They're really traduction Portugais
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they don't think you're a nerd and you get to know more about men's instrument you know, once I did it once to a guy who was really tall, with really big feet
Eles não pensam que és uma trouxa e tens que saber mais sobre o "instrumento" masculino! Sabes, uma vez fiz a um tipo que era mesmo alto, com pés grandes de verdade... e uma pila tão pequenina!
Let these guys go do whatever the fuck it is they're really doing here.
Deixa esses tipos, eles vão fazer isso. Seja lá o que é que eles estão a fazer realmente aqui.
Let these guys go do whatever the fuck it is they're really doing here.
Deixe esses tipos fazer isso. Seja lá o que é que eles estão a fazer realmente aqui.
He's a rep, I don't think they're really friends.
É o representante, não devem ser amigos.
They're really great and hot, so dig in.
Estão mesmo boas e quentes, vamos a elas.
They use this quasi-biblical language that kind of manipulates the text, but really they're just nuts.
Com o McVeigh. Usam uma linguagem quase bíblica que manipula o texto, mas são somente loucos.
I mean, I'm gonna oversleep some morning where we have a really big meeting, or they're gonna send me out to get a party sub, and I'm just gonna come back with a python.
Vou dormir demais quando tivermos uma reunião. Ou vão pedir-me uma sandes e vou trazer uma jibóia.
Man, they're really angry.
Meu, eles estão muito irritados.
But right now they're playing a really great song.
Agora estão a passar uma música muito boa.
And the governments who are driven by these economists who don't really appreciate what we're talking about are trying to stimulate consumerism to restore past prosperity in the hope that they can restore the past.
E os governos que são orientados por economistas que não compreendem aquilo de que estamos a falar, estão a tentar estimular o consumismo para restaurar a prosperidade do passado na esperança de poderem vir a recuperar o passado.
Maybe they're zeroing in on what's really pissing them off.
Talvez se estejam a aproximar daquilo que os irrita,
If they're really working the program, they could be working on the hardest steps.
Se estiverem a realizar o programa, podem estar nos passos mais difíceis.
The most important thing to understand about all of these images and how they affect us is that the effect is primarily subconscious and that it is very harmful but that for the most part, we're not really aware of that,
Dra. Jean Kilbourne Realizadora de Killing Us Softly Ademais, nada surpreendentemente, rapazes a quem são mostradas muitas fotografias de supermodelos julgam as mulheres reais de uma forma bem mais severa.
It's really, like, about how they want you to be something that you're not.
A maior parte da receita dos media deve-se à publicidade, sabe?
We have to help our boys when they're really young, 5 or 6, when they're just entering formal schooling, help them not bifurcate their head from their heart, not become emotionally illiterate and feel that they can't show emotion,
1 em 6 mulheres é sobrevivente de violação ou tentativa de violação 15 % das sobreviventes de violação têm menos de 12 anos Sobreviventes de violação mais sujeitas a Sofrer de Depressão
The problem is, it's really a scam, because you're convincing them they have bad dope so you can sell them the good stuff.
O problema é de facto, um golpe, porque você convence-os que eles tem droga má, então você pode vender-lhes coisas boas.
Miss Cicely.
It was really scary, you know, to think that they were kind of on the right track, you know, and that they're just kind of right there behind you.
Foi assustador pensar que estavam na pista certa, e que estavam mesmo atrás de mim.
I don't know! Maybe they're really big "twilight" fans
Talvez sejam fãs do "Crepúsculo" ou então, estão apenas apaixonadas, Brad.
- They're really sharp.
- Estão bem afiadas.
But you don't really know until they're, like, three.
Mas só se sabe aos três anos.
They're beautiful. You really understand how Palm City's changed over the years.
Por favor, podem desligar as luzes?
But they're really nice about it.
Mas são simpáticos em relação a isso.
I would make you a sweater, but I hear that the arms, that they're really hard.
Eu fazia-lhe uma camisola, mas parece que a parte das mangas é traiçoeira.
Actually, people say that I don't talk enough. They say, " You're really charming.
Na verdade, dizem que não falo o suficiente.
They're really sticklers.
- São chatos quanto a isso. - Está a brincar.
They're really fun to look at.
São divertidos... para olhar.
One night a dockworker is loading crates into a container ship, discovers what they're really shipping.
Um dia, um estivador estava a carregar caixotes para um navio de contentores, e descobriu o que eles estavam a embarcar.
Wow. They're really working for her.
Parece que estão a funcionar.
Dancing with the Stars is on and they vote so they're all really invested.
Está a dar o "Dança Comigo" e eles votam, por isso estão muito concentrados.
They're really gonna kill you?
Eles vão na verdade matar-te?
When the thugs running the bank meet Volkoff's daughter they're gonna be expecting someone intimidating. And your current outfit doesn't really scream "bad guy."
Quando os bandidos que gerem o banco conhecerem a filha do Volkoff, irão estar à espera de alguém intimidante, e a sua roupa atual não é propriamente de "vilã".
- They're really cool. I like them.
Não, mas eles são bons, pá.
- When the oil starts to really run dry, and when those in power have to assert their power in a time of dwindling resources, I think they're going to turn to much more blunt and cruel methods of enforcing their power.
Quando o petróleo começar a escassear, e os que estão no poder tiverem de assegurar o seu poder numa época de recursos cada vez mais limitados, penso que recorrerão a métodos mais diretos e cruéis de reafirmar o poder.
And they're high-grading selecting only the really good, high-quality timber and leaving the rest laying there in a junk heap.
E estão a escolher a selecionar as árvores de melhor qualidade e a deixar o resto. Como um monte de sucata.
Yet, there has been a sense that we really need to kind of wait until it collapses, or wait until they're done doing, or they've reached their limit and they can't continue the way that they've been going on, and be patient.
No entanto, tem havido a perceção de que devíamos esperar até que colapse, ou esperar que acabem o que estão a fazer, ou que atinjam os seus limites e não possam continuar como têm feito e ser pacientes.
- Oh, come on. - What if they realize that we rushed into this without really knowing what we're doing?
E se perceberem que nos atirámos sem sabermos o que fazíamos?
Really, they're working her like a packhorse in a mine.
Fazem-na trabalhar como um cavalo de carga numa mina.
So they're really gonna let you play, right?
Então eles vão mesmo deixar-te jogar, certo?
They're really clumsy.
São muito desajeitados.
They're really goin'at it, dropping eggs.
Realmente estão deixando os ovos caírem.
They're all about finding who you really are and boring stuff like that.
É tudo sobre "descobrir quem realmente somos" e coisas chatas assim.
They're really not too greasy.
Não estão muito gordurosos.
They're gonna be disappointed if they don't get close to the lions and tigers, but really disappointed if one of them eats them.
Ficam desapontados se não veem os leões e tigres, e ainda mais desapontados se um deles os come.
Sometimes they look very scary, and it's really because they're scared themselves.
Às vezes, eles parecem assustadores, porque estão com medo.
They're really ramping up the canoodling, and I just wanted to clarify any boundaries.
Estão a passar da fase das carícias e só queria estabelecer limites.
Really, they're... unbelievable.
São mesmo... incríveis.
You really think that your friends are going to trust you to keep quiet for the rest of your life? They're not.
Acha que os seus amigos vão acreditar que fica calado para o resto da sua vida?
They're really good.
São muito bons.
Pros... they're really good at folding.
Prós... São muito boas a dobrar.
I have a lot of people that say they're my friend, but you really are one.
- A sério? Conheço muitos que se dizem meus amigos, mas tu és o único verdadeiro.
they're really nice 24
they're really good 63
really 59005
really nice to meet you 21
really beautiful 58
really bad 194
really appreciate it 27
really great 205
really good 625
really nice 181
they're really good 63
really 59005
really nice to meet you 21
really beautiful 58
really bad 194
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really good 625
really nice 181
really like you 26
really cute 39
really is 30
really pretty 34
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really smart 29
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really sad 32
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really cute 39
really is 30
really pretty 34
really funny 68
really hard 112
really smart 29
really happy 49
really sad 32
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really hot 28
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really well 130
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really close 38
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really weird 32
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really amazing 26
really well 130
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really sweet 28
really close 38
really stupid 26
really weird 32
really big 43
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