Was it not traduction Portugais
12,980 traduction parallèle
All right, accident or not... - admit it, it was a little awesome. - Awesome?
Acidente ou não admite, foi fantástico.
... it seems that one of you was not content last night with the hospitality of the palace and sought diversion elsewhere.
Parece que um de vós não ficou satisfeito ontem à noite com a hospitalidade do palácio e procurou diversão noutro sítio.
It was not me.
- Não fui eu.
- It was not too late.
- Não era muito tarde.
It was not for no reason.
Tive justificação.
No, not a friend, it was the brother of a cousin...
Não era o amigo, era o irmão do primo...
So, by the same token, when you hauled a prisoner up dropped him down, and his neck broke, it was not the executioner's hand that did the killing, was it?
Da mesma forma, ao erguer um prisioneiro e ao largá-lo, partindo-lhe o pescoço, não foi a mão do executor a responsável pela morte, certo?
I told you it was a bad idea not to swap phone numbers.
Avisei que era má ideia não trocarmos números de telefone.
I mean, my previous brief, believe it or not, was from McDonald's.
Quer dizer, a minha experiência anterior com casos rápidos, acredites ou não, foi no McDonald's.
I was pushing my body too hard and I was not used to it.
Esforçava-me muito e não estava habituado.
I'm not saying that I was cured or I was saved or it was a epiphany, but I got that feeling, that feeling in my stomach that, "yo, what?"
Não digo que me curei, que fui salvo ou que foi uma epifania, mas senti algo no estômago. O quê?
It was not a surgical procedure.
- Não era uma cirurgia.
It was my decision not to sell.
A decisão de não vender foi minha.
He's getting randy, so Yoko set him up with a little orchid and told him not to bother coming home until it was out of his system.
- Ele anda atrevido. A Yoko despachou-o com aquela "orquídea" e disse-lhe para não voltar para casa enquanto não se aliviasse.
- Aldous... She just walked into my club and I can't tell if it was a coincidence or not.
Aldous, ela veio ao meu clube e não sei se é coincidência ou não.
I told myself, depending on what it was, was gonna determine if I open up the door or not when he got back.
Eu disse a mim mesmo, dependendo do que fosse, iria determinar se abria, a porta quando ele chegasse ou não.
It was a trial run and I told him not to bother coming back.
Foi um teste e eu disse-lhe que já não precisava de voltar.
Now, I know he said it's not a boxing match, but Jamal was the favorite on every list, so, I mean, isn't this kind of like Balboa-Creed?
Sei que ele disse que não é um combate de boxe, mas o Jamal era o preferido em todas as listas. Esta votação não é como o combate entre Balboa e Creed?
First and foremost, um, me and my son are not the only people up for this award, but if this was a boxing match, it would be more like Foreman in his prime versus De La Hoya.
Antes de mais, eu e o meu filho não somos os únicos a disputar o prémio, mas, se isto fosse um combate de boxe, seria como o combate entre Foreman no auge e De La Hoya.
Look, man, if it was not for me, there would be no Lyon Anthem, so I suggest you talk to me.
Se não fosse eu, não haveria hino dos Lyon. - Sugiro que fales comigo.
Not really, because back then I thought it was natural that I should lose my voice after screaming.
Sentiste que isto podia acontecer há sete ou oito anos? Nem por isso, porque na altura achava que era natural perder a minha voz depois de gritar.
And it was this mix of the craziest combinations of people suddenly finding champagne on their face and cakes in their hair and it's not just politics, but getting involved in the city.
E foi uma mistura da combinação mais maluca de pessoas a levarem com champanhe na cara e bolo no cabelo e não é apenas política, é envolver-me com a cidade.
If all this was about the kid needing the truth about his brother, why not just give it to him?
Se tudo o que o miúdo precisava era a verdade sobre o seu irmão, porque não lha deste?
I apologize for not contacting you sooner, but it was for your own good.
Peço desculpa por não ter entrado em contacto contigo mais cedo, mas foi para o teu próprio bem.
Yet, your former employer might not have detected the device until it was already in place.
Ainda assim, o seu antigo patrão pode não detectar o equipamento até que ele esteja no local.
Greer said it was a kill switch, just not what we were expecting.
O Greer disse que era um botão para matar, mas não exactamente o que estávamos à espera.
Though in this case, it was a little too clear you were the victim and not the perpetrator, and that took some of the fun out.
Embora neste caso, ela tenha sido um pouco mais clara que tu eras a vítima e não o criminoso, e isso estragou um pouco a diversão.
And whether they were out for seconds or moments, it was always a roll of the dice whether I could bring them back or not.
E quer ficassem inconscientes durante segundos ou instantes, era sempre uma incógnita saber se eu os podia trazer de volta.
Just get this into your head, boy... it was Bella that wanted you here, not me.
Mete isto na cabeça, rapaz : era a Bella que te queria aqui, não eu.
I'm not doing it. I mean, losing Billy was one thing.
Perder o Billy foi diferente, mal o conhecia.
Well, you might not want to hear this, but it was my fault...
Na verdade, talvez não queiras ouvir isto, mas foi culpa minha...
The raps must not have known about it, or it was too deep.
Os raps não devem saber disto ou é muito profundo.
No, I was notified because of the 1.5 large that I have with you, which may not be a lot to you, but it's a mountain to my folks.
Fui notificado por causa dos 1,5 que tenho contigo. O que pode não ser muito para ti, mas é para o meu pessoal.
It was not intended for publication.
Não estava destinado à publicação.
That it felt like a dream, but not, that it was very real.
Parecia um sonho, mas era bem real.
Yeah, it is. It's taken care of and... I guess I was sort of thinking, you know, since I came through for you, and helped the show not get shut down, maybe... you could do me a solid and take a look at this...
Sim, está tratado e pensei que, uma vez que te ajudei e ajudei a série a não ficar suspensa, me podias fazer um favor e ver este...
I was starting to wonder if everyone wasn't right, the new world was finally here, and I had no idea if I was ready for it or not.
Começava a pensar que os outros poderiam ter razão... O mundo novo tinha chegado... E eu não fazia ideia se estava preparado para isso ou não.
If this machine was broken and you knew there was a way to fix it, would you not do it because it might be hard?
Se esta máquina estivesse estragada e soubesses que havia maneira de a arranjar, não o farias porque podia ser difícil?
I know it was not you who killed the king.
Sei que não foste tu quem matou o Rei...
It was wrong, undeniably, and yet we have - - decent men would not cast their lot with those who are so clearly not decent men.
Foi errado... - Sem qualquer dúvida, mas... - Homens respeitáveis... não compartilhariam nada com aqueles que, claramente, não são homens respeitáveis.
It's not like he was so happy to do this in the first place.
A questão agora é o William.
I was thinking if I want to move forward in my career, maybe Violent Crimes isn't the best place for me to do it, at least not here in Southern District.
Se quero avançar na carreira, talvez os crimes violentos não sejam o melhor local para isso. Pelo menos não aqui, na zona sul.
It was a treatment that used an MRI machine to target the bad cells and not kill the good ones.
Um tratamento que usava uma máquina de RM para atingir as células cancerígenas sem destruir as células saudáveis.
It's not how it was a week ago, was it?
- Há uma semana não respeitavas, pois não? - Não.
If that was a proposal of marriage, Mitch McCordell, it's not the most romantic, but I'll take it.
Se isto era um pedido de casamento, Mitch McCordell, não foi dos mais românticos, mas aceito.
The world's not what we thought it was.
O mundo não é como pensávamos que fosse.
It seems mother and he have been speaking, and he is of the mind that I did not need to amputate his leg, that I did not get consent from him when he was of sound mind, that I am a traitor and a liar and a scoundrel,
Parece que a minha mãe e ele têm falado, e, ele é de opinião que eu não precisava de lhe ter amputado a perna. que não lhe perguntei, quando ele ainda estava na plenitude das suas faculdades... que sou um traidor, um mentiroso e um escroque... e que me renega como seu irmão.
It was not so official. He would take me out on calls with him.
Não de forma oficial, mas, levava-me às consultas externas dele.
All the rest of'em there was just fucking collateral damage to sell the story that it was a random shooting and not an assassination.
Todo os outros foram um dano colateral para vender a história que foi um tiroteio aleatório. e não um assassinato.
It was his choice to leave, not yours.
Foi a escolha dele, não a tua.
It is not what it was.
Já não é o que era.
was it 1813
was it worth it 132
was it something i said 48
was it me 31
was it fun 48
was it nice 29
was it good 112
was it you 219
was it a 18
was it good for you 18
was it worth it 132
was it something i said 48
was it me 31
was it fun 48
was it nice 29
was it good 112
was it you 219
was it a 18
was it good for you 18
was it that bad 22
was it an accident 37
was it hard 20
was it him 59
was it bad 29
was it her 21
was it true 23
it notes 17
nothing 25771
not allowed 48
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was it hard 20
was it him 59
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was it her 21
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note 183
noth 18
notice 40
notes 105
notebook 23
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nottingham 42
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noth 18
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not really 5709
nottingham 42
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nothin 482
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noted 237
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nothing yet 509
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nothing yet 509
nothing to worry about 339