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Who were you calling traduction Portugais

36 traduction parallèle
The amazing thing about you is you never need any sleep. Who were you calling?
A coisa surpreendente sobre você é, você nunca precisa dormir.
Who were you calling?
Com quem estava a falar?
So tell me, who were you calling?
Por isso diz-me... Estavas a ligar a quem? De certeza que não era a mim!
Who were you calling? The psychic hot line.
A quem telefonaste?
Who were you calling?
A quem ligaste?
Who were you calling?
A quem é que estava a telefonar?
- Who were you calling?
- A quem estava a ligar?
So, who were you calling so late?
Então, para quem liga tão tarde?
- Who were you calling?
- A quem é que estavas a ligar?
Who were you calling?
A quem estava a ligar?
My phone didn't ring, so who were you calling?
O meu telefone não tocou, por isso com quem estavas falando?
Who were you calling on your phone?
A quem estás a ligar?
- Who were you calling?
Com quem estavas a falar?
Who were you calling?
Com quem estavas a falar?
So who were you calling back at the hot dog stand anyway?
Para quem estavas a ligar no Cachorro quente?
- Who were you calling?
- Para quem estavas a ligar?
Who were you calling?
Quem estavas a chamar?
You'll tell them that your fathers defended your fatherland from the barbarian invader who threatened its sacred borders and that we of 1899, who fought on Monte Grappa, on the stony ground of the Carso and on the River Piave, are the same men we were then and so, when the cannon thunders it's the voice of the fatherland that is calling us and we shall answer :
Vão dizer-lhes que os vossos pais defenderam a terra mãe... dos bárbaros invasores que ameaçaram as suas sagradas fronteiras... e que nós em 1899, lutamos... no Monte Grappa, no terreno rochoso do Carso... e no Rio Piave, somos os mesmos homens que éramos então... e então, quando os canhões entoarem... é a voz da terra mãe que nos chama e nós responderemos :
Norman, I've already proved to you that Mary and Lila Loomis were the ones who were calling you.
Norman, já te provei que era a Mary e a Lila Loomis que telefonavam.
Os padrinhos que vieram desafiar-te para lutares pela minha honra.
- I thought you were this scumbag reporter who's been calling. I'm sorry. How are you doing?
Tomei-te pelo estupor dum jornalista que não para de me ligar.
- I didn't know that's who you were calling.
- Não sabia que ia falar com ela.
You don't know who you were calling?
Tu não sabes para quem telefonavas?
Who were you really calling this morning, me or her?
A quem estavas a ligar esta manhã, a mim ou a ela?
Who were you calling?
A quem estavas a ligar?
If you knew a certain gesture, like, say, calling... would be considered "needy", and therefore a turnoff... but you wanted to call, and you felt... this call could be welcomed this one time... if you were the one person who took a chance to do something different... maybe even some would call it romantic... like calling for another date... a date that... if someone were counting, could be numbered above five... say six... do you think that would be considered manly?
Se soubesse que um gesto como um telefonema... seria considerado carência e, portanto, um agente brochante... mas você quer telefonar e sente que... essa ligação pode ser bem-vinda nesse momento... se fosse a pessoa que tem uma chance de fazer algo diferente... talvez alguns até achem que isso é romântico... como telefonar chamando para outro encontro. Um encontro que... se alguém estivesse contando, estaria acima do quinto... digamos, o sexto... acha que isso seria considerado como másculo?
"My name's not Lisa, it's Jennifer," or whatever, and I'll do a big apology and I'll say, "I thought you were the Lisa who was mad at me for not calling." And from then on, Jennifer, or whatever her name is, will think that I dated a girl who looked just like her, who I rejected.
E peço desculpa e digo-lhe que pensava que era a Lisa que estava zangada comigo por não voltar a ligar, e depois, a Jennifer ou lá como se chama, vai assumir que eu conheci uma rapariga que se parece com ela
Who were you fucking calling?
A quem ligaste?
And in fact you know calling them by name, knowing who they were, it just, everyone here feels very more reverent.
Chamá-los pelos nomes, saber quem foram, todos aqui se sentem mais reverentes.
Well, now we know the answer to who you were calling.
Bem, agora temos a resposta para quem é que estavas a ligar.
I never asked you who those weirdos were, why they kept calling you Night Falcon or even what was in those darts that they were blowing at us.
Nunca te perguntei quem eram aqueles tipos esquisitos, nem porque te chamavam de Falcão Nocturno nem sequer o que havia naqueles dardos que nos estavam a atirar.
You were the one who started calling me that and then everyone and then it kind of caught on.
Foste tu que me começaste a chamar isso e depois pegou.
Now, we don't think you were calling the shots, but you know who does.
Não pensamos que fosse a líder, mas sabe quem é.
Watch who you're calling stupid, Jack,'cause you were the only idiot with his hands in his pockets at that vote.
Tem cuidado ao chamar-me estúpida, Jack, porque tu é que foste o único idiota com as mão nos bolsos na votação.
You were just asking who Elmslie could be calling with a number that can't be traced.
Você acabou de perguntar para quem Elmslie ligaria que tivesse um número que não pode ser rastreado.

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