the phrase."
Eles disseram-me que era uma experiência, mas eu conhecia-a bem.
She kept saying romantic things.
Ela não parava de me dizer coisas românticas.
I kept telling her it was my friend Rita... and she kept saying she didn't know any Ritas...
Eu dizia que era a minha amiga Rita e ela, que não conhecia Rita nenhuma...
She didn't know howto say "annals", so she kept saying...
Ela não sabia como dizer "Annals", portanto estava sempre a dizer...
She kept saying that.
Ela não parava de dizer isso.
She kept saying that she'd committed such a sin, giving up that first baby.
Não parava de dizer que tinha pecado ao dar o primeiro bebé.
Just before she died, she was delirious. She kept saying...
Um pouco antes de morrer, ela delirava...
I mean, all she kept saying was she feels suffocated, you know?
Quer dizer, só dizia que se sentia sufocada, sabes?
She kept saying, we should get more explicit photos.
Ela só dizia que devíamos ter fotos mais explícitas.
She kept saying, "I want to get my breasts done!"
Dizia constantemente, "quero uma cirúrgia aos seios!"
She kept saying it.
Ela continua a dizê-lo.
She kept saying no, believing that he'd return, but she couldn't turn them down any longer
A princesa, que esperava sempre o belo amado, teve a um certo momento de se fazer a ideia que teria que casar de novo.
She kept saying I'm stupid, and then she said she's only kidding.
Começou a dizer que eu era estúpida, e depois dizia que estava só a brincar.
We're a family, she kept saying.
Somos uma família, não parava de dizer.
She kept saying things like, "Ooh, touch me there, that feels good." It was a bad touch.
Estavam a dizer coisas como : "toca-me aí, isso sabe bem". Foi um toque feio.
She kept saying things like, "Ooh, touch me there, that feels good."
Estavam a dizer coisas como : "toca-me aí, isso sabe bem".
She kept saying the word "nice." You know what that means, don't you?
Continuava a dizer a palavra "simpático". Sabes o que significa, não sabes?
She kept saying, "Double B, double G, double L." It's like a code.
Ela só dizia "Dois B ´ s, dois G ´ s, dois L ´ s." - É tipo um código, mas eu não percebo.
As Lynn Dempsey was dying, she kept saying something like "the end."
Enquanto Lynn Dempsey morria, ela ficou dizendo alguma coisa como... "O envio"...
And she kept saying, "Please, let me make it up to you..."
E estava sempre a dizer : "Por favor, deixa-me compensar-te."
I kept bugging her for a date, she kept saying no.
Eu convidava-a para sair e ela recusava sempre.
If you had a girlfriend who was being treated really badly, by like her ex or her current boyfriend and she kept saying, "no, every day I'm gonna make sure I cook for him and send him a hot lunch at noon"
Se você tivesse uma namorada que estava sendo tratado muito mal, como pelo seu ex ou atual namorado e ela continuou dizendo : "Não, cada dia eu vou me certificar de que cozinhar para ele e enviar-lhe um almoço ao meio-dia quente"
She kept interrupting, saying that she wasn't such a washout herself.
E ela disse... que tambêm não foi má esposa.
She kept on and on saying that.
Disse-o e repetiu várias vezes.
She was so good, the director kept saying...
Era tão boa, que o realizador só dizia :
My mom kept saying she was gonna fix it up when she got into a long run.
A minha mãe ia arranjar isto depois de um bom trabalho.
She kept whispering in my ear and saying we could be discovered at any second.
Ela ficou a murmurar no meu ouvido e a dizer que podiamos ser descobertos a qualquer altura.
So you're saying that you just kept all this stuff... that she gave you, even after y'all broke up?
Então diz que ficou com tudo... o que ela lhe deu, mesmo após se separarem?
He kept saying she was right. She got suspicious.
Deu-lhe razão em tudo, ela desconfiou.
I asked her and asked her and asked her to come, and she just kept saying...
Pedi-lhe e pedi-lhe e pedi-lhe para vir, e ela só respondia...
She swore it wasn't hers, kept saying you could vouch for her.
Ela jurou que não era dela e disse que você podia confirmar isso.
Well, she kept on saying your name.
Bem, ela não parou de dizer o seu nome.
The old woman kept saying that she could see something.
A velha mulher, sempre dizia que havía algo estranho.
Her father or uncle kept answering saying she couldn't talk.
Responde-me sempre o pai ou o tio e disseram-me que a Susanna estava ocupada e que não podia responder.
Abbott kept saying he was gonna reimburse her, and she kept believing him because he swore he wouldn't make the movie without her.
O Abbott continuava a dizer que a ia reembolsar, e ela continuava a acreditar nele porque ele jurou que não faria o filme sem ela.
She was definitely hiding something, the way she wasn't saying anything and kept backing me in a corner, like I was the one who was cheating.
Estava a esconder alguma coisa, não dizia nada. Olhava-me como se fosse eu que estivesse a engana-la.

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