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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ W ] / We had fun

We had fun traduction Portugais

679 traduction parallèle
I'll say we had fun.
Nos divertimos.
We had fun making it, and we hope you had fun seeing it tonight.
Divertimo-nos muito ao fazê-lo, esperamos que se divirtam ao vê-lo.
- We had fun. - Uh-huh.
When we first started out, it was so good. We had fun.
Quando começámos a andar juntos foi tão bom, divertimo-nos.
Do you remember how we had fun together?
Lembra-se? Ainda ontem brincávamos.
At school... we had fun there. We used to skip over the wall.
Na escola divertíamo-nos lá.
We had fun together.
Divertíamo-nos juntos.
Oh, we had fun.
Divertimo-nos muito.
We had fun till somebody found some legs on one of the almonds.
Era ótimo. Divertimo-nos até que alguém encontrou pernas numa amêndoa.
Remember the fun we had when we were flat broke?
Lembras-te como era divertido quando estávamos tesos?
It sounds kind of silly, but we had a lot of fun doing it.
Parece tontice, mas divertíamo-nos muito.
- After all the fun we've had? - Yes.
- Depois de tudo o que fiz por ti?
We had a lot of fun together.
Divertimo-nos muito juntos.
I don't think anybody's had more fun than we've had.
Acho que ninguém se divertiu tanto quanto nós.
Well, we've had a nice taste of fun, Tom Blue.
Bem temos tido um pouco de diversão, Blue.
We had such fun.
Divertimo-nos tanto!
The only trouble is, we could have had a lot of fun if you weren't a detective.
O problema é que nós... Nos podíamos divertir, se você não fosse detective.
I was just thinking of all the fun we've had in this room. - You and I and Graham.
Estava a pensar no quanto nos divertimos neste quarto, tu, eu e o Graham.
- But we've had fun anyway. - You haven't answered.
- Mas divertimo-nos na mesma.
We sure had fun today.
Divertimo-nos mesmo hoje.
Remember how we... laughed... and what fun we had? "
"Estar com você a outra noite foi puro paraíso. " Lembre-se de como...
And we really had fun with her was Sebastião.
E quem se divertiu com a máquina foi Sebastião.
Mr. Speaker, fellow members of the Congress of these United States, I've stood before you a good many times in fights and fun. We've had a laugh for the country and our own digestion.
Senhor presidente, companheiros congressistas dos Estados Unidos, estive com vocês nas lutas e brincadeiras, e compartilhamos risadas, mas hoje podem guardá-las.
We had enough fun, boys.
Divertimo-nos o suficiente, rapazes.
While I was there, these men... kind of guests, you might say... we'd get together and horse around a little bit and sing...'cause we were havin such a good time... and we always had a lot of fun with this one, "The Jailhouse Rock."
Aí, estes homens... poderíamos chamá-los convidados... reuníamo-nos para dançar e cantar... porque estávamos passando tão bem... e sempre nos divertiámos muito com esta canção : "Prisioneiro do Rock'n'Roll".
And we always had a lot of fun with this one, "The Jailhouse Rock."
E sempre nos divertiámos muito com esta canção : "Prisioneiro do Rock'n'Roll".
You remember the fun we had when you poisoned me?
Recordas-te como te divertiste quando me envenenaste?
We've had such fun!
Divertimo-nos imenso!
We had some good fun together.
Divertíamo-nos bastante.
I haven't had so much fun since we put glue on Fr Æulein Josephine's toothbrush.
Só me diverti assim com a cola na escova de dentes da Frau Josephine
And we've had fun and games.
Divertimo-nos e jogámos jogos.
I'm sorry, Max. If you weren't a CONTROL agent we could've had fun together.
Aí vamos saber qual das concorrentes é a malvada, odiosa e assassina da KAOS.
We ain't had this much fun since the county fair at Ashland.
Não nos divertíamos tanto desde a feira de Ashland.
Oh, we have had some fun, haven't we?
Nós divertimo-nos, não foi?
Well we've had the dessert and then, and so the first item, the last item on our menu of fun is the coffee.
Bom, já comemos a sobremesa. Depois... Então, o primeiro sketch...
- We had great fun.
- Foi divertido.
We had the best time, and so much fun.
Foi óptimo e divertimo-nos imenso.
We wouldn't have had to go through all the fun.
Não teríamos nos divertido tanto.
I can't deny we've had fun though.
Mas não nego que nos divertimos.
You keep your mouth shut... till we've had our fun and we collected our money.
Não abras a boca... até nos termos divertido e também termos recebido. Vai até à junção.
We had real fun.
Sim, divertimo-nos muito na tua festa.
I haven't had this much fun since we initiated Morgan Deneva :
Não tinha me divertia tanto desde que iniciámos o Morgan Deneva.
I haven't had that much fun since we used to run moonshine.
Não me divertia tanto desde os tempos do contrabando de uísque.
And then I went swimming with Annie... we had such fun.
E eu fui nadar com a Annie... divertimo-nos muito.
Bought us some presents, and we had us some fun.
Divertimo-nos, não foi?
I thought it might be fun if we now had some questions.
Pensei que seria divertido se tivéssemos agora algumas perguntas.
I know I had fun playing with their tricks... but it's time to stop because we're leaving.
Sei que se divertiu a brincar com os seus truques... mas é hora de parar porque vamos embora.
No, but we sure had some fun cruising hamburger joints.
Não, mas divertimo-nos a valer a visitar os restaurantes de hambúrgueres.
I hope we have as much fun as we had in that hillbilly bar.
Oxalá nos divirtamos tanto como naquele bar de saloios.
I have always known her, she has always backed me up... and this time, we really had fun.
Desde que a conheço, sempre me ajudou mas desta vez, divertimo-nos muito os dois.
The fun we had.
Como nos divertimos.

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