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Who were they traduction Portugais

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Who were they?
O que eram eles?
And who were they, I wonder?
E quem eram eles?
Who were they?
- Quem eram?
So who were they?
Então... quem eram?
Who were they sent to?
Para quem foram enviados?
Who were they?
Quem eram?
- Who were they?
- Quem eram eles?
Take somebody who's exceptional at something, give them an identity, give them a purpose... use it to manipulate them, and they pervert what they were good at.
Escolhem alguém excepcional numa coisa, dão-lhe uma identidade, um objectivo... Usam-no para os manipular, e assim aproveitarem-se daquilo em que são bons.
Look, if we were talking about people who made Tastykakes, right, I'd say, "Look, I'm worried that they might get rid of the poor people who put the squiggles on Tastykakes."
Se estivéssemos a falar do pessoal que produz doces, eu diria que estou preocupado que pudessem livrar-se da pobre gente que faz os desenhos nos doces.
What if they were mobsters who slept with the fishes?
E se eles fossem mafiosos que foram dormir com os peixinhos?
You were paid by your procurers, who thought that they were bribing Mr. Florrick for your services, and you were also paid by Mr. Florrick, who didn't know that you were being paid by others.
Florrick, e foi paga pelo Mr. Florrick, que não sabia que era paga por outros.
I really didn't know who they were.
Lamento muito, Martin. - Não sabia quem eles eram.
Days were passing. Who knew if they were living up to the deal.
Os dias passavam e não sabia se eles estavam a cumprira sua parte.
I mean, I know you always wondered who they were, and now you know.
Sei que sempre imaginaste quem eram, e agora sabes.
I told them I wasn't driving, and they were all, "Who was it?"
Disse-lhes que não ia eu a conduzir. E perguntaram : "Se não era você, quem era?"
Ava... was just as terrified as I was, and she had no idea this was gonna happen or who they were.
A Ava estava tão assustada quanto eu, e não imaginava que isto ia acontecer ou de quem eles eram.
Maybe they were arguing, who knows.
Talvez estivessem a discutir, quem sabe?
Who just happened to have a camera and managed to catch the two of you in the act? Or were they tipped off maybe?
Que tinha uma câmara à mão e conseguiu apanhá-los em flagrante?
Find out who they were, where it went.
Descubram quem eram e para onde foi.
And then they had a great attitude towards the grown = ups as well, and the grown = ups had to deal with them as well, especially Jake and Charley who were older than Marlon,
E eles também tinham uma atitude óptima par com os adultos, e os adultos também tinham de lidar com eles, especialmente o Jake e Charley que eram mais velhos que o Marlon,
Dean Martin had this cool show and he had these dancers who wore go-go boots and they were called Golddiggers because well, their values weren't very good.
O Dean Martin tinha um programa giro com dançarinas de botas de cano alto e chamavam-se caça-fortunas, porque... Os valores delas não eram muito bons.
Uncle Hank said that they were worth learning about that everybody knows who Pablo Escobar is but nobody knows about the guys that brought him down.
O tio Hank disse que valia a pena conhecê-los melhor porque todos sabem quem era o Pablo Escobar, mas ninguém conhece os homens que o apanharam.
Those men, who did you think they were?
Aqueles homens. Quem pensaste que eram?
And what about the people who learned from mosaic they were meant to die before the 29th but lived past the fatal event?
E as pessoas que descobriram pelo Mosaico que era suposto morrerem antes do dia 29, mas sobreviveram à ocorrência fatal?
They were called Frances Dereham and Edward Waldegrave, who was a Gentleman in waiting upon the Duchess.
Chamavam-se Francis Dereham e Edward Waldegrave, que era um aio da duquesa.
And when you found out that his family was alive and that they were the only people who could identify you, you went after Sara Marku and Anila, the mother of your child.
E quando você descobriu que a família dele estava viva e que eles eram as únicas pessoas que poderiam identificá-lo, foi atrás de Sara Marku e Anila, a mãe do seu filho.
And the two guys who were with Turell when you took a shot at him - - they're giving their statements upstairs.
E os dois caras que estavam com Turell quando você atirou nele... eles prestando depoimento lá em cima.
All he could tell me was they were walking home from school, cut through the alley on 91st and met up with a bad guy who shot Nicky.
Ele só me conseguiu dizer que estavam a vir da escola, cortaram pelo beco na Rua 91 e cruzaram-se com um tipo que disparou sobre o Nicky.
But who you wish you were, and they need to try to live up to that person.
Precisam de saber quem gostarias de ser... e precisam de seguir esse exemplo.
And everyone who knew them said they were pretty happy.
E todos os que os conheciam disseram que estavam muito felizes.
Unfortunately, those are the same shoes that were worn by the man who killed Carver, and I'm certain that if we send those to the lab, they'll have Carver's blood all over them.
Infelizmente, são iguais aos do homem que matou o Carver, e tenho certeza que, se os mandarmos para a perícia, vão ter o sangue do Carver.
I thought they were selfish, yet in the end, it turns out it was I who thought they were selfish.
Eu pensava que eles eram egoístas, mas no final, parece que fui eu quem pensou que eles eram egoístas.
The mature, capable, financially secure, emotionally stable, loving parents, who were deemed fit by Sloan and the state of Washington, are sitting there by the telephone staring at the sky blue nursery walls that they just painted.
Uns pais que têm maturidade, competência, estabilidade económica, estabilidade emocional e amor para dar. Que foram avaliados pelo Sloan e pelo estado de Washington. Estão ali sentados ao pé do telefone, a olhar para o céu azul nas paredes do berçário que eles próprios pintaram.
For a long time, I didn't have any contact with the Texas Board of Medical Examiners, until around 1984, some of my patients told me that they were approached by the agents sent to them by the Texas Board of Medical Examiners who were trying to convince them to file complaints against me.
Durante muito tempo eu não tive qualquer contato com o Conselho de Examinadores Médicos do Texas, até que em 1984 alguns pacientes disseram-me que tinham sido abordados por agentes, enviados pelo Conselho de Examinadores Médicos do Texas, que estavam a tentar persuadi-los a apresentar queixa contra mim.
What is surprising is that they were using the state money, they were using taxpayers money to travel a long distance, like from Houston to California to convince our patients who were in California to file complaints against me.
O surpreendente era o facto de estarem a usar o dinheiro do Estado, dos contribuintes, para percorrer longas distâncias, como de Houston à Califórnia, para convencer os meus pacientes na Califórnia a apresentar queixa contra mim.
However, there were no complaints from the patients, the patients were happy, we were treating patients who were very advanced, for whom there was no treatment available, and they were getting good results.
No entanto, não houviam reclamações dos pacientes, os pacientes estavam contentes, nós estávamos a tratar pacientes numa fase avançada, para os quais não havia tratamento disponível, e eles estavam obtendo bons resultados.
There were many patients who would have liked to testify on our behalf and convince the jury and the judge that without the treatment they would die.
Haviam muitos pacientes que queriam testemunhar em meu favor, para convencer o júri de que sem o tratamento iriam morrer.
They were the ones who left you here.
Foram eles que a deixaram aqui.
You were only hired by the second city because they needed someone who could remember to feed the theater cat!
Tu só foste contratada pela segunda cidade porque eles precisavam de alguém que se lembrasse de alimentar o gato!
"they were a people of great technological prowess " who made the ultimate discovery.
"Era um povo de proezas tecnológicas que fez a descoberta elementar."
They work with soldiers'families who were killed in combat.
Trabalham com famílias de soldados que foram mortos em combate.
Then they showed pictures of those three handsome young men who were smiling, and whose eyes were shining.
Depois mostraram imagens dos três homens jovens e bonitos que estavam a sorrir, e cujos olhos brilhavam.
Who had to wear his sister's hand-me-down corduroys. They were orange and had hearts for pockets.
Eram cor de laranja e tinham corações em vez de bolsos.
Rush figures they were a research team Who were dropped off To do a long-term study of the ship.
O Rush acha que são uma equipa de pesquisa que foi deixada para efectuar um estudo de longa duração da nave.
Uh, well, look... The guys who ran us off the road that night, they were not speaking english.
Os homens que nos abalroaram não falavam inglês.
They were in stasis for who knows how long before we came around.
Ficaram em estase sabe-se lá por quanto tempo antes de chegarmos.
It was winter, and you were living in cabins. You told me that they were provided by the aliens who created the planet.
Era inverno e vocês viviam em cabanas.
Who it was, how they died, were they murdered?
Quem era, como morreu, se foi assassinado.
They cooperate, maybe we can cut a deal, because we are going to find who you were working for.
Se colaborarem, talvez possamos fazer um acordo, porque vamos descobrir para quem trabalhavam.
Yeah, well, may have been running drugs for him, but that's not who they were working for when they bumped into Hardy.
Podiam estar a vender droga para ele, mas não quando encontraram o Hardy
I already told you, that's not who they were working for.
Não estavam a trabalhar para ele.

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