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Was it bad traduction Portugais

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That wasn't so bad, was it?
Não foi assim tão mau, pois não?
Jim... Yeah, actually, no, it was my bad.
Na verdade, a culpa foi minha.
I guess it was reminiscent of how bad the music industry was.
Achei que era reminiscência do má que era a indústria musical.
No. I was halfway to Scranton then I got a call from the police saying there had been a fire. How bad was it?
Não, já estava a meio caminho de Scrantonthen, quando recebi um telefonema da Polícia a dizer que tinha havido um incêndio.
Pretending like it didn't happen, like it was a bad dream, but it doesn't matter.
Fazer de conta que não aconteceu, como se fosse um pesadelo mas isso não importa.
And then after... After the game was done, it got really bad, you know?
E depois... depois do fim do jogo as coisas só pioraram.
I don't know. I don't know. Tony said it was pretty bad.
O Tony disse que foi grave.
You know, I-I had a lot to drink last night, and it was a bad idea, and my sad just sort of came out all over you.
Bebi muito ontem à noite, e foi uma péssima ideia. E descontei minha tristeza em você.
That wasn't so bad, was it?
Não foi assim tão mau, certo?
That wasn't so bad, was it?
Não foi assim tão mau, ou foi?
'Course it was going to go bad.
Claro que tinha de correr mal.
I don't wanna make it seem like she was a bad person.
Não quero que pareça uma má pessoa.
It doesn't mean that the dream was bad.
Não implica que esse sonho fosse mau.
.. and I remember going to the park that day and it's really early in the morning ( which I thought was a bad idea ) and I'm smoking a cigarette and I'm looking around like, where the fuck is everybody?
Lembro de estar a ir para o parque muito cedo, o que pensei ser uma má ideia, estou a fumar um cigarro e a olhar à volta, onde estão todos?
They decided that, in their own words, which I was privy to'cause it was told to me, stop ruinning our bad name.
Eles decidiram, as suas próprias palavras, que eu fiquei a saber, pois contaram-me, parar de destruir o nosso nome denegrindo-o.
Bad as it was, this place was home, you know?
Por muito mau que seja este sítio era a sua casa, sabe?
It was as bad as the coed.
Fez o mesmo que fez às colegas.
Hikers called it in. But I had no idea it was gonna be this bad.
Uns caminhantes ligaram, mas eu não sabia que seria tão feio assim.
Why didn't you tell me how bad it was?
Porque não me disse o quanto grave era?
It was bad enough when Mrs. Montgomery finished that test for me, but now she has you lying about it.
Foi mau o suficiente a Sra. Montgomery ter acabado o teste por mim, mas agora fez com que você mentisse.
It was bad enough when I thought you were drunk, but when I found out about the flask, I felt... Worse than awful.
Foi mau o suficiente quando pensei que estavas bêbada, mas quando descobri da garrafa, senti-me péssima.
I shouldn't have taken it, but I was just having such a bad day.
Não devia ter tomado, mas estava a ter um dia mau.
How bad was it?
- Quão mau foi?
I think you said it was his bad breath.
Acho que dizias que era o mau hálito dele.
How I did it was I put myself intentionally in a bad situation to see if I could get out.
Eu punha-me numa má situação intencionalmente, para ver se conseguia sair.
It was precisely that bad.
Foi mesmo muito mau.
It was a really bad week.
Foi mesmo uma semana muito má.
But it was a very bad idea.
Mas, foi uma péssima ideia.
All right, it's just that I got so bad that... I was scared that if I stayed that I might... that I might do something.
Tudo bem, só que fiquei tão mal que... tinha medo que se ficasse de que pudesse... de que pudesse fazer alguma coisa.
It will be a late one, I was born under a bad sign.
A festa acaba tarde. O meu signo é malvado.
Yeah, it was bad.
É, foi péssimo.
We decided it was a bad idea.
Decidimos que era má ideia.
If it was so bad, why didn't Archie just quit?
Se era tão mau, porque não pediu ele a demissão?
It was them that was bad. It wasn't us.
O mal é deles, não é nosso.
And, uh, well, anyway, it was bad.
De qualquer maneira, era feio.
We think it was about your bad wiring.
Pensamos que era sobre a má cablagem.
- What the hell was that? - It was bad.
- Que raio foi isso?
- We can both agree it was bad.
- Foi mau.
The first version of InDinero was really bad it was just my co-founder, Andy and I, going to a hackathon and we had a weekend to build a project and present it to about a hundred people.
Foi muito divertido. A primeira versão do InDinero era realmente ruim era apenas o meu co-fundador, Andy e eu, indo para a maratona hacker e tivemos um fim de semana para construir um projeto e apresentá-lo para cerca de uma centena de pessoas.
I felt a little bad, you know, somebody have to get something good out of it but it was a really interesting experience and probably, like, really good lesson in marketing and sort of following through on a project.
Eu me senti um pouco mal, você sabe, alguém tem que ter algo boa de fora, mas foi uma experiência muito interessante e, provavelmente, como, realmente boa lição em marketing e tipo de dar prosseguimento a um projeto.
It was not bad.
Não foi mau.
I'm really starting to think it was a bad idea that we came here.
Começo a pensar que foi má ideia termos vindo aqui.
There was a real kind of, you know, regime going on about what people could and couldn't wear, you know, and it was pretty bad.
Existia agora uma espécie de regime sobre o que as pessoas podiam ou não usar, sabe, e foi bastante mau.
I think that he pretty much was disgruntled with the band and the record, and then when the bad reviews came out, it was probably the icing on the cake.
Eu acho que ele ficou muito decepcionado com a banda e o disco, e depois, quando as críticas saíram, foi, provavelmente, a cereja no topo do bolo.
It was a bad gig.
Foi um concerto ruim. Na verdade, era uma bagunça.
So, yeah, it was bad luck.
- Então, sim, foi azar.
Because I was a bad mother, terrible mother, which made it even harder to watch them suffering.
Fui terrível. Isso dificultava mais ainda ter que vê-los sofrerem.
How bad was it?
Foi muito mau?
If Pete did anything bad, it was for Patty.
Na verdade, depois que o tio Pete faleceu, eu e a Patty seguimos rumos diferentes.
Too bad it was a one-time-only deal.
É uma pena ser um negócio único.
It's hard to say if I really understood, but I remember the feeling of fear, because our situation was bad.
É difícil dizer se eu realmente percebia ou não, mas eu lembro-me do sentimento de medo, porque a situação era má.

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