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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ W ] / Would you be interested

Would you be interested traduction Portugais

341 traduction parallèle
Vow, would you be interested?
Estaria interessado?
If I show you how to save 20 %... would you be interested?
Se o ensinasse a poupar 20 %, estaria interessado?
If we had, would you be interested?
Mas se a conseguisse, estariam interessados?
Would you be interested in any other form of entertainment?
Estarias interessada noutra forma de entretenimento?
Are you one of these talkers... or would you be interested in a little action?
Isso é só lábia, ou estaria interessado num pouco de acção?
Would you be interested?
Estaria interessado?
Would you be interested in having the whole tin?
Está interessada em ficar com toda a lata?
Would? Would you be interested in a shoe like this?
Estarias interessado num sapato como este?
Well, we, we have a collection gathering dust but why on earth would you be interested in...
Temos uma coleção acumulando pó, mas... Por que você estaria interessada nisso?
Would you be interested in staying if you knew that there was money around here?
Você ficaria interessado em ficar, se soubesse que havia dinheiro por aqui?
Would you be interested, Monsieur Wheel?
Estaria interessado, Monsieur Roda?
Would you be interested in the mating call of the Brazilian bird of love?
Está interessada no assobio desta ave brasileira? Chamada ave do amor?
Would you be interested in staying on here, Corporal?
Estaria interessado em ficar aqui, Cabo?
was an interesting talk Bernie had last week would you be interested in entering the business security dogs
Tivemos uma conversa muito interessante na noite passada Barney. Estás interessado em treinar um cão para fazer de segurança.
Say, would you be interested in a real good buy?
Estaria interessado num negócio.
Would you be interested in fighting Apollo Creed for the world heavyweight championship?
Estaria interessado em lutar contra o Apollo Creed... para o título mundial de pesos pesados?
Would you be interested in some sort of manual labour?
Estaria interessado nalgum tipo de trabalho manual?
Would you be interested in donating blood, sir?
Estaria interessado em doar sangue, senhor?
Would you be interested in selling'him?
Queres vendê-lo?
Would you be interested primarily in stamina?
Estaria interessado primariamente em poder de resistência?
Would you be interested in the new citizens program?
Estariam interessados no novo programa dos cidadãos?
Would you be interested in taking part in a university project?
Tu gostarias de participar num projeto da universidade?
Would you be interested in being a university project?
Estarias interessado em ser um projeto da universidade?
- Would you be interested?
- Está interessado?
If he were... persuaded to retire, would you be interested in taking his place?
E, se fosse persuadido a demitir-se, estaria interessado no lugar dele?
We do have a cannon leaving in 1 0 minutes. Would you be interested in that?
Estaria interessado?
Would you be interested in this stereo? A $ 500 value.
Está interessado neste auto-rádio, que vale 500 dólares?
- Hi would you be interested in switching to TMI long distance?
Boa tarde. Gostaria de mudar para a TMI, chamadas internacionais?
Paul, are you a talker or would you be interested in a little action?
Paul, é só conversador ou te interessaria um pouco de acção?
Would you be interested in seeing the inside of a van?
Está interessada em ver o interior da carrinha?
- You wouldn't be interested in one of them, would ya?
- Está interessado em algum deles?
Would any of you fellas be interested in a 1938 motor scooter?
Alguém está interessado numa lambreta de 1938?
I would be very interested to ask him certain questions when they bring him back here. No matter what you think.
Estou interessado em fazer-lhe algumas perguntas... quando o trouxerem de volta.
Would not you be interested in you Mark Fallon?
Você não estaria interessado em você Mark Fallon?
You think he would be interested?
Acha que estaria interessado?
I'm not exactly the kind of girl you would be interested in.
Nãosou do tipo de garota por quemse interessaria.
As a matter of fact, I'm exactly the kind of girl you would not be interested in.
Sou exatamente do tipo de garota por quem nãose interessaria.
You're just guessing. Who else but Henderson would be interested in her?
Além do Henderson, quem estaria interessado nela?
Would you by any chance be interested?
Por acaso, estaria interessada? - Sim.
Our syndicate would be very interested in buying any photographs you have.
O sindicato quer comprar as vossas fotos.
They asked if you would be interested.
Querem saber se está interessado.
Why would a guy like you be interested in some kind of assassination nut like me?
Porque é que você está interessado num maluco com teorias de assassinato como eu?
I would be interested in talking with you about your musical, Manhattan Melodies.
'Caro Sr. Cocas, o sapo. Gostaria de falar sobre o musical "Melodias de Manhattan".
You must have some competitors that would be interested.
Alguns concorrentes seus talvez se interessem.
Why would a woman like you be interested in a big, fat, greasy, bloated, stinking, gelatin-ass motherfucker?
Que interesse pode ter uma mulher como tu num sacana gordo, sebento, balofo, malcheiroso e deselegante?
[Chuckles] do you really think passersby on the street would be interested?
Tu achas que quem passa na rua se vai interessar?
But, since you are stopped, perhaps you would be interested
Mas, visto que estão parados talvez estejam interessados
You want to know if I would be interested in arranging these songs?
Querem saber se estou interessado em fazer os arranjos dessas canções?
Do you have any idea why Kimble would be interested in these photographs?
Tem ideia de qual pode ser o interesse de Kimble por estas fotografias?
You think no-one would be interested if I'm willing to spread my legs?
Achas que ninguém se vai interessar se eu abrir as minhas pernas?
Well, this is probably against the rules, but would you be at all interested in, you know, seeing each other outside the office sometime?
Bem, isto talvez seja contra as regras, mas estaria de todo interessado, vermo-nos às vezes um ao outro fora do escritório?

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