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Uncle peter traduction Portugais

51 traduction parallèle
Well, you see, our father and Jane's father had a third brother, Uncle Peter.
Bem, o nosso pai e o pai de Jane tinham um terceiro irmão, o tio Peter.
Uncle Peter, is it time for Mr. Ashley to leave?
Já está na hora do Sr. Ashley se ir embora?
Uncle Peter, look out for that trunk.
"Tio" Peter, cuidado com a mala.
Go on, Uncle Peter. I don't know what to do.
Meu Deus, não sei o que fazer.
Uncle Peter, my smelling salt!
"Tio" Peter, os meus sais.
They killed uncle Peter and they go to hang father!
Mataram o Tio Peter e vão enforcar meu pai!
He was with uncle Peter, and you know what uncle Peter's like.
Ele estava com o Tio Peter, e você sabe como Tio Peter era.
The children just want to say good night to Uncle Peter.
Os miúdos só querem dizer boa noite ao Tio Peter.
Good night, Uncle Peter!
Boa noite, Tio Peter!
- Good night, Uncle Peter.
- Boa noite, Tio Peter.
Uncle Peter!
Tio Pedro!
Princess Gloria, may I introduce my aunt and uncle Peter and Pearl Bach.
Princesa Gloria, apresento-Ihe o meu tio e tia Peter e Pearl Bach.
Okay, we're gonna have a nice conversation with Uncle Peter... and let him have some fun now, yeah?
Vamos ter uma boa conversa com o tio Peter... e ele que se divirta.
I think that Uncle Peter and Uncle Michael are having a nervous breakdown, yes.
Acho que o tio Peter e o tio Michael... estão a ter uma crise de nervos.
- Yeah, it's dead. - Oh, boy. Uncle Peter and Uncle Michael are gonna be plenty ticked off with Daddy.
Oh meu, o Tio Peter e o tio Michael vão ficar danados com o pai.
Grand Uncle Peter. Grand Aunt Nan.
O tio-avô Peter e a tia-avó Nan.
Baby, leave Uncle Peter alone.
Amor, deixa o tio Peter em paz.
- Uncle Peter -
- Tio Peter...
- Uncle Peter.
- Tio Peter.
I didn't notice until I came home for the summer, but it's really bad, Uncle Peter.
Não me dava conta até que não vim a passar as férias. Estão muito mal.
- It's almost been a year, Uncle Peter.
- passou quase um ano, tio Peter.
- He takes after his Uncle Peter.
Ele sai ao tio Peter.
Yes, of course you can, my darling, but keep your voice down, Uncle Peter's sleeping.
Mas baixa a voz que o tio Peter está a dormir.
Harry, you go with Uncle Peter.
Harry, vais com o tio Peter, segura a mão dele.
Hey, uncle peter.
Olá, tio Peter.
Where's your scar, uncle peter?
Onde está a tua cicatriz, tio Peter?
Mary, wait until Aunt Sara and Uncle Peter tell us where our rooms are.
Mary, espera até a tia Sara e o tio Peter nos digam quais são os nossos quartos
- Not now, Uncle Peter.
- Agora não, tio Peter.
Uncle Peter.
O tio Peter.
I was 11, Uncle Peter.
Eu tinha 11 anos, tio Peter.
- Uncle Peter.
Tio Peter?
That's what I'm gonna do, Uncle Peter.
E é isso que eu vou fazer, tio Peter.
This feels a bit weird, uncle Peter!
Isto parece um pouco estranho, tio Peter!
♪ Never done all the things, You would need to try Stuck in one place ♪ Let's go see Uncle Peter.
Vamos ver o tio Peter.
It's just me, your Uncle, Uncle Peter.
Sou só eu, teu tio, tio Peter.
Uncle Peter who killed sister Laura.
O tio Peter, que matou a irmã Laura.
That's what my Uncle Peter did.
Foi o que o meu tio Peter fez.
Uncle Peter's gonna give you a raspberry.
O Tio Peter vai fazer-te umas festinhas.
You stay with your uncle Peter.
Fica com o tio Peter.
Uncle Peter I am Yan's friend Wai-Wai
Tio Peter, sou a Wai-Wai, amiga da Yan.
You can tell the world a story about a car crash, and your aunt and uncle in Pomona, but I know your father is Peter McCord.
Pode contar ao mundo a história do acidente e dos seus tios em Pomona, mas eu sei que o seu pai é o Peter McCord.
is Peter Uncle Tony's son?
O Peter é filho do Tio Tony?
Well, it sure would suck if you guys died without hearing the story of my great-uncle, Peter Hitler, who was Adolf's favorite brother.
Seria horrível se morressem sem ouvir a história do meu tio-avô, Peter Hitler, o irmão predilecto do Adolfo.
( Bennet ) So Peter Petrelli is your uncle.
O Peter Petrelli é teu tio?
Helena, this is Peter's uncle, Jonathan.
Helena, este é o Jonathan, tio do Peter.
Will you offer some kind of bribe, so we Colonna will support your uncle's grab for the Throne of Saint Peter?
Oferecer um tipo de suborno, para que nós Colonna... apoiemos o seu tio ao Trono de São Pedro?
Uncle Babi, what did you trade Pete for compass?
Tio Babi, o que disseste ao Peter para ele trocar a bússola?
He's Peter, Derek's Uncle.
É o Peter, o tio do Derek.
You too. Say hello to your uncle, Peter.
Diz bom dia ao o teu tio, Peter.

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