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When i was six traduction Portugais

294 traduction parallèle
When I was six, and he was 12.
Quando eu tinha seis anos e ele tinha doze anos.
When I was six, my mother brought me along to her family once.
Quando tinha seis anos, a minha mãe levou-me com ela para ver a família.
My father promised me to Rudolf when I was six years old.
Meu pai me prometeu a Rudolf quando tinha 16 anos.
My mother died when I was six.
A minha mãe morreu quando tinha 6 anos.
You know, Shepherd, I got stepped-on by a pony when I was six.
Sabes, Shephard, quando eu tinha seis anos, um pónei pisou-me.
I always knew what you did. From when I was six, I knew what you did.
Sempre soube o que fazias, desde que tinha seis anos.
When I was six?
Quando tinha seis anos...
When I was six... you taught me many lessons of the haragei.
Quando tinha seis anos, ensinou-me muito sobre o "haragei".
When I was six, I wanted to be an astronaut.
Quando tinha 6 anos, queria ser astronauta.
You'll never believe what I wanted to be when I was six.
- Sabes o que eu queria ser?
Sid, I won a roller skating trophy there when I was six years old. Nancy, don't fib.
Sid, ganhei um troféu de patinação, aqui, aos 6 anos.
My brother gave me this name when I was six or so.
Meu irmão me deu esse nome quando eu tinha seis anos eu acho.
Woman, when I was six years old, I had a fulltime job.
Mulher, na idade dele, eu trabalhava a tempo inteiro.
- He was killed when I was six.
- Foi morto quando eu tinha seis anos.
When I was six some bullies tied me to a tree.
Quando tinha 6 anos... uns vândalos me amarraram numa árvore.
I learned that dance when I was six years old.
Eu aprendi essa dança quando eu tinha seis anos de idade.
I started helping my mother when I was six, and I watched her.
Comecei a ajudar a minha mãe aos 6 anos. Observava-a.
So once, when I was six, I did.
Então quando tinha seis anos, acabei por olhar.
So once, when I was six, I did.
Uma vez, quando eu tinha seis anos, acabei por olhar.
When I was six, my father walked out on me.
Quando eu tinha 6 anos, meu pai me abandonou.
Oh, well, when I was six, my father took me on a picnic.
Quando tinha seis anos, o meu pai levou-me a um piquenique.
I knew I wanted to be a paleontologist when I was six.
Eu soube que queria ser um paleontólogo quando tinha 6 anos.
When I was six, the mayor of our town was hung from a tree.
Quando eu tinha seis anos, o mayor da nossa cidade foi enforcada numa árvore.
When I got it off Hatteras, six guys was caught in the fo'c'sle'cause the door buckled and they couldn't bust her loose.
Quando embarquei no Hateras, seis tipos ficaram presos no castelo de popa, porque a porta emperrou e não a conseguiram arrombar. - Lamento.
When I was ill, there were at least six men willing to give their lives for me.
Quando adoeci, havia pelo menos seis homens dispostos a dar a vida por mim.
I was six when I went on my first "safrari"...
Tinha 6 quando fiz o meu primeiro safrari.
When I didn't hear from you for six hours, I was afraid they might try something at tonight's performance.
Quando fiquei sem notícias vossas, fiquei preocupado e com medo de que eles podiam tentar algo durante o show desta noite.
I once saw him bag six ducks with one shot, when he was blind drunk.
Uma vez, matou seis patos com um tiro quando estava bêbado.
I was standin'on Horse Thief Corner when Prairie Rose came down the street with nothin'on but her six-guns.
Estava na esquina "Horse Thief" quando a "Prairie Rose" desceu a rua apenas com as suas armas.
See, when you were two years old and I was six, our mother decided to leave.
Não consigo lidar com isso.
When I was about six years old, my momma took me to the city.
Quando eu tinha seis anos, a minha mãe levou-me a cidade.
[Castillo] As I said the other day, when I was in South Vietnam in 1972, there were six murders in nine days.
Como disse no outro dia, quando estive no Vietname do Sul em 1972, houve seis homicídios em nove dias.
I was finally getting through to them, when, all of a sudden I have six more seated in my class who have absolutely no respect for anything.
Estava finalmente a progredir, quando, de repente, tenho mais seis alunos na minha aula... que não respeitam nada.
I was going for a sure six when all of a sudden, on the one - yard line looms Spare Tire waiting for me.
La marcar seis, quando, de repente, junto á última linha, o Pneu Suplente estava á minha espera.
When I was your age I had six gold records.
10 anos? Quando eu tinha a tua idade, ganhei seis discos de ouro.
She was only six months old when I came here.
Só tinha 6 meses quando vim para aqui.
One, two, three, four, five, six, - seven, eight, nine, 1 0. - You helped me when I was hurting.
Uma, duas, três, quatro, cinco, seis, sete, oito, nove, dez.
Six months ago, when Lilith and I were really on the rocks there was a time of depression I went through that was so terrible that I actually climbed out on a ledge and wondered if life was worth living.
Há seis meses atrás, quando a Lilith e eu estávamos mesmo mal passei por uma fase depressiva que foi muito má cheguei a subir para um parapeito e questionar se valeria a pena viver.
One day, when Marussya was six and I was sixteen the Bolshoi was performing "Lakmé".
- Sim. Um dia, quando Marussya tinha seis enos, e eu tinha dezasseis, o Bolshoi apresentava "Lakmé".
When I had anything to do with her six years ago, there was no such thing, I hadn't thought of it yet.
Quando a conheci há seis anos, ainda não pensara no assunto.
Martha remember when I had the surgery and was laid up for six months and we almost lost the farm?
Martha... lembras-te quando fui operado e estive seis meses de cama... e quase perdemos a quinta?
I had six toes on my right foot when I was born.
Nasci com seis dedos no pé direito.
When we were six, I was the one who'd get beaten up.
Quando tínhamos 6 anos, sempre me pegavam.
But I was thinking, if vice dumped him as an informer.. .. when my appeal came up in six weeks.. .. I could then say my ex-husband is unfit.
Mas estava a pensar que se eles o largassem como informador quando o meu recurso entrasse daqui a seis semanas talvez eu pudesse dizer que o meu marido era tão mau...
I don't regret the 18 years I was married to Nancy. I don't regret the six years I had to give up counseling when she got sick... and I don't regret the last years when she got really sick.
Não me arrependo dos meus 18 anos casado com a Nancy, dos 6 que não trabalhei quando ela adoeceu, ou dos últimos em que esteve gravemente doente.
When that guy was robbing us and I was locked in the entertainment unit for six hours do you know what I was doing?
Quando o tipo estava a assaltar-nos... ... e eu fiquei fechado na unidade de convívio durante 6 horas... ... sabes o que estava a fazer?
I was with him when he got it six years ago, from a Vulcan master... who doubled the price when he saw our Starfleet insignia.
Eu estava com ele quando a comprou, há 6 anos atrás. De um mestre Vulcano. Ele dobrou o preço quando viu nossas insígnias da Frota.
You know, back when I was a junior officer I dated a civilian for six years.
Sabe, quando era cadete, namorei com um civil durante seis anos.
I was only six years old when I was assimilated.
Só tinha seis anos quando fui assimilada.
Ma, I was six when I had chicken pox, and Dad didn't leave until I was 12.
Tinha seis anos quando tive sarampo, - o pai foi-se embora quando eu tinha 12.
He left when I was like, six years old.
Foi-se embora quando eu tinha seis anos.

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