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Took what traduction Portugais

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The boys, they just took what they liked.
Os rapazes, eles apenas levaram o que queriam.
Took what I needed before anyone knew I was there.
Tirou o que precisava antes que alguém soubesse que eu lá estava.
He took what we had back to the prison while I... kept looking.
Ele levou tudo que tínhamos de volta para a prisão, enquanto eu... ficava a ver.
Someone forget to replace what we took.
Alguém esqueceu-se de substituir o que tirámos.
Took our communications guys a little while to figure out what it was.
Os tipos da comunicação demoraram a perceber o que era.
I don't know if you know this, but what historic event took place right here?
Não sei se sabes, mas, qual foi o acontecimento histórico que ocorreu aqui?
What they took from us?
O que eles nos tiraram?
What the fuck am I gonna tell them? You tell them you're being held hostage. I took you at gunpoint.
- Que estás a ser mantido refém... que estás sob a mira de uma arma, que sou um psicopata.
What took you so long?
- Porque demoraram tanto tempo?
- Okay. - Do you know what you took from me? - I know.
- Sabes o que me tiraste?
- Do you know what you took from me? - I know.
- Eu sei.
What took you so long?
Porque demoraram tanto?
So... so, what, I took a cab to her house, smashed her windshield, carved a note in her paint job, and I don't remember any of it? !
Então, apanhei um táxi até casa dela, parti-lhe o pára-brisas, escrevi-lhe um recado na pintura, e não me lembro de nada disso?
You told me that you knew what it was like to grow up with people who took the law into their own hands.
Disseste-me que sabias o que era crescer num lugar onde as pessoas faziam a lei pelas próprias mãos.
Well, I just think what you did took so much bravery.
O que fez requereu muita coragem.
What took you so long?
Porque demoraste tanto?
You said that he would do anything it took to protect you, no matter what the cost.
Disse que ele faria tudo para a proteger, não importa o quanto custasse.
Now, what if we just took the damn zeppelin out?
E se tomarmos o bendito dirigível?
To cover it up, his employers took you to make sure that he did what he was meant to do, so... Which he did, he saved your life.
Para o encobrir, os chefes dele raptaram-na para ele fazer o que devia, coisa que ele fez, salvou-lhe a vida.
What if he wanted to feel he was in control of things again, like he used to be, before his little sister took his job?
E se ele quisesse sentir-se a controlar as coisas como dantes? Antes de a maninha lhe roubar o lugar?
It took your analyst, what, three strokes of a keyboard to link the El-Amin family to the PLO?
O seu analista só precisou de premir três teclas para ligar a família El-Amin à OLP.
What took you so long?
- Porque demoraste tanto?
What took you so long?
Porque demoraste tanto tempo?
This is what it took for you to finally care about me?
É assim que, finalmente, resolves cuidar do teu filho?
Before I entered here, I thought to have begged or bought what I took.
Antes de entrar, pensei em pedir ou comprar o que tirei.
The trial took so long primarily due to past evidence of complaints from Bennet, the controversial Munchausen by Proxy case, I don't know what that is, has rocked Texas since last summer when the former Miss Texas accused her new husband of poisoning her breakfast tea.
O julgamento levou tanto tempo principalmente devido a evidências passadas de reclamações do Bennet, o controverso Munchausen pelo caso Proxy, eu não sei o que isso é, abalou o Texas desde o Verão passado quando a ex Miss Texas acusou o novo marido
But it took someone who loved me more than I loved the bottle to shake me out of it, you know, to show me what it was that I was throwing away, and she saved my life, because she forced me
Mas, isso custou-me alguém que eu amava mais do que eu gostava da garrafa, para me despertar, sabem, para me mostrar o que eu estava a desperdiçar, e ela salvou a minha vida, porque me obrigou
Took care of what?
- Trataste do quê?
What took you so long, Hulk?
Porque é que demoraste tanto Hulk?
What took 40 minutes in Kowel will take longer in Paris, but afterwards there won't be a stone left standing.
O que levou 40 minutos em Kovel vai levar muito mais em Paris Mas não restará mais do que ruínas
I did what I was told, and I took the rings.
Eu fiz o que me disseram, e roubei as alianças.
Even if I took you there, you could never do what I do.
Mesmo que o levasse lá, nunca faria o que eu faço.
- If that's what it took.
- Se fosse necessário.
They took the best part of us, didn't they, what was human.
Eles tiraram-nos as nossas melhores partes, certo, as que eram humanas.
What was I supposed to do, fight some warlock that took out an original?
O que deveria eu fazer? Lutar com um bruxo que derrotou um Original?
And if you had talked to Rosie before you took the job, you would have known how she felt. Well, what's done is done.
Se tivesses falado com a Rosie, saberias como ela se sente.
What he took from me...
Logo que me tirou...
So I just took back what I knew I could.
Então, só o voltei a apanhar porque sabia que conseguia.
But I-I took her to the doctor a few times, and he couldn't figure out what was wrong, and, well, she was getting worse, so I brought her to the E.R.
Levei-a ao médico algumas vezes, mas, ele não soube o que era e ela estava a piorar, então, trouxe-a às Urgências.
- What the fuck took so long?
- Porque demorou tanto?
What if we took Peter Gregory's 200K and built our own company?
Se aceitarmos os 200 mil dólares do Peter Gregory e criarmos a nossa própria empresa?
You have any idea what it took to order my agent to stand down?
Fazes ideia o que custou fazer o meu Agente baixar a arma?
Took me a little while To figure out what I wanted to do with my life.
Demorei um tempo para... descobrir o que queria da vida.
You saw what it took to kill one guy that had been injected.
Quero dizer, tu viste o que tivemos de fazer para matar o tipo que foi injectado.
- What? Yeah, they took me down or questioning.
Sim, detiveram-me para interrogatório.
When you-you grabbed your gun, you took something. What was it?
Quando apanhaste a tua arma, apanhaste uma coisa, o que foi?
- He pays for what he took.
- Ele pagará pelo que fez.
Wow. I remember it took me a week to figure out what to call you.
Demorei uma semana para descobrir como te havia de chamar.
That's piss next to what you took.
Isso é uma ninharia comparado com o que desviaste.
What that soldier said before they took him.
O que aquele soldado disse antes de ser apanhado.
That is what my father took from me that night.
Foi isso que o meu pai me tirou naquela noite.

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