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When i was small traduction Portugais

173 traduction parallèle
Lady Dalroy was very kind to me when I was small... and I am going.
Lady Dalroy foi muito boa comigo quando eu era criança. E eu vou.
When I was small I got angry and afraid when people surprised me.
Quando era pequeno ficava zangado e com medo quando me faziam surpresas.
I feel like I did once when I was small.
Sinto-me como uma vez quando era criança.
My mother died when I was small, far away from here.
A minha mãe morreu quando eu era pequena, muito longe daqui.
I like stars when I was small
Eu gostava de estrelas quando era pequeno
Vicente told me you came to our house when I was small.
O Vicente disse que foste lá a nossa casa quando eu era pequeno.
When I was small, I kept tropical fish in a tank.
Em criança, tinha peixes tropicais, num aquário.
When I was small, there was a tree right outside my window.
Quando era pequena, havia uma árvore mesmo à minha janela.
You must have been playing since you were young. I played when I was small, but I didn't practise as much as you.
Eu tocava quando era pequeno, mas não praticava tanto quanto você.
My ma, when I was small.
Minha mãe, quando eu era pequeno.
You know, when I was small, I loved him so much.
Sabes, quando era criança, amei-o muito.
I remember, when I was small, before they locked me away under the world,
Eu lembro-me, quando eu era pequeno, antes de eles me terem prendido debaixo do mundo,
I want to be a jockey when I was small
Eu queria ser um jockey quando era pequeno
He took care for me when I was small.
Ele sempre cuidou de mim.
I'll tell you why, Michaleen Oge Flynn, young small Michael Flynn, who used to wipe my runny nose when I was kid.
Dir-te-ei por que, Michaleen Oge Flynn, pequeno Michael Flynn que estavas acostumado a me limpar os mucos quando era um menino.
When I was little, there was a small waterfall.
Quando eu era pequeno, havia uma pequena cascata aqui.
When I read about the... you in the paper, a small item, but I picked it up, I was sure Mother would catch your eye.
Portanto, quando li sobre si num artigozinho no jornal, tive a certeza de que a minha mãe lhe chamaria a atenção.
When he that is my husband now... came to me as I followed Edward's corse... when scarce the blood was well washed from his hands... which issued from my other ángel husband... within so small a time... my woman's heart... grossly grew captive to his honey words.
Quando aquele que ora é meu esposo veio ao meu encontro, acompanhava eu o corpo de Eduardo, quando ele de suas mãos mal lavara ainda o sangue derramado daquele anjo que foi meu outro esposo, em tão curto espaço de tempo, meu coração de mulher se deixava cativar por suas palavras.
I'd like you to hear a tune about, I guess about those discussions that I was talking about that I seem to have had in so many small circles of friends around living rooms, around pipes, when they weren't selling no papers on the street,
Quero que ouçam uma música sobre... as conversas que tive... com tantos círculos de amigos em salas... fumando cachimbo quando não havia mortalhas à venda...
You know, when I was a boy I watched a small boat on a lake in a storm.
Sabes, quando eu era um rapaz... eu vi um pequeno barco no lago, durante uma tempestade.
- Which one? The one you had written about me when I was very small.
O que você tinha escrito sobre mim, quando eu era muito pequena.
I was very small when she went away. She went away?
Costuma-se dizer que vale tudo.
When I came here, I was with my wife and small child.
Quando aqui vim, estava com a minha mulher e o meu filho pequeno.
- When I was a small boy...
- Quando era miúdo...
general, when i was a very small boy, my mother made me promise that i would never let a falsehood pass my lips.
General, quando ainda era um rapazinho muito novo, a minha mãe fez-me prometer que jamais proferiria uma falsidade.
That I had arrived in Dubai at all Was a small triumph. I'm even more cheered when I look out Onto a lively and cosmopolitan waterfront.
Ter chegado ao Dubai foi, só por si, um pequeno triunfo e sinto-me mais animado quando, ao olhar pela janela, na manhã seguinte, vejo uma cidade agitada e cosmopolita.
Every man has a dream... Hmmm... and when I was a small boy, I used to watch the marsh warblers swooping in my mothers undercroft, and I remember thinking,'will men ever dare do the same?
Qualquer homem tem um sonho... e quando era um pequeno rapaz, costumava observar os pássaros à beira mar a mergulharem na cripta da minha mãe, e lembro-me de pensar,'será o homem capaz do mesmo?
I gave everything for everything in the time of the war when it was small.
Dei tudo por tudo no tempo da guerra quando era miúda.
For example, when I was a small boy, my parents made an agreement with the emperor of a neighboring country.
Olha o que sei fazer. Muito bem.
When I tried it on, it was too small.
Quando a experimentei, era pequena demais.
I'm a small businessman, and I was just wondering, uh, when is this economy going to turn around?
Sou um pequeno homem de negócios e estava apenas a questionar, quando é que esta economia vai-se voltar?
When we entered here, the Inspector must remember that I found a small fragment of glass in this piece, whose base was damaged also.
Quando entrámos aqui, o Inspector deve lembrar-se que encontrei um pequeno fragmento de vidro nesta peça, cuja base estava também danificada.
I remember when he came out at the hospital he was so small, he was like a little duckling.
O parto foi difícil, e desde então que nós nos importamos muito, e sempre...
When I was a small boy, my mother worked for King Sisyphus.
Quando era um miúdo, a minha mãe trabalhava para o Rei Sísifus.
My mother and I lived in the castle when I was a small boy.
A minha mãe e eu vivemos no castelo quando eu era um miúdo.
You know, there was a time when I thought this house was too small. Yeah.
Sempre pensava que esta casa era pequena demais.
When I first tested it, it was small, and on myself.
Quando testei-o da primeira vez, era pequeno, e testei em mim próprio.
- Cardassia will be free again. When you were a small boy I was worried about you.
Quando era um rapazinho, estava preocupado consigo.
I was a small boy when they were still working together, but mein Vater often spoke of dein Vater as one of the few people in this world he could trust.
Eu era ainda miúdo quando eles trabalhavam juntos, mas o meu pai algumas vezes falou do seu pai...
Besides, it bit me when it was small and I'm fine.
Mordeu-me na forma pequena e estou bem.
I remember when I finally told them... it was the only time they ever looked small to me.
Lembro-me quando finalmente lhes contei, foi a única vez que olharam baixo para mim.
I was small too, and I didn't hurt myself when I hit the ground.
Como eu era pequeno, não me magoava muito quando aterrava.
When she was murdered, I kept a small part of her alive... in you.
Quando ela foi assassinada, eu mantive uma pequena parte dela viva... em você.
He was very big when I was very small.
Era muito famoso quando era novita.
She was the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen. I know everybody thinks that when they're small, but she was the most beautiful woman most people had ever seen.
Era a mulher mais bonita que eu já vi sei que quando somos pequenos pensámos todos assim mas ela era a mulher mais bonita que a maioria das pessoas já viu.
I remember you telling me once... that guilt was something small people feel... when they run out of excuses for their behaviour.
Lembro-me que me disseste uma vez... que culpa era algo que as pessoas pequenas sentiam... quando esgotavam as desculpas para o seu comportamento.
My parents died when I was a small boy.
Os meus pais morreram quando eu era criança.
When I was a small boy at the age of five
Quando eu era um menino de cinco anos
Hi, my name is Steve and I wanna volunteer at Gay Helpline because I'm from a small town and there was no one for me to call when I was a teenager.
Olá, meu nome é Steve e quero ser voluntário no Gay Ajuda... porque sou de uma cidade pequena... e não havia ninguém a quem ligar quando eu era adolescente.
Oh! I would love to see pictures of Drew when he was small.
Eu adorava ver fotografias do Drew de quando ele era pequeno.
I was forced to leave When I was just a small child you just decided to go back?
Fui obrigado a sair quando ainda era pequeno. - E decidiste voltar agora?

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