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When i was born traduction Portugais

442 traduction parallèle
If you look on the first page you will see my name written down when I was born. And my little brother and sister marked down there too.
Se olhar para a primeira página, verá o meu nome escrito quando nasci e os do meu irmãozinho e da minha irmã também estão lá.
My mother died when I was born.
A minha mãe morreu quando nasci.
They wanted to have me drowned when I was born, but the SPCA stopped them.
Queriam-me afogar à nascença mas a SPCA salvou-me.
From when I was born almost.
Quase desde que nasci. Falei-lhe de ti e de mim.
Maybe when I was born, God whispered a special word in my ear.
Talvez quando nasci, Deus sussurrou uma palavra especial ao meu ouvido.
Mother died when I was born.
A minha mãe morreu quando eu nasci.
Norman Hun, but they had a little joke when I was born.
E Mrs. Norman Huno, mas decidiram brincar quando eu nasci.
When I was born the doctor had advised... I'd be born on the 21st but I came early.
Quando eu nasci, o médico havia avisado... que eu nasceria a 21, mas eu cheguei mais cedo.
- My father died a long time ago, when I was born.
Meu pai morreu há muito tempo, quando nasci.
My father enrolled me in those when I was born.
O meu pai inscreveu-me nelas, quando nasci.
My mother died when I was born.
Minha mãe morreu quando nasci.
When I was born, my mother was already divorced.
Quando eu nasci, a minha mãe já estava divorciada.
You know my mother died when I was born.
Tu sabes que a minha mãe morreu quando eu nasci.
I asked one of the tribal elders when I was born, and he said,
Perguntei a um Ancião quando é que eu tinha nascido e ele respondeu : "No Verão".
Quando nasci, a minha mãe e o meu pai viviam no limite de Bakersfield.
My father was not there when I was born.
Meu velhote não andava por perto quando eu nasci.
My ma was married for ten years, but he left when I was born.
A minha mãe foi casada dez anos, mas ele foi-se embora quando eu nasci.
Moved to Brooklyn in'35 married Mom in'38 was already an old man at the naval yards when I was born in 1952.
Mudou-se para Brooklyn em'35, casou com a mãe em'38, já era um velho no estaleiro da marinha, quando eu nasci em 1952.
When I was born, Grover Cleveland was president.
Quando eu nasci, Grover Cleveland era presidente!
I was right here, in this very chair when her first child, the little Princess Thérèse, was born.
Eu estava bem aqui, nesta cadeira... quando a primeira filha, a princesa Teresa, nasceu.
I was the midwife when she was born.
Eu fui a sua ama.
And before you were born, sir, when you were nothing but a toss-up between a girl's and a boy's name, I was a soldier.
E antes de saberem se era menino ou menina.
Get this, I was born last night, when we met in the alley.
Veja se entende, eu nasci ontem, quando nos conhecemos no beco.
I remember because it was when my sister's youngest was born.
Lembro-me porque foi quando nasceu o filho mais novo da minha irmã.
I was born when she kissed me I died when she left me I lived a few weeks while she loved me.
Nasci quando ela me beijou morri quando ela me deixou vivi umas semanas enquanto me amou.
I was born when she kissed me I died when she left me, I...
Nasci quando ela me beijou morri quando me deixou e...
I was at sea on a volunteer mission making test runs with that new sonar equipment when my son was born.
Estava numa missão como voluntário para testar novo equipamento sonar quando o meu filho nasceu.
I saw it with my own eyes, when the village you were born in was torched.
Eu já vi isso com os meus próprios olhos, quando a aldeia em que vocês nasceram foi incendiada.
When Arnie was born, I moved to where I thought Harry could never find me.
Quando o Arnie nasceu, mudei-me para onde nunca pensei que o Harry me encontrasse.
♪ When I was a lad, I was gloomy and sad ♪ ♪ As I was from the day I was born ♪ ♪ When other babes giggled and gurgled and wiggled ♪
Quando era rapaz, era triste como no dia em que nasci enquanto outros bebés riam, gargarejavam e saracoteavam eu chorava em plenos pulmões os meus amigos e a minha família olhavam para mim e achavam que havia algo de errado
I was young when I come there, Clete, but I wasn't born there.
Era criança quando lá cheguei, Clete, mas não nasci lá.
I was born in Germany, but since my family is Jewish we emigrated to Holland when Hitler came to power.
Nasci na Alemanha, mas, como minha família é judia... imigramos para a Holanda quando Hitler chegou ao poder.
And she had a fight with my grandmother once that's when I found out that she had wanted to have an abortion It's thanks to my grandmother that I was born
Um dia discutiu com a minha avó e soube que ela queria abortar eu só nasci graças à minha avó.
Hoss'mother and I were on the way out west when Hoss was born.
A mãe do Hoss e eu viajávamos para o Oeste, quando ele nasceu.
- When I was called from the clay hills where I was born barefoot and hungry, called by the voice of God, which I was...
- Quando fui chamado das montanhas argilosas onde nasci, descalço e faminto, chamado pela voz de Deus, como fui...
there's a hound dog out in Texas he says he belongs to me when he's on the trail I can follow his tail through the land of the wild country he was born to roam the mountains the prairie land so free
- Because I saw when my mother's friend's baby was born. - Jesus. I saw him in a basket.
Por que eu vi, quando nasceu o filho de uma amiga... de uma amiga de minha mãe, eu vi que ele estava em uma cesta.
When I was studying and you was not born... the distinguished professors taught us... that this country was cradle of civilization... and that today would be barbarians without the ideal of beauty... sensed by the ancestors these wretched.
Quando eu estudava e você não era nem nascido... os ilustres professores nos ensinavam... que este país era o berço da civilização... e que hoje seríamos bárbaros sem o ideal de beleza... intuído pelos antepassados destas desgraçadas.
- I know her from when she was born.
- Conheço-a desde que nasceu.
Let me tell you what I said when she was born.
Vou te contar o que eu disse quando ela nasceu.
I never forget when she saw you after you was born.
Nunca me esquecerei quando ela te viu depois de nasceres.
As I see it the only difference between us, is that when I quit work I take a long hot bath and I'm clean as the day I was born.
Para mim a única diferenca entre nós é que quando eu acabo de trabalhar tomo um banho e fico limpinha como nasci.
I remember when Charles was born.
Lembro-me de quando nasceu o charles.
God, I could remember when she was born, and now she's busting her cherry.
Deus, eu podia lembrar quando ela nasceu e agora ela é busting sua cereja.
I was born in a Welsh hay field when my mother was helping in the harvest.
Nasci em um campo galês enquanto minha mãe trabalhava na colheita.
What a busy bee you've been researching exactly where I was born... and when.
- Como você sabe onde eu nasci e quando?
When you were born, I was so happy... I threw you up and down.
Quando nasceste, fiquei tão feliz que te atirei ao ar várias vezes.
I made that when John was born.
Eu fiz isto quando John nasceu.
I killed him when he was born.
- Eu o matei quando ele nasceu.
I was there when you were born.
Eu já estive em seu nascimento.
I made it myself when Boz was born.
Eu fiz isto quando Boz nasceu.

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