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Why would i mind traduction Portugais

71 traduction parallèle
Why would I mind?
- Porque haveria de me importar?
When I've joined hands with the murderers.. .. why would I mind committing murders?
Quando eu junto as mãos com assassinos senhor Thakur por que eu me importaria de cometer assassinatos?
Why would I mind? I would love to wait.
E por que haveria de me importar?
Why would I mind?
- Por que me importaria?
Why would I mind?
Porque é que havia de me importar?
Why would I mind?
Porque é que me havia de importar?
Well, why would I mind?
Why would I mind?
Se me importo?
Why would I mind you asking?
Por que havia de me importar?
No, why would I mind?
Não, por que havia de não gostar?
Why would I mind?
Porque me haveria de importar?
Why would I mind?
Por que me importaria?
Why would I mind?
Porque haveria de me importar?
Well, why would I mind?
Conheci a sua mãe no jogo de bridge desta manhã. Ágil.
Why would I mind?
Por que motivo me iria importar?
- Why would I mind?
- Porque me haveria de importar?
- Why would I mind?
- De modo algum.
No. Why would I mind?
Não, ia importar-me porquê?
Why would I mind? It's all right.
Por que me importaria?
Why would I mind?
Por que havia de me importar?
God, why would I mind?
Meu Deus, porque haveria de me importar?
why would i mind?
Por que haveria de me importar?
- Why would I mind?
- Porque havia de me importar?
Sure sir. Why would I mind? - Thank you.
Claro senhor.Muito obrigado.
I mean, why would I mind squeezing next to you?
Quero dizer, porque me iria importar?
- Why would I mind?
- Porque haveria de me importar?
Why would I... Why would I mind?
Porque me havia de importar?
Why would I mind?
Por que eu me importaria?
Why would I mind you bringing two extra people... To a dinner party?
Porque é que me importaria que vocês tenham trazido mais 2 pessoas, para um jantar?
Why would I wanna change my mind?
Por que iria mudar de ideias?
Would you mind if I ask why?
Importa-se que lhe pergunte porquê?
Why would I wanna bring the daughter along? Never mind.
Porque iria querer levar a filha também?
- Why would I change my mind?
- Por que iria mudar de ideia? - Não se faça de engraçado, Spencer!
Of course, I don't know why anybody in their right mind... would wanna buy that sort of crap.
É claro, não sei porque alguém quereria comprar tal porcaria.
Why would I mind?
Porque me importaria?
Agent Hubbard, would you mind explaining to me why you detained Colonel Hardwick and 6 of my C.I.D. staff?
Agente Hubbard, quer explicar-me por que é que deteve o coronel Hardwick e seis dos meus homens?
Why would I, or anybody in their right mind, voluntarily drink decaf, huh?
Achas que eu, ou alguém no seu juízo perfeito, vai, de livre vontade, beber descafeinado?
Why would I mind?
Porque me ia importar?
I don't mean to press my luck, but would you mind telling me why you're hiring me?
Sem querer abusar, por que está a contratar-me?
- Would you mind if I ask why not?
- Posso perguntar porquê?
Why would I change my mind?
Porque pensas que mudo de ideias?
Would anyone mind explaining to me why I'm just learning about this now?
Importam-se de me explicar porque só sei disto agora?
I mean, why would you lie about not being able to speak english? - but you're the one - - never mind.
Por que mentirias sobre não falares inglês?
Do you think he would mind if I talked to him about why he's doing this?
Acha que ele se importaria se eu falasse com ele sobre, porque está a fazer isso?
I mean, why would anyone in their right mind choose not to do treatment?
Quer dizer, que pessoa no seu juízo perfeito prefere não fazer o tratamento?
Every sentence out of your mouth starts, "Would you - -? Could you - -? Do you mind if - -?" Why do you think I stopped talking to you?
Toda a frase que saía da tua boca começava com "Jill poderías, farías, importar-te-ías".
- Hannah, would you mind telling Agent Parker why I was expressing my frustration in the bar last night?
Hanna, importas-te de dizer à Agente Parker porque é que, ontem à noite, eu expressei a minha frustração, no bar?
Why would I want anything with a mind of its own bobbing about between my legs?
Porque haveria de querer algo inteligente no meio das pernas?
- Why would I? Don'mind him.
- Porque haveria de o fazer?
Why would you mind if I came along?
Porque é que se importa que eu também vá?
I guess then I would wonder why you mind, since we're just friends.
Acho que iria pensar no que isso significa, porque somos só amigos.

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