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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ W ] / While i was there

While i was there traduction Portugais

397 traduction parallèle
Someone came to pawn a watch while I was there.
Veio uma pessoa penhorar um relógio, enquanto lá estive.
While I was there, Miss Porter came in. She'd been there before.
Enquanto lá estava, entrou a Miss Porter, ela já lá tinha estado.
They opened the telegram while I was there.
Abriram um telegrama enquanto eu estava lá.
While I was there, these men... kind of guests, you might say... we'd get together and horse around a little bit and sing...'cause we were havin such a good time... and we always had a lot of fun with this one, "The Jailhouse Rock."
Aí, estes homens... poderíamos chamá-los convidados... reuníamo-nos para dançar e cantar... porque estávamos passando tão bem... e sempre nos divertiámos muito com esta canção : "Prisioneiro do Rock'n'Roll".
Not while I was there, I do have other duties, you know,
Não enquanto lá estive, Tenho outros deveres, sabe,
- About 5,000 landed while I was there.
Calculo que desembarcaram 5 mil enquanto lá estive.
While I was there they busted in and...
Quando lá fui vê-los os chineses entraram...
While I was there, they beat it out of me that you guys were headed for Texas.
Enquanto lá estive, Tiraram-me à pancada que tínheis ido para o Texas.
While I was there, there was a crazy, drunk guy named Nelson Fox. He recruited me into the CIA.
Lá, um bêbado chamado Nelson Fox, recrutou-me para a C.I.A.
And, while I was there this guy, Howard, offered me the job.
Enquanto lá estava, o tal Howard ofereceu-me o emprego.
I'd been sent down to the coast to inspect some defenses. While there, it was my bad luck to run into her once more.
Tinha sido enviado para a costa para inspeccionar algumas defesas e tive então o azar de voltar a encontrá-la.
- Then after a while I opened my door a crack, and there he was still coming along with you, puffing like a steam engine.
- Passado um bocado, abri uma frincha da minha porta e lá estava ele, no átrio, ainda contigo ao colo, a saírem-lhe os bofes pela boca.
I kept thinking while I was dreaming that all this meant something, that there was some other meaning in it that I ought to find out.
Penso sempre durante os sonhos que aquilo significa algo. Têm qualquer outro significado que eu quero descobrir.
My jaw hurts, my ribs ache, I killed a man back there and stood by while a harmless guy was killed.
Dói-me o corpo todo e matei um homem. Vi um tipo inocente a ser assassinado.
And for a while there, I thought it was me that was crazy.
E, por instantes, pensei que eu é que estava louco.
While i was down there, i found this.
Enquanto estava ali, encontrei isto.
I thought for a while there was something really bothering you.
Por um tempo pensei que havia algo que te preocupava.
I thought about you too while I was up there.
Também pensei muito em ti enquanto lá estive.
Well, he was out when I was there just a while ago.
Ele não estava em casa quando lá estive agora.
Oh, you mean, while I was in there, an Apache...
Quer dizer, quando eu estava lá dentro, um Apache...
- I am. Well... while I was lying there, absolutely helpless, afraid to move...
Bem, quando estava ali prostrado, sem ajuda, com medo de me mexer...
For a while there, I thought it was serious.
Sabes, por momentos pensei que o caso estava a ficar grave.
Oh, it's so hot out there, that wash dried while I was hanging it.
Oh, está tão quente lá fora, a roupa lavada secou enquanto eu a pendurava.
While there was a chance, I was bound to ascertain the captain's status.
Enquanto havia uma hipótese, tinha o dever de apurar a situação do Capitão.
I was born there, on the first floor, while my mother was looking for a wedding ring.
Nasci lá, no primeiro andar, enquanto a minha mãe procurava uma aliança.
It's been a while since I was there.
Já foi à bastante tempo que estive lá.
That's what I was doing over there a little while ago.
Era o que eu estava a fazer ali há pouco.
You know, as a matter of fact, a while back here there was a captain of detectives, and he and I didn't get along.
Por acaso, há uns tempos, havia um capitão um detective com quem não me dava bem.
- Yes, she was at the Police Station, and had been there quite a while and I thought...
- Sim, ela estava na esquadra de polícia e ficou lá uns tempos e eu pensei que era melhor...
There for a while last night I was afraid you were dying.
Houve uma altura esta noite... em que temi que fosses morrer.
I thought about Bear a lot while I was over there.
Pensei muito no Bear, enquanto lá estive.
I got to admit for a while there I was really cheesed off.
Tenho de admitir que, por uns instantes, fiquei mesmo irritada.
I was worried there for a while.
Até cheguei a ficar preocupado.
He was trapped in there for hours while I took everything down the back stairs.
Ele esteve horas lá preso enquanto eu levava as coisas para baixo.
And then they made me stand there while they burned them right in front of me. You know, I was nude. Really?
E depois fizeram-me ver as roupas a serem queimadas, eu estava nú.
Because, while I was locked up in there, they kept an eye on me.
Porque estava sempre vigiado, na prisão.
While I was out there spinning my wheels, I saw another man die.
Enquanto eu andei por lá, vi outro homem morrer.
Well, we were working up to it, then suddenly people started firing revolvers and there were aspirin tablets causing instant death. EMMA : I thought my best plan was to keep quiet for a while.
Queríamos fazê-lo, mas apareceu alguém aos tiros e comprimidos a causar morte instantânea, pelo que achámos melhor ficar calados...
For a while I thought there was another woman.
Cheguei a pensar que existia outra mulher.
You know, for a while there, I was worried something might happen to you.
Durante um tempo, preocupou-me que alguma coisa te acontecesse.
All the while that I was with my friend, I was just wondering what you were doing in there.
Enquanto estava com o meu amigo estive a pensar o que farias aí.
They got in the car while I was still in there, man.
Entraram quando o estava a roubar.
I sang, while Sandra was dieing up there.
Eu cantava, enquanto a Sandra mentia e morreu ali.
What was I supposed to do, sit there while my own lawyer says I'm incompetent to stand trial?
Ficar sentada enquanto o meu advogado dizia... que sou incapaz?
But, Barry, even without all of that, what if... and I'm just sayin what if... what if that disposal came on while your hand was down there? - And it goes around and around... - Denise, tell me something.
Mas mesmo sem tudo isso e se... se o triturador ligasse... enquanto a mão estivesse lá dentro?
Look what I picked up while I was out there.
Veja o que descobri enquanto lá estive.
And while I was in there, I happened to mention that I was sad.
E, enquanto lá estive, mencionei, por acaso, que estava triste.
They're the guys who sat home on their fat asses and ate quiche while I was over there.
Eles são os que se sentam com os seus grandes cús...
Then after a while, I noticed there was no more stopping, just saying hello and continuing on our way.
Passado algum tempo, notei que já não parávamos. Só nos cumprimentávamos e continuávamos caminho.
Enquanto estávamos lá, o padre da aldeia veio e confundiu a Edith pela Yvette, com quem eu ia casar em segredo.
Algum idiota disse aos alemães para revistarem a lavandaria, enquanto eu tinha uma reunião secreta lá.

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