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When it was over traduction Portugais

506 traduction parallèle
And when it was over, This is what he had earned for himself.
Quando esse momento passou, foi isto que ele obteve.
And when it was over, they beat her to death with a club.
Quando acabou, eles a mataram com uma pancada.
Não poderiam ter mudado a rota?
It was so brilliant that when it was over it was considered the real work of art, by all the guys in my cellblock.
Era tão genial que quando já estava tudo delineado foi considerado uma obra de arte pelos rapazes do meu pavilhão.
But when it was over, and the worst was past... they began to know how different we were, our skin, our eyes.
Mas quando terminou, e o pior tinha passado, eles começaram a perceber como éramos diferentes, a pele, os olhos.
I know I was glad when it was over.
Sei que gostei quando não precisei mais voltar.
When it was over, we had 14 survivors.
Quando terminou, tínhamos 14 sobreviventes.
And when it was over, I'd never want another.
E quando acabou, nunca mais quereria outra.
When it was over, I felt like I'd done something worthwhile.
Quando acabou, senti que tinha feito uma coisa útil.
When it was over, he vanished.
Quando acabou, ele desapareceu.
And when it was over, he came up to me. I was with my husband, of course. And in front of him and all his colleagues he said,
Quando terminou, aproximou-se de mim... eu estava com o meu marido, é claro... e diante dele e de todos os seus colegas, disse :
When it was over, everything went back to how it was before.
E tudo voltou a ser como antes.
Got over that a long time ago... when I first took to crime I was quite squeamish about it.
Isso passou-me há muito tempo! Quando entrei para o crime, era muito melindroso.
When we were pulling out of it, I was bending over.
Quando estávamos a subir, eu curvei-me.
When he flew over, he'd cut his engine so they'd know who it was.
Quando ele passava, desligava o motor, para saberem.
I thought it was written all over my face when I left Berlin in'02.
Achei que fosse óbvio quando saí de Berlim em 1902.
And then when it was all over, what?
E depois de acabar, o que resta?
When it was all over, a psychoanalyst said that Robert's relations with his mother were pathological.
Quando tudo acabou, um psicoanalista disse que as relações de Robert... com a sua mãe era patológica.
When it was all over, the trial and everything
Só uma. Quando tudo acabou no julgamento, pensei que a tua mãe tinha razão.
She was here when it happened... the friend of the poor lady that went over the cliff.
- Que enfermeira? Estava aqui quando sucedeu... a amiga da pobre senhora que caiu da falésia.
Wouldn't it be wonderful if it was everybody's century when people all over the world, free people, found a way to live together?
Não seria maravilhoso que fosse o século de toda a gente, em que gente livre de todo o mundo encontrasse o modo de viver em paz?
[The city strikers arrived when it was all over.]
Os reforços chegaram da cidade quando estava tudo resolvido.
I've pondered over it when I was awake... and I think... I have a feelin l'm hearin'the outside world.
Eu observei isto ao acordar... e creio... ter a sensação de escutar o mundo exterior.
That's when I figured it was all over.
Foi quando pensei que estava tudo arrumado.
It was about 7 : 30 when the dispatcher called me to take a shipment over to the Santa Ana branch.
Eram umas 7 : 30 quando o expedidor me chamou para levar um carregamento para a filial de Santa Ana.
You know, somebody beat me over the head that night, and I thought it was the little people, but when I spoke to King Brian about it, he said that you should take the consequences.
Sabe, alguém me bateu na cabeça aquela noite, e achei que eram os leprechauns, mas quando falei com o Rei Brian sobre isso... ele disse que você teria que arcar com as consequências.
When I thought it was over, Ben, I felt good.
Quando julguei que tinha acabado, Ben, senti-me bem.
It was ages ago that men were taught to hide when the sirens blew to run from death, but it's over!
Foi há séculos que o homem aprendeu a esconder-se ao toque das sirenes a fugir da morte, mas isso acabou!
I thought this game was over when Fats said it was.
Eu acho que este jogo acaba quando o Fats disser. Não.
I was standing right over here when you said it, and I was standing right out there on those front steps when he walked up the horse, grabbed a hunk of mane, - stepped up on him and sunk spur.
Eu estava mesmo ali quando disse isto, e estava lá fora na entrada quando ele saltou para o cavalo, agarrou-lhe nas crinas, montou e cravou as esporas.
When she ran out that night it was over.
Quando ela fugiu naquela noite, tudo acabou.
When she poured ointment over my body it was to prepare me for burial.
Derramando esse perfume em meu corpo... ela o fez em vista da minha sepultura.
Well, you wrote it on a pad, sir, when I was over there.
Escreveu-o num bloco, quando eu estava lá.
Just when I pinpointed which Harem girl was the KAOS agent, she lit a fire in the fireplace, and 99 hung a blanket over it.
Acho que vai ser um ano estupendo para o vinho. - Cigarro?
The satellite was orbiting over North America, western Russia and Siberia... but that darling little camera went right on... taking pictures when it wasn't supposed to.
O satélite orbitava sobre a América do Norte, a Rússia e a Sibéria mas a câmara continuou a tirar fotografias onde não devia.
When did you know it was all over?
Quando o sr. soube que era o fim?
Listen, w-w-what did you mean over there before when you said about it was understandable about the stuff being in Hayward's coat and pants?
Desculpe, o que quis dizer há pouco com o que estava no casaco do Hayward e nas calças.
It's because I remember the proprietor saying that he came over to the table, and he was pouring the wine. And when the game started, the little, round fellow with the accent pushed out the salt, and then you responded with the pepper.
Lembro-me de o proprietário ter dito que foi até à mesa colocar vinho nos copos e, que quando o jogo começou, o tipo forte com pronúncia pegou no sal e o senhor respondeu com a pimenta.
declaring what our information was and what this horror was that was being perpetrated, and also making plain our detestation of it and our determination that those responsible for it should be punished when the war was over.
E também, afirmando o nosso repúdio por tais atos e a nossa determinação em punir os responsáveis quando a guerra terminasse.
One of the youngsters of Virginia Occidental person, it was leant in a rock wall with the helmet underneath of the legs position that we adopted frequent, when an enemy ran over the wall, with a small load explosive moored to the belly.
Um dos rapazes da Virgínia Ocidental, estava encostado a um muro de pedra com o capacete debaixo das pernas posição que adoptávamos frequentemente, quando um inimigo correu por cima do muro, com uma pequena carga explosiva atada à barriga.
But it was over when he had the plan
Mas acabou quando ele arranjou o plano
When it was announced that you would take over, Dr. Montague blew his top.
Quando foi anunciado que o senhor viria para este lugar, o Dr. Montague ficou doido.
When the heat shield separated, it was over in less than 5 seconds.
Quando o escudo térmico se separou, acabou-se tudo em menos de 5 segundos.
When I was little, I could feel it all over my body.
Quando eu era criança eu sentia-a no meu corpo todo.
Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?
Acabou quando os Alemães bombardearam Pearl Harbor?
When it was all over, I walked up.
Quando acabou, eu fui dar uma volta.
When it's all over, you're in the paper, saying it was really nothing. And I have a wet coat.
No fim, você aparece nos jornais a dizer que não foi nada demais... e eu tenho um casaco molhado.
When you came back, it was all over, and I loved you just like before...
Quando voltastes, voltei a amar-te como sempre
When I took over this archdiocese, it was virtually broke.
Quando assumi a arquidiocese, estava praticamente falida.
It was the October of my 12th year when the seller of lightning rods came along the road toward Green Town, Illinois, sneaking glances over his shoulder.
Foi em Outubro, eu tinha doze anos quando o vendedor de pára-raios desceu a estrada a caminho de Green Town, Illinois.
He used to watch over the van when it was afraid and alone.
Ela cuidava da carrinha quando ela tinha medo e estava só.

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