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The thing was traduction Portugais

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So, now we know why this was a challenge,'cause Luke tells us the thing that Matthew left out, that he was actually blindfolded at the time this took place.
Entendemos por que foi um desafio, porque Lucas conta o que Mateus se esqueceu, que ele estava vendado durante os acontecimentos.
The one thing we know for certain is that Daisy was at the center of these visions, whereas May doesn't appear in any of them.
A única certeza que temos é de que ela está no centro das visões. Já a May nem aparece.
No. I was thinking the same thing.
Eu estava pensando a mesma coisa.
It's just... that was the biggest thing that ever happened to us.
Essa foi a coisa mais importante que já nos aconteceu.
You see, that was the one thing that I did have.
Sabem, isso era a única coisa que eu tinha.
She said she was happier than she's ever been. Wanted me to experience the same thing.
Disse que nunca foi tão feliz e queria que eu vivesse o mesmo.
Funny, I was gonna say the same thing about you.
Engraçado, ia dizer o mesmo de ti.
I mean, that thing was a junker back in the day.
Digo, essa coisa já era uma sucata antigamente.
My uncle was really big into doing the right thing, wanted to help the people, fix the city.
O meu tio era muito partidário de fazer a coisa certa. Ele queria ajudar as pessoas a recuperar a cidade.
I enrolled, Hanna, but it's not like it was four years ago when the only thing I had to worry about in freshman year was catching something from a communal shower curtain.
Eu matriculei-me, Hanna Mas não é como foi há 4 anos, quando a única preocupação que tinha no último ano, era apanhar alguma coisa de uma cortina de duche comunitário.
Funny... I was going to tell you the same thing.
Engraçado, ia dizer a mesma coisa.
I don't suppose it helps if I say that I thought staying out of your life was the best thing for you.
Pensei que sair da tua vida era a melhor coisa para ti.
I was expecting a little more encouragement from the husband of the genius who invented the thing.
Esperava mais optimismo do marido do génio que inventou isto.
Just a--a mother who's trying to protect her son, and she thought that the best thing for him was to keep his world separate from mine.
Só uma mãe que está a tentar proteger o filho, e que pensou que o melhor para ele era ficar longe do meu mundo.
What the hell was that thing?
O que raio era aquela coisa?
The first time we met, the first thing you asked me to do was pull data off a damaged laptop.
Quando nos conhecemos, pediste-me para recuperar dados de um portátil destruído.
I spent a lot of time convincing myself that I was--that I was trying to do the right thing, but then, you know, you brought this- - the--the thing with the check in.
Passei muito tempo a convencer-me de que estava a tentar fazer o correcto. Mas então falaste-me, desse, sobre o cheque...
The thing that I was worried about...
O que me preocupava...
Once they left with them, the only thing remaining of my village was ash.
Uma vez que os levaram, a única coisa que sobrou na minha aldeia foram cinzas.
I was gonna tell you the same thing.
Ia dizer-te a mesma coisa.
I was gonna tell you the same thing.
Eu ia dizer-lhe o mesmo.
See, this is the kind of thing I was talking about.
Estão a ver? Era disto que eu estava a falar.
Look, I used to think that the plague was the worst thing that could ever happen.
Escuta. Eu pensava que a praga era o pior que podia acontecer.
In those final moments, the only thing I saw was you, Cass.
Naqueles momentos finais a única coisa que vi foste tu, Cass.
You were the only thing that kept me going and the worst part was thinking that I was gonna die without ever getting the chance to tell you...
Só tu me mantiveste vivo. E o pior foi pensar que ia morrer sem ter a oportunidade de te dizer que lamento muito.
We both thought it was the right thing to do. Hey.
Ambos pensámos que era o mais acertado.
He was the only thing to survive on that planet, and he survived for a reason.
Ele foi o único que sobreviveu naquele planeta. e fê-lo por alguma razão.
There was no other way to get rid of the thing. Mm-hmm.
Não havia outra forma de detê-lo.
I thought that the truth was dangerous, and it still can be, but... now I'm starting to know that the thing that we think will hurt us may actually save us.
Agora começo a saber que o que achamos que nos irá magoar, pode salvar-nos.
Right, so there was no way that he could have been involved with the journey to the Catacombs, but here is the thing about Key.
É impossível ele estar envolvido na jornada às Catacumbas, mas há uma coisa sobre o Key.
The only thing you gave us that didn't pan out was that word.
A única coisa que nos disseste e não bateu certo foi aquela palavra.
Funny, I was gonna ask you the same thing.
- Eu ia perguntar o mesmo.
Holy Father, the other day I was reflecting on the fact that the one thing on which we share a single view is the management of the Tonino Pettola case.
Santo Padre, um dia destes, reflecti sobre o facto... de que se há uma coisa sobre a qual concordamos, é a gestão do caso Tonino Pettola.
I used to think the most beautiful thing on Earth was fire.
Costumava pensar que a coisa mais bela na Terra era o fogo.
Actually, I was thinking of the same thing...
Na verdade eu estava a pensar na mesma coisa.
And the worst thing was I didn't know I was lost.
E o pior era não saber que estava perdido.
The only thing Geronimo ever led was a really smart street-art campaign.
A única coisa que o Geronimo conduziu foi uma campanha bem inteligente nas ruas.
So I figured sponsors was the next best thing.
Aí percebi que ser madrinha era a melhor coisa.
You put down Lucien because he was coming for you, for your family, but the thing is, you made Lucien.
Mataram o Lucien porque ele andava atrás de vocês, da vossa família. Mas acontece que vocês é que fizeram do Lucien o que ele era.
Thing is, she was the only one keeping me from being... well, me.
Mas acontece que ela era a única que me impedia de ser bem, eu.
The first thing I did when you brought me back was to hunt it down, to make sure that Nik wouldn't stick it in me the second I annoyed him.
A primeira coisa que fiz quando me trouxeste de volta, foi procurar isto. Para certificar-me que o Nik não me espetaria isto quando o aborrecesse.
I was just gonna say the same thing about you.
Eu ia dizer o mesmo de ti.
The only thing I ever saw stop a thug mid-fight... was a bigger thug.
Só um rufia maior costuma parar outro rufia a meio.
- Yeah. - So that was the weird thing - which made it even more personal.
Isso é algo estranho, o que tornou tudo mais pessoal.
There was a bit of a thing in your voice. I'm good at hearing things in voices, and you had a thing with the scritching. - What is it?
Sou bom a distinguir sons nas vozes e tu tens uma fixação pelo som da fricção.
When I was little girl, I did the same thing.
Quando era pequena, eu fazia a mesma coisa.
The only thing you were concerned about was your own skin.
A única coisa com que estavas preocupado era salvar a tua pele.
Although, sadly, the only thing broken was that incontinent troll's nose.
Embora, tristemente, a única coisa partida foi o nariz daquele troll.
Apart from the whole Noah thing, and that was a one-off.
Fora toda aquela coisa com o Noé, e foi só essa vez.
You know, I feel like the only thing that made him happy was this place.
Sabe, sinto que a única coisa que o fez feliz era este sitio.
Yeah, I was thinking the same thing.
Sim, estava a pensar na mesma coisa.

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