She took off traduction Russe
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"So, she took off her shoes, sat in the rocking chair there..." and waited for him to wake up.
Итак, она сняла с него башмаки, села на каменное кресло вон там... и стала ждать, пока он проснется.
She took off the way that arrow is pointing.
Это уж наверняка. Если она отправилась туда.
I took off my glasses. She took off her glasses.
Я снял свои очки, она сняла свои.
She took off her dressing gown. She was naked
Она сняла свой пеньюар и осталась нагишом.
She took off when she saw me.
Она увидела меня и убежала.
Once she'd killed her baby, she took off herself.
Как только она убила своего ребенка, так сразу же исчезла.
And then she took off for Paris with Isadora.
И затем она... улетела в Париж с Айседорой.
She took off, the bitch.
Свалила, сучка.
She took off my pyjamas. You were both naked?
Вы оба были голые?
She took off with the kid!
Чёрт! Сбежала с мальчишкой!
I tried to chase after her, but she took off on the road up towards the woods.
Я хотел её догнать, но она оторвалась от меня на шоссе в сторону леса.
She took off to Europe with his psychiatrist.
Она отправилась в Европу с его психиатром.
She took off empty-handed.
Она ничего не взяла.
To hide her humiliation, she took off the mask and left me forever.
Не перенеся унижения, она забрала маску и ушла навсегда.
No "come on." She took off her hat, and there she was.
Никаких "брось." Она сняла свою шляпу, a там.
She took off with my clothes!
Она ушла с моей одеждой!
She took off with the kid.
Сбежала, прихватив ребенка.
She messed up with my computer for a while and then she took off.
Неделю возилась с моим компьютером и смылась.
- She took off in the middle of the night.
- Сбежала среди ночи! - Укатила на велосипеде!
She took off... last March. With a black guy, I think.
По-моему, она сбежала в марте вместе с черным.
Willow said to say that she took off.
Виллоу просила передать, что она ушла.
- Listen, I'm the reason she took off.
- Это из-зa мeня онa cбeжaлa.
Ты только заметил? Огонь.
She took off and I don't know where to!
Уехала неизвестно куда.
Every time she was indicted, she just took off for parts unknown... leaving absolutely no...
Всякий раз, когда ей предъявляли обвинение, она просто скрывалась в неизвестном направлении... Совершенно не оставляя...
Then she took his hand and helped him take his jeans and shirt off.
Она взяла его за руку и помогла снять джинсы и рубашку.
She sure took off with that convertible fella.
Она, должно быть, сбежала со своим непостоянным парнем.
Mary scrubbed so hard she likely took the skin, clean off!
Мэри тёрла её так сильно, что, похоже, содрала с неё кожу!
Yes, I remember. She called around six, and said she's not feeling well, needed a day off. I took the call.
я помню. и что ей нужен выходной.
As we took her mask's mould off, she disappeared!
Если мы взяли форму ее маски она исчезла прочь
The rings she wore on this hand, he took them off quickly, but those on this hand, which were bigger and more precious, he pulled and tugged, and he couldn't pull them off!
"Кольца с одной руки он снял быстро, " но кольца с другой руки - побольше и подороже - " их снять не удавалось.
At dusk at the water purification plant she stepped out her brown slip-on shoes, took off her white cotton socks, her pale green seersucker dress,
Где-нибудь в темных зарослях она сбрасывала с себя коричневые туфли, белые носки,
her weird underwear she obviously knew didn't fit her, and then after a brief hesitation took off her wristwatch.
светло-зеленое платье и смешные трусы, явно не по размеру. Потом, чуть поколебавшись, снимала и часы.
She had a dog, but it took off the second we kicked the door in.
У неё была собака, и как только мы сломали дверь, она вылетела пулей.
then mama got a wild hair one sunday and she decided to go make a lot of money off of it. took it out to the swap meet and sold it to lyndon johnson's top secret service agent. and he told a good personal friend of mine that he was going to sell it for even more money to the smithsonian institute.
как-то утром в воскресение мама в раздражении решила, что на этом можно заработать кучу бабок отнеся на толкучку и продав агенту совершенно секретной службы линдона джонсона а он рассказал моему приятелю что он собирается продать это за ещё большие деньги
She just took off to her grandparents'.
И тут вдруг она помчалась к дедушке с бабушкой.
I did you a favour. Took her off your hands before she really twisted your mind.
Я избавил тебя от нее.
And then she showed me the back room where she took her clothes off.
А потом она показала мне заднюю комнату, где сняла свою одежду.
I told Dr. Gillman to take a day off and she took a day off!
Я cкaзaл дoктopy Гиллмaн, чтoбы oнa взялa выxoднoй, и oнa взялa!
In fact, she... ... she never took them off.
Вообще-то она она их тогда так и не сняла
After Ginger took off, she wasn't much help to anybody.
После того, как Джинжер взяли, она не особо кому-либо нужна была.
She took 40 bucks off me in a gin game.
Она выйграла 40 баксов у меня.
That's why she came into the dressing room, grabbed the bag, took off.
Вот почему она пришла в раздевалку, взял сумку, снял.
She just took off.
Она просто сорвалась.
And then she-she took off her blouse, and it was like, "Oh, my God."
- На меня словно затмение нашло.
So now this head was flying straight at me... and she never took her eyes off of me.
Ее голова пролетела прямо передо мной... и она больше никогда не смотрела на меня.
And so she couldn't do any damage, he took the stockings off the radiator and the ones she was wearing.
И, чтобы она не могла себе навредить, он снял чулки с батареи и те, что были на ней.
So when my dad took off she wasn't left with a lot of options.
Так что, когда мой папа ушёл у неё не осталось большого выбора.
- She never took it off.
- Да, она никогда его не снимала.
Now either Buffy took off, or she was robbed, or...
Или Баффи сбежала, или ее ограбили, или...
She flirted with me the first time I met her until I took off my baseball cap and parka.
Даже со мной заигрывала при первой встрече пока я не сняла бейсболку и парку.
she took everything 16
she took her own life 19
she took it 41
took off 44
off we go 156
office 169
offer 51
officer 2766
offensive 29
official 47
she took her own life 19
she took it 41
took off 44
off we go 156
office 169
offer 51
officer 2766
offensive 29
official 47
offense 31
offspring 19
offended 16
officers 467
offred 44
officially 347
offices 24
offs 170
offside 18
off the top of my head 48
offspring 19
offended 16
officers 467
offred 44
officially 347
offices 24
offs 170
offside 18
off the top of my head 48