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20 traduction parallèle
If you guys are waiting for her to tip you ¾ ÆÁÖ ¿ À · ¡ ± â ´ Ù · Á ¾ ß ÇÒ ° Å ¿ ¹ ¿ ä you're gonna be waiting a long time
Se estão à espera de gorjeta dela, bem podem esperar.
I ride the subways I play stickball ( ½ ºÆ ½ º ¼ : ÀÏÁ ¾ ÀÇ ¾ à ½ Ä ¾ ß ± ¸ ) And in the summer I jimmy open fire hydrants
Ando de metrô, jogo taco na rua, e no verão abro os hidrantes.
Let's get out of here. ß I'm taking a break ß
Vamos embora.
ß Kill da wabbit ß ß Kill da wabbit ß ß Kill da wabbit ß
- "Matar o coelho"... - "Matar o coelho"...
In other words... ß Oh, Tracy ß ß You can't use any of my songs ß
Ou seja : Tracy, tu não podes Usar as minhas canções
ß What hot spot's got the hippest groove?
Qual é o sítio com mais pinta?
ß ß Cleveland ß ß Where all the real gone daddies move?
Cleveland! Onde estão as pessoas com classe? Cleveland!
ß ß Cleveland ß ß Dig that sweet Cuyahoga glow ß
Apreciem o brilho do Cuyahoga
ß Where the jet set swing with hepper cats ß ß Shop at Higbee's, then we'll hit the Flats ß
O jet set passeia gatos de raça Compras em Higbees e a seguir Flats
ß I say, Cleveland, hello ß ß Yeah ß ß New York and Paris just don't have ß ß The sights you see on Euclid Ave ß
Eu digo : "Cleveland, olá!" Nova Iorque e Paris não têm As vistas de Euclid Av.
ß Terminal Tower soars up in the sky ß ß Over 50 groovy stories high ß
As Terminal Towers rasgam os céus Mais de 50 andares de altura
ß Look over there ß ß I think I see a movie star ß ß Even movie stars, they come to Cleveland to get away ß ß Tracy Jordan, you got to get away ß ß Got to get away, got to get away ß
Vejam ali, é uma estrela de cinema Até as estrelas fogem para Cleveland Tracy Jordan, tens de fugir Tens de fugir, tens de fugir
ß To Cleveland ß
Para Cleveland
TO BE CONTINUED... translation : szsahin
CONTINUA... Tradução : Jack _ Jack, Frost e Di € ß ® O
House M.D. Season 3 Episode 15 "Half Wit"
Tradução : ß
So, I think it's time we widened the search. These are by δΘΣτΘP ⌠ ß ⌠ Θ which is Greek to me.
Então vamos aumentar a área de busca.
Sir, is that... These are by δΘΣτΘP ⌠ ß ⌠ Θ which is Greek to me.
Senhor, é que...
( Á ¦ ³ Ê · ² ½ Î ¿ ì : ´ ß ¿ ä ¸ ® ÀÌ ¸ § ) And didn't he have anythg better to do than to make chicken?
Quem é esse General Tsao?
ß I say, Cleveland, hello ß Hi!
Eu digo : "Cleveland, olá!"
- I know. These are by δΘΣτΘP ⌠ ß ⌠ Θ which is Greek to me.
Eu sei.
sera 39
sorry 58639
sure 38285
senor 140
store 42
solo 156
skirt 32
stop 27520
shit 25242
stop it 13041
senorita 66
senora 69
super 764
simon 2627
seriously 12537
slainte 28
shoes 424
said 374
shut up 16909
stay 2171
saul 646

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