When it's all over traduction Portugais
227 traduction parallèle
When it's all over, if you still want me I'll come to you no matter where you are.
Quando tudo acabar, se você ainda me querer, eu vou a você não importa onde estiver.
I'm going to live through this, and when it's all over...
Vou sobreviver a tudo isto, e quando tudo acabar, nunca mais terei fome!
We must get together for a game of golf when it's all over, eh?
Poderíamos nos reunir para um golfe quando isso tudo acabar.
When it was all over, a psychoanalyst said that Robert's relations with his mother were pathological.
Quando tudo acabou, um psicoanalista disse que as relações de Robert... com a sua mãe era patológica.
When it's all over, we'll go away- - anywhere you want- - and forget about all this.
Quando isto acabar, vamos... para onde quiseres... e esquecemos tudo.
Wouldn't it be wonderful if it was everybody's century when people all over the world, free people, found a way to live together?
Não seria maravilhoso que fosse o século de toda a gente, em que gente livre de todo o mundo encontrasse o modo de viver em paz?
When you ache all over, that's dames, brother. There ain't no cure for it either.
Quando tudo dói, é por causa de uma mulher e isso não tem cura.
For when it's all over a jolly sea rover drops in on his friend, Davy Jones
Porque quando tudo acaba É um lindo mar o que espera O amigo dele, Davey Jones
That's when I figured it was all over.
Foi quando pensei que estava tudo arrumado.
When they hang in your arms like an old laundry bag... it's all over, brother.
Quando elas parecem um saco de roupa suja nos braços, está tudo acabado, meu.
And you won't owe me when it's all over.
Nem agora, nem mais tarde.
And when it's over, what a waste it will all have been.
E quando terminar, que desperdício terá sido.
- When it's all over.
- Quando tudo estiver acabado.
It has fringe all around the edges and I guess, you could wear it over your head at noon to keep the sun off, or, I suppose in the evening when it's cool you could throw it around your shoulders.
Tem franjas à volta... e podes usar na cabeça... ao meio-dia, para te proteger do sol, acho eu. Nas noites, de frio, podes pôr sobre os ombros.
I thought it would all be over when the lord left with his retinue this morning, but it's not.
Pensava que terminaria após o Senhor partir com seus homens, esta manhã, mas não terminou.
He looks like he's makin'to answer or to take a mouth of coffee... when just like that... his face all spitters out... spilling in his coffee and all over hisself... with none of his face left on with it.
Parece que ele procurava uma resposta ou bebia um trago de café, quando... Foi mesmo assim. O seu rosto desfez-se todo.
Go over it all again. When he's tired, Iet me know.
Levem-no e comecem tudo desde o início, quando estiver fatigado, digam-me.
When it's all over, I want you to get her out.
Quando tudo acabar, quero que a leve daqui para fora.
It'd come to a shootout and when it's all over, a bunch of dead cats.
Causaria um tiroteio e quando acabasse haveria mortos.
Not now. When it's all over. When it's behind us.
Quando tudo tiver terminado e ficar para trás.
Not now, not now. When it's all over. When it's behind us.
Agora não, quando tudo tiver terminado, e ficado para trás.
If you do find him, you tell him to bother coming home when all it's over.
Se o encontrar, diga-lhe que não pense em voltar aqui a não ser que esteja sóbrio.
When it's all over, you're in the paper, saying it was really nothing. And I have a wet coat.
No fim, você aparece nos jornais a dizer que não foi nada demais... e eu tenho um casaco molhado.
My dad says it's mine when it's all over.
O meu pai diz que será minha quando isto terminar.
All I can say is, I'll be the last man standing when it's all over in that town in Texas
Apenas que, quando isto acabar, serei o único ainda de pé naquela cidade do Texas.
When it's all over, I'm gonna keep my costume.
Quando tudo acabar, vou ficar com a máscara.
Hey, Mick. What do you think we're gonna do when it's all over?
O que achas que vamos fazer depois disto?
They may be very sorry they've asked any of us to do it when it's all over.
Ainda se arrependerão de nos terem convidado a participar quando tiver terminado.
Remember, when it's over out there, we're all on the same team.
Lembre-se, quando acaba, somos todos da mesma equipa.
So when I'm all done, I look at the total and it's way up over and it's way up over $ 1 00,000.
Por isso, quando termino, olho para o total e é muito superior... muito superior a $ 100.000.
And when it's all over, no one need ever have known.
E quando tudo acabar, ninguém precisa de saber.
It's occurred to me that when this is all over, my client's going to be out of a job.
Bem, ocorreu-me a ideia que quando isto tudo acabar, o meu cliente ficará sem emprego
E quando isto acabar, será metade do homem que era.
Danny, you didn't say what you'll do when it's all over.
Danny, ainda não disseste o que farás quando acabar.
When this all blows over, I'll write and tell ya where it's buried. Oh, no.
Quando isto tudo for esquecido, escrevo-te e digo onde o escondi.
I can't take it when it's all over the street.
Não quando está em toda parte.
When it's all over, you'll leave and never come back again.
Quando tudo acabar, vais-te embora e nunca mais cá voltas.
And when that happens, it's all over.
E quando isso acontece, É o fim.
Of course, when it's over, it's hard to get used to all this clothing, you know.
Claro que, quando acabam, custa habituarmo-nos á roupa.
Gabe, when it's over... we'll all be lucky to get away before they kill us.
Gabe, quando acabar... todos nós vamos ter que ter sorte para fugir antes que nos matem.
When it rains in the desert, it's like... everything starts all over again.
Quando chove no deserto, É como se... Tudo recomeçasse de novo.
Aye, it's all right when it happens over in Belfast.
Está tudo bem quando acontece em Belfast.
It's hard for me to clean this giant pot when you keep spilling meat tenderizer all over me.
É difícil limpar esta panela gigante, se continuam a despejar molho de carne em cima de mim.
Rule of Acquisition 286 : "When Morn leaves, it's all over."
Regra de Aquisição 286, "Quando Morn parte, está tudo acabado."
- No, when you would like to learn... you're going to school all day and will be sad when it's over.
- Não, quando gostar de aprender... Vai correr para a escola todos os dias e vais ficar triste quando acabar.
When it's over, we'll all be parents for the rest of our lives.
Quando acabar, seremos pais para o resto da vida.
Every morning, when you wake up, it's like you're born all over again.
Quando acordamos, de manhã, é como se tivéssemos nascido de novo.
We figure it's all over, and that's when we hear the rescue team.
Pensámos que não tínhamos hipótese, e foi aí que ouvimos o som... dos helicópteros de uma equipa de salvamento.
When it's over, she's all yours.
Quando acabar, ela é toda tua.
What you gonna say when things go wrong What you gonna do when it's all over
It's like Napoleon. When he was the king... people were just constantly trying to conquer him... in the Roman empire, so it's... history repeating itself all over again.
É como o Napoleão, quando ele era o rei... pessoas tentavam sempre conquistá-lo no Império Romano.
when it's over 71
when it's done 31
when it's time 24
it's all over 506
it's all over the place 28
it's all over now 124
it's all over the news 76
it's all over the internet 25
all over the world 65
all over the place 53
when it's done 31
when it's time 24
it's all over 506
it's all over the place 28
it's all over now 124
it's all over the news 76
it's all over the internet 25
all over the world 65
all over the place 53
all over 197
all over it 16
all over again 78
when they 28
when we first met 137
when the saints go marching in 18
when you 160
when were you born 26
when i was younger 134
when are you leaving 116
all over it 16
all over again 78
when they 28
when we first met 137
when the saints go marching in 18
when you 160
when were you born 26
when i was younger 134
when are you leaving 116
when i was a child 198
when you're gone 25
when i'm gone 52
when it comes to you 25
when will i see you again 43
when it rains 55
when i 169
when in doubt 76
when he died 111
when i was little 263
when you're gone 25
when i'm gone 52
when it comes to you 25
when will i see you again 43
when it rains 55
when i 169
when in doubt 76
when he died 111
when i was little 263