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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ W ] / When i was

When i was traduction Portugais

45,652 traduction parallèle
When I was growing up, we didn't take a lot of car trips.
Quando eu era miúdo, não fazíamos muitas viagens de carro.
- Just listen to me. When I was on trial, I said that
No tribunal, disse terem-me dado um presente que deitei fora.
I put myself on the vocational training list when I was 17 years old.
Inscrevi-me nas listas de formação profissional aos 17 anos.
When I was about your son's age, my dad was lost at sea for six days.
Quando tinha a idade do seu filho, o meu pai estava perdido no mar durante seis dias.
Hey, I've had a relationship with CBS since 1965 when I was a PA on Gilligan's Island.
Tenho uma relação com a CBS desde 1965, quando era PA em Gilligan's Island.
He actually talked to me when I was just an assistant.
Ele falava comigo quando eu era um mero assistente.
♪ When I was 17 ♪
Quando tinha 17
Well, my mom died when I was just a baby.
A minha mãe morreu quando eu era bebé.
She left when I was 12.
Foi embora quando eu tinha 12 anos.
This is not the night to ask funny stories from when I was a kid, or lame shit like that.
Não é a noite para perguntar histórias sobre quando eu era criança ou coisas pirosas dessas.
You attacked me when I was trying to do my job.
Tu praticamente me atacaste quando tentei fazer o meu emprego.
I mean, there was a week when I was home sick and puking, but you were still in there.
Houve uma semana em que fiquei em casa doente e a vomitar, mas continuei a pensar em ti.
And just when I was winning!
Logo agora que eu estava a vencer.
When I was with Billy, there was only six to a room.
Quando estava com Billy éramos apenas seis por quarto.
When I was her age, I wanted to be the next Allan Sherman!
Quando eu tinha a idade dela, queria ser o próximo Allan Sherman!
When I was 15, I would've jumped at this.
Com 15 anos, eu teria aproveitado logo.
Well, when I was in Cuba... the peoples would line up for blocks and blocks just to see me.
Quando estava em Cuba, as pessoas faziam fila ao longo de quarteirões só para me verem.
I heard your voice when I was inside, telling me to fight.
Ouvi a tua voz quando estava lá dentro, a dizer-me para lutar.
I picked up some samples last year when I was working for a... previous benefactor.
Recolhi umas amostras, no ano passado, quando trabalhava para... um benemérito anterior.
You told me that when I was cured, - you'd buy me the real thing.
Disseste-me que quando eu estivesse curada me comprarias a verdadeira.
When your father came into the bar, I almost got in the car, I was so scared.
Quando o teu pai apareceu, quase que entrei no carro, estava tão assustada.
My grandmother was happy when I came to Madrid.
A minha avó ficou tão feliz, quando vim para Madrid.
Dad, I... Rachel, I understood when you wanted to work there when Jessica was still there.
Compreendi quereres trabalhar ali, enquanto a Jessica lá estava.
Was up to me, you'd be starting today, but what I can do is let you go in on there, so you'll be the first person they see when they get in. Thanks.
And I was working on a way to get around them when Zane caught wind of what we were doing, and he not only waived them ;
Tentava contorná-las, quando o Zane se apercebeu do que fazíamos.
Because you just lashed out at Louis when your intention was to let him down gently, and I find it hard to believe it had nothing to do with this office being empty.
Custa-me a crer que o vazio deste escritório não tenha influenciado.
I came here to tell you I've never seen your mother more excited than when she was heading out to have dinner with you.
Vim para te dizer que nunca vi a tua mãe mais contente do que quando ela saiu para ir jantar contigo.
- I was just thinking about when I stood here years ago, and I had to tell you that you weren't gonna get into Harvard.
Estava a pensar no momento em que estive aqui a dizer-te que não ias entrar em Harvard.
He said it was some sort of mix-up, but when I asked Donna about it, she told me that you were the one who went to see that man for me, not Louis.
Disse que houve um erro. Mas quando perguntei à Donna, ela disse-me que tu é que foste falar com o homem, não o Louis.
When I had to accept that Mei was dead...
Quando tive de aceitar que a Mei morrera...
One day when the taunting was bad, I was getting down on my knees, and in front of everybody, out of pity, and out of sarcasm, I proposed to her.
Um dia, quando a insultaram fortemente, eu ajoelhei-me, e em frente a toda a gente, por compaixão, e por sarcasmo, pedi-a em casamento.
You know, when she was in bathroom, I got quite a good look at her.
Quando ela foi à casa de banho, consegui ver bastante bem.
I heard he was gonna have a... - I just didn't know when. - Oh.
Eu sabia disso, só não sabia quando era.
Did I tell you when that was gonna happen, huh?
Não te disse que ia acontecer?
And that's, I guess, when I knew that this kid was a creative genius.
E foi aí que percebi que este miúdo era um génio criativo.
All right, so, when I finally go and I take the grape jelly jar... out of his hands and I was like, "Ah!"
Quando finalmente fui lá e lhe tirei o frasco de doce de uva das mãos, disse...
There was a time when I couldn't wait to get out of school, and now I'm back taking classes.
Houve uma altura em que mal podia esperar para sair da escola, e agora voltei às aulas.
When I had to have the conversation with my father, I was scared to death.
Quando tive de ter a conversa com o meu pai, estava aterrorizado.
I spent all morning practicing my hello to the mailman, but when he came by, he was just so fast.
Passei a manhã toda a praticar uma forma de cumprimentar o carteiro, mas ele foi demasiado rápido.
I'm sorry I had him here when no one was home.
Desculpa tê-lo aqui sem ninguém em casa.
He was when I left.
Estava quando eu saí.
I made it for Adam when he was born.
Fi-lo para o Adam quando ele nasceu.
I was just saying I know you don't wanna go with me when I go to... shop for dinner, so I'll go by myself.
Só estava a dizer que sei que não queres ir comigo às compras para o jantar e, por isso, vou sozinha.
When she didn't pick up, I knew something was wrong.
Quando ela não atendeu, sabia que algo estava errado.
When we first met and you were in the gang unit and I was holding that little boy's bleeding head in my hands,
Quando nos conhecemos e você estava na unidade de gangues e eu estava a segurar aquela criança que sangrava da cabeça nas minhas mãos,
I was exposed when they found a corpse!
- Fui exposto quando encontraram o cadáver!
When I was gone, she never gave up on me.
Quando eu estava desaparecido, ela nunca desistiu de mim.
When Hydra wiped out the Academy and people were dying, I was there.
Quando a HYDRA dizimou a Academia e as pessoas estavam a morrer, eu estava lá.
I knew I was losing him when his complexion changed from oatmeal to water Chestnut.
Sabia que estava a perdê-lo quando a sua aparência mudou de castanho claro para escuro.
I was here when you first came in.
Estava aqui quando você chegou.
A man showed up when i was fresh out of school - -
Um homem apareceu...

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