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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ W ] / While you were away

While you were away traduction Portugais

169 traduction parallèle
I've always told you I was a crazy girl... I couldn't bear Milan while you were away.
" Sempre te disse que estava louca mas não poderia haver agüentado sem ti.
We were talking about the jungle while you were away, Mr. Bone.
Falámos da selva enquanto esteve fora, Mr.
It was while you were away.
Foi quando você estava fora.
While you were away, they had a meeting. And some idiot suggested I should take the first one, so I did.
Quando estavas fora, houve uma reunião e sugeriram... que eu fosse a primeira dama a adoptar um e foi o que eu fiz.
I've waited since you were a girl, and while you were away.
Esperei desde que eras uma menina, e enquanto estiveste fora.
I got myself five foxes and a lion while you were away at the village.
Apanhei cinco raposas e um leão enquanto foram à aldeia.
The city has been desolate while you were away.
A cidade tem estado muito desolada enquanto esteve fora.
The city has been absolutely desolate while you were away.
A cidade tem estado mesmo muito desolada desta que foi embora.
- Ruth? - While you were away I spoke to Tobiah.
Enquanto estiveste fora falei com o Thobia.
I did a little housebreaking while you were away.
Assaltei-te a casa enquanto estiveste fora.
Clay, while you were away...
Clay, enquanto viajavas...
While you were away, the Russian came up with some revelations that'll shake you.
Enquanto esteve fora, o russo fez algumas revelações que o vão abalar.
Why didn't you send money while you were away?
Por que não me mandou dinheiro quando estava fora?
Jove, while you were away, we built a new temple to you on Palatine Hill
Enquanto estáveis fora construímo-vos um novo templo no monte Palatino.
She came here while you were away. The servants wouldn't let her in.
Desagrada-me muito que me desobedeças!
I did "arrange" La Francine while you were away...
Eu "arranjei" a Francine quando estavas fora
Having a lot of work done on your place while you were away.
Fez muitas obras em sua casa, enquanto esteve fora.
- Mrs. Picard, another gentleman called while you were away.
- Menina Shoup. - Sra. Picard, veio um...
That's what we ran while you were away.
Foi isto que publicámos enquanto estiveste fora.
we located the 1963 crash while you were away.
Localizamos o acidente de 1963 mas estava fora.
I did a little housebreaking while you were away.
- Estás a brincar? - Que horas são?
No, something happened while you were away. It is called pollution.
Aconteceu algo enquanto esteve "fora", chama-se poluição.
And she was working for Steven while you were away.
E ela tem estado a trabalhar para o Steven enquanto estiveste fora.
While you were away, I was with a man whom I have always loved.
Enquanto estiveste fora, tive relações com o homem por quem sempre estive apaixonada.
I've thought about this over and over while you were away.
Pensei nisto vezes sem conta enquanto estiveste fora.
I been doing some thinking while you were away. Uh...
- Estive a pensar enquanto estives-te fora.
He pitched in around the office while you were away.
Ele deu uma mão por aqui enquanto você esteve fora.
But I was playing soccer while you were away.
Andei a jogar futebol enquanto estiveste fora.
While you were away, Broots and I revisited the old notebook from the Atlanta site... and we found some clues.
Na tua ausência, O Broots e eu voltámos a ver o velho caderno de apontamentos de Atlanta. Onde encontrámos algumas indicações.
While you were away, fighting wars...,... Lady Menos came to your house and saved your wife and son.
Enquanto estiveste fora, a combater em guerras, a Senhora Menos veio à tua casa e salvou a tua mulher e filho.
We've covered just about everything you missed while you were away.
Bem, acho que falámos de quase tudo o que perdeste enquanto estiveste fora.
While you were away in Singapore. I met one Maya in London.
Enquanto estavas longe, em Singapura.
While you were away... I had a chance to relive part of my youth.
Enquanto estiveste fora, pude reviver parte da minha juventude.
You didn't miss much while you were away.
Você não perdeu muito enquanto estava fora.
We spent a lot of time together while you were away, mister!
Passamos muito tempo juntos enquanto estiveste fora, meu senhor!
It's her great-grandmother's name, it's her favorite flower, and we planted a whole box of them outside her bedroom window while you were away having three of your chins sucked out!
É o nome da bisavô dela, é a flor preferida dela, e nós plantamos uma caixa inteira deles na janela do quarto dela enquanto estavas longe a sugarem-te a gordura toda!
A man who, while you were away having meetings about mozzarella, said to me...
Um homem que enquanto frequentavas feiras sobre queijo mozzarella me disse :
- While you were away, the world changed.
- Na tua ausência, o mundo mudou.
While you were away, offering your services to the governor.
Enquanto estavas fora, a oferecer os teus serviços ao governador.
While you were away, Will Tippin was ordered to Camp Harris for unrestricted interrogation.
Enquanto esteve fora, ordenaram que o Will Tippin fosse para o Campo Harris para um interrogatório sem limites.
You know that I couldn't stay away from the Caribe while you were there, that I came every night for months because of you.
Sabes que não podia estar longe do Caribe enquanto lá estavas, que fui lá todas as noites durante meses por ti.
You see, my father had engaged a string quintet... to come in and play in the evening. And while they were playing Boccherini, someone came in and said the old queen had passed away.
O meu pai tinha contratado um quinteto de cordas para a ocasião e enquanto tocavam Boccherini, chegou alguém e disse que a rainha-mãe tinha falecido,
What else did you do while we were away?
E que mais fizeste, enquanto estivemos fora?
So just where were you while I was wasting my life away with my family?
Onde estiveste enquanto eu esbanjava a vida em família?
You were the one who got away with things while I never did.
Sempre te safaste assim e eu não.
After we came back from Australia, Mr. Andrew was sent to fight in France. You were conceived while he was away.
Depois de voltarmos da Austrália, o Sr. Andrew foi combater para França, tu foste concebido enquanto ele estava fora.
While you were serving the main meal, could Meurig not have entered the kitchen, overheard what Aldith was saying, added the monk's hood to the dish and then crept away as quietly as he'd come?
Enquanto serviam o prato principal, não poderia Meurig ter entrado na cozinha, ter ouvido o que a Aldith dissera, ter adicionado o óleo de acônito ao prato, e sair furtivamente?
Understand, that while I'm not a prophet, I can tell you that if I were going to be sent away in a life pod and forced to watch everything I love and have fought for die before my eyes without even a chance to keep it together the life pod would suffer just such a terrible accident.
Compreendam, que embora não seja uma profeta, posso vos dizer que se eu for enviada para uma cápsula salva-vidas e for forçada a ver tudo o que gosto e por que lutei a morrer diante dos meus olhos sem ter qualquer hipótese de manter tudo junto a cápsula salva-vidas sofreria igualmente um terrível acidente.
I sort of took it upon myself to look after her while you were, you know, off and away or what have you, and...
Eu tomei a obrigação de tomar conta dela, enquanto tu estavas... Tu sabes, fora e longe... Ou o que quer que tenha sido.
You know, while the cops were storming the place and you guys were all getting away,
Enquanto os polícias entraram no local e vocês estavam a fugir,
You know, I can't believe you guys were 12 feet away while a cop, one of our own, was being slaughtered by Cyrus.
Sabem, não acredito que vocês estavam a 4 metros, quando um policia, um dos nossos, estava a ser massacrado pelo Cyrus.

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