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Who were you with traduction Portugais

625 traduction parallèle
Who were you with?
Com quem?
Who were you with?
Com quem estiveste?
Then who were you with, Sally?
Então com quem esteve, Sally?
- Who were you with?
- Com quem estiveste?
Who were you with? A girl?
Estavas com quem, com uma rapariga?
So who were you with?
Com quem estava?
Who were you with in Paris?
Quem estava contigo em Paris?
Who were you with?
Com quem estava?
- Where were you, and who were you with?
- Onde foste e com quem estiveste?
- Who were you with?
- Foste com quem?
For you who were slaves with me... it means that we're no longer slaves.
Para quem foi escravo comigo, significa que já não somos escravos.
You were sitting in a box with a fur coat on and Gaston, a chap whom I know who knows you said, "Marguerite's been ill."
Estava num camarote com um casaco de peles, e o Gaston, um tipo que conheço e que a conhece, disse : "A Margarida esteve doente."
You were the only boy who danced with me in school.
Quando crianças, foi o único garoto que dançou comigo no baile da escola.
Thanks. Who was the man you were dancing with?
Quem era o homem que estava a dançar consigo?
Who were you running around with in those days, Nick?
Com quem andavas nessa época?
But I would like to hear who the young man was you were dancing with.
Mas eu ainda gostaria de saber quem é o galante com o qual você dançou.
- Who you were with in the barn. - Liar!
Com quem estavas no celeiro.
Finally, it was me a month ago when you were returning with the basket of eggs who jumped on you with a stick.
Finalmente, fui eu quem há um mês, numa noite em que trazias uma caixa de ovos, te ataquei e te dei umas pauladas.
Who were you out with?
Com quem saíste?
Those of you who are young women, fiancées, brides and especially those of you who are mothers, I mean women of every social background, and of all ages at times like these you must forget that you were born just to provide sweetness and love, you must forget... . how fragile your female nature is and shout "no" to the people selling guns, you must respond to the lies of reactionary prophets of doom with a unanimous voice and shout from the bottom of your motherly and wifely hearts.
Aquelas que são jovens comprometidas, noivas... e especialmente aquelas que são mães, mulheres... de todos os estratos sociais e idades... em tempos como estes devem esquecer que nasceram... para fornecerem amor e carinho, devem esquecer... a vossa frágil natureza feminina e gritar "não"... àqueles que vendem armas, têm que respondes às mentiras... reaccionárias dos profetas da desgraça e a uma só voz... gritarem do fundo dos vossos corações de mães e esposas.
Who were you fighting with?
- Com quem andou a lutar? - Stanley.
You were one who didn't want any brave ones with you.
Tu nunca quiseste ter os corajosos contigo.
You see, George you would rather stand there in your splendid ignorance and know absolutely nothing about the people who were the first to smelt iron on the face of this earth. Why, the Ashantis were performing surgical operations when the English were still tattooing themselves with blue dragons!
George você prefere continuar na sua ignorância suntuosa a saber algo sobre o primeiro povo a fundir o ferro por que os Ashantis faziam operaçöes cirúrgicas enquanto os ingleses ainda se tatuavam com dragöes azuis!
Hazel who? whose morale were you gonna boost with these.
Que Hazel? Escuta Saunders, se este alarme resulta ser falso e quer me enganar... De quem é que voce ia levantar a moral, com isto?
When you were at the desk checking in with the night manager Mr. George Swine, who I happen to know as a personal friend I was wondering if he fixed you up with a good accommodation here.
Quando estava na recepção, com o gerente, o Sr. George Swine... que, por acaso, é meu amigo... ele arranjou-lhe uma boa acomodação?
Who were you in love with here back then?
Com quem namoravas quando vinhas aqui?
Now, if you were a Russian politician and had a child with a brain, say ten times more efficient than Einstein's, would you gaily let her out to any two British scientists who crawled out of the wood?
Se fosses um político Russo e tivesses uma criança com o cérebro, digamos dez vezes mais eficiente que o de Einstein, ias deixá-la ir para quaisquer dois cientistas Britânicos que apareceram do nada?
Edna and I were discussing you last night, and Edna feels... frankly, I agree with her, that there's something almost immoral... about a man of your age who isn't married.
A Edna e eu falámos sobre isso e a Edna acha
- Oh, darling. You think I care who you were with?
- Achas que me importo com quem estejas?
Who the hell were you with last night?
Com quem estiveste ontem à noite?
That girl you were with, who was she?
Aquela rapariga com quem estavas, quem era?
" Who were you in bed with?
"Com quem você dormiu?"
He said you were a saintly old man who didn't hold with all the vices.
Disse que você era um santo que não aprovava vícios.
If you were some cheap gunsel with a big name running out in front of ya, they'd all be buying you drinks, rubbing up against you, fixing up what they're gonna tell the kids and the ones who weren't there.
Se fosse um atirador barato com um figurão na frente... todos te estariam pagando bebidas. Te agradando. lmaginando o que diriam às crianças... e àqueles que não estavam lá.
There's no end to what he could have done. But the situation that he got placed in... through either his record company, the management... the promoters, the publicity men, all those guys you've gotta deal with... who were saying, " Hey, Jimi, we've gotta tour.
Não há limites para o que ele podia ter feito, mas a situação em que ele se viu, através da discográfica, do empresário, dos promotores e dos publicitários, gente que dizia : " Jimi, vais em digressão.
You were around the old-timers, who built the organization of the families, basing them on the old Roman legions, with "regimes," "capos" and "soldiers".
Fazias parte dos velhotes que sonhavam como as Famílias deviam ser organizadas, como se basearam nas velhas legiões romanas e se denominaram Regimes, Capos e Soldados.
Crowding into my life, riding in my white car. Wearing your romantic uniform that hid who you were, where you came from. Breaking my heart with your impossible love!
Entrou na minha vida, andou no meu carro branco, no seu uniforme romântico que escondia quem você era e de onde vinha, partiu meu coração com o seu amor impossível e partiu para a sua aventura...
When my brother spoke of you as a unique stranger I took it to mean that you were a Westerner who held values consistent with ours.
Quando o meu irmão falou de si como um estrangeiro invulgar, encarei isso como se fosse um ocidental com valores consistentes com os nossos.
When you were away in Britain, she competed with a prostitute to sea who could wear out the most lovers in a day.
Quando esteve na Bretanha, ela competiu com uma prostituta para ver quem esgotava mais amantes.
Men who have made you suffer because you were born with brains talent, money, everything but that which you most desired :
Homens que te fizeram sofrer porque nasceste com cérebro talento, dinheiro, tudo menos o que mais desejava :
Who were you out with tonight?
Com quem saíste esta noite?
- Who were you with, George?
- Com quem esteve, George?
Who was that teenie you were with at "Promenade"?
Quem é aquela jovem com que a Malvina te viu no "Promenade"?
Then why didn't you tell me you were in love with someone else? What? Who told you that?
O Exército sugeriu que tirasse uns dias de licença porque alguns terroristas que capturamos estavam indo a julgamento.
The last months, we have heard That you were under pressure to join with those who intend to attack us.
Nos últimos meses, temos ouvido... que você estava sob pressão para se juntar àqueles que pretendem atacar-nos.
And if I were you, I would want to be dealing with... the new people who'll be backing it up.
Óptimo. E se fosse a si faria acordo com... pessoas novas que estão apoiando isto.
Now, when you were moving in on her business, her customers... who do you think you were messing around with?
Quando lhe roubas o negócio e os clientes, com quem julgas que estás a meter-te?
When you were in Switzerland, Watson, Moran followed us with Moriarty and it was undoubtedly he who gave me those evil five minutes above the Reichenbach Falls.
Quando estivemos na Suiça, o Moran seguiu-nos, com o Moriarty, e foi ele que me atormentou naqueles cinco minutos, nas Cataratas,
I don't care what you did or who you were with.
Não me interessa o que fizeste nem com quem estiveste.
A friend and I were going to eat. The Paris collections start next week. I know a lot of people who " d like to get acquainted with you, design-wise.
Eu ia jantar com um amigo... a Colecção de Paris começa para a semana e conheço muitas pessoas que gostariam de ver as tuas ideias.
Well, do I know the people who you were hiding with?
Bem, eu sei que as pessoas que estavam escondidas?

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