She knows him traduction Portugais
209 traduction parallèle
She'll like him lots after she knows him better.
Ela vai gostar dele, depois de o conhecer melhor.
I forget his name. I asked if she knows him.
Não me lembrava do nome dele e perguntei-lhe se ela o conhecia.
How can a pagan be converted to the true God unless she knows him?
Como converter uma pagã ao verdadeiro Deus, se ela não o conhece?
- She knows him.
- Ela conhecia-o.
She knows him.
Ela conhecia-o.
Not scared. She knows him.
Não estava assustada.
She knows him!
Ela conhece-o.
Maybe she knows him.
Talvez o conheça.
She knows him.
Ela conhece-o.
- She knows him.
- Ela conhece-o.
Helen knows. She knows the moment she stops struggling, he will give her back her strength to come to him.
Helen sabe que no momento que deixar de resistir... ele lhe dará forças para ir até ele.
I didn't want to shame her by asking someone she knows. Besides, if her husband comes looking for her I want to be here to tell him a lie or two.
Não queria envergonhá-la pedindo a alguém que ela conhecesse, além disso o marido dela pode vir procurá-la, e vou ter que lhe contar uma mentira ou duas.
He knows what she'd do for him.
Ele sabe o que ela faria por ele.
Who she is or whence she came, he knows not, nor does he care, for his heart tells him that here, here is the maid predestined to be his bride.
Quem é ela ou donde veio ela, ele não sabe, nem lhe interessa, porque o seu coração lhe diz que aqui... aqui está a donzela destinada a ser sua noiva.
She'll never find another man like him. Who knows?
Ela nunca vai encontrar outro homem como ele.
She knows. Tell him, Anna.
Pergunte à Anna, ela diz-lhe.
And if she testifies, Blakelock knows she'll torpedo him.
E se depõe, o Blakelock já sabe que o vai atacar.
All he knows is what she tells him.
E tudo o que ele sabe é o que ela lhe conta.
She knows I don't like him, so she thinks I'm making this up just to get him out of the house.
Sabe que não gosto dele, portanto, pensa que estou a inventar para o expulsar lá de casa.
But, Corrado, shouldn't she go to the judge, she ought to tell him everything she knows.
Mas... Corrado, devias falar com o juiz e contar-Ihe tudo...
She barely knows him.
Ela mal o conhece.
A friend of mine, Mimi Moore, knows Norman and so she got information from him.
Uma amiga minha, a Mimi Moore, conhece o Norman, e obteve a informação através dele.
She tried to kill him. She knows he has a narrow gullet. All the McTeagues do!
ela tentou mata-lo. ela sabe que ele tem o esófago estreito. todos os McTeagues têm!
I miss Nicholas terrifically. Mother thinks I will have nothing more to do with him, but little she knows.
A mãe pensa que nunca mais o vou ver.
Yes Could you ask her it she knows where we could find him?
Pode perguntar-lhe se ela sabe onde está?
And yet she loved him, God knows why, the way only the pure angels love.
E ainda assim o amava, não sei por que, como só os anjos o fazem.
He's sad... because his arthritis has been acting up again and he knows that she's grown bored with him, taken on a younger lover.
Ele está triste... porque a sua atrite o ataca de novo e sabe que ela vai crescendo penosamente com ele, apanhada por uma amante mais nova.
Maybe he's got a temper. " But all she knows is she needs him.
"Talvez tenha mau feitio." Mas ela sabe que precisa dele.
She knows things because she studied the bastard to assassinate him.
Daí ela saber coisas sobre ele. Ela estudou-o para o matar!
Aphrodite knows that all Zeus cares about is physical beauty so she struts in and asks him to pick the most beautiful goddess on Olympus.
Sim! Estou à altura! Ah, digo, óptimo.
Anyway, she gives him the sacred whatever it is... telling him this is a sacred traditional offering... given to the man who ties the first sheaf... the last sheaf, who knows what sheaf?
Bem, ela dá ao presidente o sagrado sei-lá-o-quê... dizendo que é uma oferenda sagrada tradicional... para quem amarra o primeiro fardo, último, sei lá qual...
Who knows? I mean, if she was ready to leave him, he must have been pretty bad.
Se ela ia deixá-lo, ele deve ter feito asneira da grossa.
Who knows if she'll be faithful to him?
Quem sabe se lhe será fiel?
I'm her best friend and she knows I'm into him.
Sou a melhor amiga dela e sabe que gosto dele.
She knows a writer in New York... and I want her to show him all her stories.
Ela conhece um escritor em NewYork. Quero que ela lhe mostre as histórias que escreveu.
Once a man loses this test of nerves... the woman knows she has a great secret power over him... and she can get him to do anything she wants.
Quando o homem perde nesse teste... a mulher sabe que tem um poder sobre ele... e ele fará o que ela quiser.
I think she doesn't want me to leave until she knows I understand how to protect him.
Acho que ela não quer que eu saia daqui até saber que eu compreendo como o devo proteger.
She uses him to finance her camp, and he uses her for God knows what.
Ela o usa para financiar o acampamento e ele sabe-se Deus para que a usa.
She'll give him the antigen if he tells her what he knows and who he's been working with.
Ela da-lhe o antígeno se ele lhe disser o que ele sabe e para quem tem estado a trabalhar.
Maybe she knows how much the hospital needs him.
Talvez ela saiba o quanto o Hospital precisa dele...
- She probably knows him, yo.
- Provavelmente ela conhece-o, meu.
- She probably knows him.
- Ela provavelmente conhece-o.
If she knows what happened to him, I...
Se ela sabe o que lhe aconteceu, eu...
If she decides she's got nothing to lose, she could tell him what she knows and blow this whole thing wide open.
Se ela decide que não tem nada a perder, ela pode contar-lhe o que sabe e denunciar esta coisa toda.
Unless she knows Daddy doesn't want him found.
A menos que saiba que o papá não quer que o encontrem.
I wonder who she is, when she met Matteo, what she knows about him. What could she know?
Pergunto-me quem será, quando conheceu o Matteo, o que sabe acerca dele...
But she's lucky to have caught him and she knows it.
Mas teve sorte em tê-lo agarrado e ela sabe disso.
She knows if she doesn't kill him now, he'll hunt her down and find her later.
Ela sabe que se não o matar agora, ele vai caçá-la e encontrá-la mais tarde.
Girl's out at the lake. She meets some random guy she knows nothing about and she goes off with him.
Ela está no lago, conhece um tipo e vai passear com ele.
Who knows what kind of inside information she's given him about my company.
Sabe-se lá que informação interna ela lhe deu sobre a empresa.
He'll drink too much, and who knows what he'll say if the little minx works on him. LetJos marry whom he likes. She has no fortune, but nor had you.
É melhor ela do que a preta Sra. Sedley de Boggley Wollah e a sua dúzia de netos de mogno.
she knows what she wants 19
she knows it 34
she knows 359
she knows everything 48
she knows about us 17
she knows me 38
she knows that 44
she knows what she's doing 46
she knows you 19
she knows something 38
she knows it 34
she knows 359
she knows everything 48
she knows about us 17
she knows me 38
she knows that 44
she knows what she's doing 46
she knows you 19
she knows something 38
she knows nothing 24
himself 154
himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36
him too 56
him or me 60
him who 26
she knew 114
she killed herself 108
himself 154
himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36
him too 56
him or me 60
him who 26
she knew 114
she killed herself 108