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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ W ] / While you were sleeping

While you were sleeping traduction Portugais

131 traduction parallèle
And while you were sleeping, the newspaper called up for an interview.
Enquanto dormias, telefonaram do jornal a pedir uma entrevista.
I've taken the first step while you were sleeping.
Eu dei o primeiro passo... enquanto dormias.
George phoned while you were sleeping... and he's very worried about you.
George chamou enquanto dormia. Está muito preocupado.
while you were sleeping, last tonight, you've been mine.
Não. Esta noite enquanto dormia, foste minha.
I gave it to a man in a black cape while you were sleeping.
Dei-o a um homem de capa preta enquanto dormias.
I put them on you while you were sleeping.
Vesti-lhas enquanto dormia.
Many nights I've put a blade to your throat while you were sleeping.
Muitas noites, eu coloquei a faca no teu pescoço enquanto tu dormias.
I wrote him a letter while you were sleeping.
Eu escrevi-lhe uma carta, enquanto tu dormias.
You gave this highly sensitive matter in this B file to Carolyn Polhemus while you were sleeping with her?
Entregou esse assunto sensível, do Dossier B a Miss Polhemus, quando dormia com ela?
While you were sleeping a code was installed on everyone.
Enquanto dormiam, foi-lhes instalado um código.
While you were sleeping soundly.
Enquanto você dormia tranquilamente.
"It was while you were sleeping."
Foi enquanto dormias.
Because it would look pathetic on the news if I were beaten up while you were sleeping.
Seria patético aparecer no jornal que eu tinha levado uma sova enquanto dormias.
They took him while you were sleeping.
Levaram-no quando estavas a dormir.
This arrived earlier while you were sleeping.
Chegou quando estavas a dormir.
Sarah- - But how long did you keep me hanging on while you were sleeping with her, making me feel like I was the one who was doing something wrong?
- Sarah... - Mas quanto tempo me deixaste quando dormias com ela, fazendo-me sentir que eu é que estava a proceder mal?
I held your head while you were sleeping.
Segurei-te na cabeça enquanto dormias.
Well, one night while you were sleeping, I got up to get a bite to eat.
Bom, uma noite, enquanto dormia, eu levantei-me para ir comer.
Because your parents wouldn't slip poisonous snakes into your bed... while you were sleeping.
Porque os teus pais não poriam serpentes venenosas na tua cama... quando estivesses a dormir.
She brought it down for us while you were sleeping.
Trouxe-o ela cá abaixo enquanto dormias.
I had a look around while you were sleeping.
Fui lá fora enquanto dormias.
Maybe you see and hear me because while you were sleeping...
Talvez me consigas ver e ouvir, porque quando estavas a dormir...
A small war divided the nation while you were sleeping.
Uma guerra dividiu a Nação enquanto dormias.
Let me ask you while you were sleeping with them, were you thinking about hitting them?
Deixa-me perguntar-te enquanto dormias com eles, estavas a pensar em bater-lhes?
We already did while you were sleeping.
Já o fizemos enquanto dormiam.
You might not remember me from such movies... as While You Were Sleeping and Twister.
É capaz de não se lembra de mim no Enquanto Dormias e Tornado.
- while you were sleeping.
A dormir? ! Não consigo dormir!
- I walked here while you were sleeping.
Eu andei enquanto tu dormias.
So, while you were sleeping, I had to answer the door.
E enquanto estavas a dormir, eu tive que ir á porta.
Henry called while you were sleeping. Yeah?
O Henry ligou, enquanto estava a dormir.
While you were sleeping, vittorio came over and... we made love.
Enquanto dormias, o Vitorio apareceu aqui e....... fizemos amor.
I watched you while you were sleeping.
Parece que te esqueces. Ficava ali, enquanto dormias.
What guy drunkenly kissed you while you were sleeping?
Que gajo bêbedo é que te beijou enquanto estavas a dormir?
Wow. Looks like somebody filed halfway through your cane while you were sleeping.
Parece que alguém serrou a tua bengala enquanto dormias.
I mean, there was something this morning while you were sleeping... a voice. Weird. What?
Did anyone borrow your blue van - while you were sleeping? - No.
Alguém lhe pediu emprestada a sua carrinha azul enquanto esteve a dormir?
So while you were sleeping...
Enquanto dormias...
is your objection solely to our presence in the apartment while you were sleeping, or do you also object to the imposition of a new organizational paradigm.
A tua objecção deve-se apenas à nossa presença No apartamento, enquanto estavas a dormir, Ou também discordas da imposição de um novo paradigma organizacional?
Now, is it possible he snuck out last night while you were sleeping?
Agora, acha que é possível ele ter saído durante a noite, enquanto dormia?
She is a sweet, selfless girl who worked nights to put you through law school while you were sleeping with her sister.
Ela é uma rapariga doce e bondosa que trabalha todas as noites para estudares Direito enquanto dormias com a irmã dela.
Last night while you were sleeping.
- Leri noite, enquanto você dorme.
I practiced while you were sleeping.
A grande bomba está a ir para... como se diz "Casa Bianca"? Para onde vai a grande bomba?
So much that sometimes when we were apart, we kept an open phone line... ... so while sleeping I couId listen to you breathe.
Tanto que às vezes, quando estávamos longe, tínhamos o telefone ligado para que pudesse ouvir-te respirar, enquanto dormias.
You mean to tell me that while we were sleeping together you and the fellas were making decisions on my life?
Queres dizer-me que enquanto dormiamos juntos tu e aqueles tipos tomavam decisöes sobre a minha vida?
I mean, for instance, what if it came out that you were sleeping with Peter Benton while you were his intern and he was your supervisor in a position to evaluate you which, I'm sure you're aware, is a very big no-no.
Quero dizer, por exemplo, se se acabasse por descobrir que tu dormias com o Peter Benton quando eras a interna dele e ele o teu supervisor bem como avaliador... Vá lá.
You think the suspect printed the ransom note from inside the house while they were sleeping?
Achas que o suspeito imprimiu o bilhete na casa... - enquanto dormiam?
While you guys were sleeping, we were up in the kitchen frying'up some love.
Bem, conto-vos isto, enquanto vocês estavam dormindo nós estavamos acordados na cozinha, fazendo um pouco de amor!
Adrian, Sharona, while you were out, I happened to look into your room, and I couldn't help but notice that Sharona is sleeping in a pup tent on the floor.
Adrian, Sharona, enquanto vocês estiveram fora, calhei de olhar para o vosso quarto, e não pude deixar de reparar que a Sharona está a dormir numa tenda de campismo no chão.
You were thinking about him while sleeping me?
Estavas a pensar nele enquanto dormias comigo?
You were sleeping with someone while we dated?
Dormiste com outro quando já andávamos?
What were you thinking while sleeping?
O que estavas a pensar enquanto dormias?

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