So were you traduction Russe
10,423 traduction parallèle
- Yeah, so were you.
– Ты тоже был хорош.
So, you're gonna risk your career for parents that you didn't even know were alive three weeks ago?
Так ты собираешься рискнуть своей карьерой ради родителей, про которых ты даже не знала, живы ли они три недели назад?
So, if you were me, would you believe a word you just said?
Так что, если бы ты была на моем месте, поверила бы тому, что сама только что сказала?
So, you are going to look at cases that were presented to the FBI for investigation.
Итак, вы будете изучать дела которые были предоставлены ФБР на рассмотрение.
So you were into rock, then.
Значит, вы увлекались роком.
So we must take your blood samples because you were in an infection zone.
Мы должны взять у вас образцы крови, так как вы побывали в зоне заражения.
Well, I've just had my arse kicked by the Super for not explaining to you beforehand... if you were so much as thinking of turning up there today, it would be considered grossly inappropriate.
Если бы ты подумала, прежде чем идти туда сегодня, то поняла бы, насколько это было неуместно.
So when Aurelia Petrovic was getting slashed, you and Joyce were doing the Time Warp.
Так что в то время, пока кромсали Аурелию Петрович, ты и Джойс решили тряхнуть стариной?
They were arrested and charged and they'll be up in court in the next few weeks, and I'll go there and speak to them again, you know... but, with the best will in the world, there's only so much we can do and, frankly, this silly business doesn't help - because it just perpetuates the bad feeling.
Их арестовали и предъявили обвинение, через пару недель они предстанут перед судом, и я там ещё раз с ними поговорю, но даже при всём нашем желании мы далеко не всесильны и, честно говоря, такие глупые выходки...
Just! So, you were a police officer?
- Так ты была полицейским?
So who's this friend you were doing the favour for?
Кто попросил тебя ей помочь?
So, tell me where you were yesterday morning.
Тогда расскажите, где вы были вчера утром?
You were so jealous of Peter Drake.
Вы так ревновали её к Питеру Дрейку.
But, dude, seriously, it is so weird that you slept with both of them when they were each other.
Но серьёзно, чувак, это так странно, что ты спал с ними обеими, когда они были друг другом.
You were only eight, but you were so brave.
Тебе было всего лишь восемь, но ты был такой храбрый.
If he was so desperate he weakened the bond to find you, you were hiding from him.
Он был в таком отчаянии, что ослабил связь, чтобы найти тебя, ты прятался от него.
- So there was nothing to prevent him leaving the house as soon as you were settled and returning to the beach to attack the exciseman?
— Где-то два часа спустя. — То есть ему ничто бы не помешало покинуть дом сразу после вашего прибытия и вернуться на пляж, чтобы напасть на таможенника?
Ok, so you were saying you showed up for work that morning and...
Ладно, итак, ты сказал, что утром появился на работе и...
I wouldn't be so cocky about your prowess if I were you.
Я бы не был так уверен насчет твоего мастерства, будь я тобой.
So, Daniel, you were saying that your discipline is in historical magic.
Дэниэл, вы сказали, что практикуете историческую магию.
I don't... think that I've ever paid that much attention to anything in my life, and little did I know that you were so incredibly convincing.
Я... никогда ни чему в жизни не уделял столько внимания. И я даже не подозревал, что ты симулируешь.
Or... or were you just so blinded by this unconditional love for that... that woman?
Или ты был настолько ослеплён своей безусловной любовью к этой... женщине?
You were so full of enthusiasm and now you're leaving.
В тебе было столько энтузиазма, а теперь ты уезжаешь.
If it were to become so, what returns would you expect?
Каковы ваши ожидания в случае вложения в пивоварню?
So, you were at the docks the night Jacob Marley was murdered?
Значит, в день убийства Джейкоба Марли вы находились в порту?
Last night, you were in no fit state to take this in, so I will say this now... and I will say it just the once.
Вчера ты был не в состоянии принять это, так что скажу сейчас... и повторять не стану.
Why are you trying so hard to hold on to the person you were before NZT?
Почему ты так стараешься удержать того, кем ты был до НЗТ?
So you just made all these posters to explain why you were wrong about Hannan?
Ты сделал все эти постеры, чтобы объяснить, почему ты ошибался насчёт Ханнана?
You were so focused on Sands.
Ты думала о Сэндсе.
So what exactly were you doing when you hurt your neck?
Что именно вы делали, когда повредили шею?
So the two witnesses Who saw you execute tom connolly were mistaken?
Так два свидетеля, видевшие, как вы убили Тома Конноли - ошибаются?
- You were feeding Roland when she became so animated.
— Ты кормил Роланда, когда она стала так делать.
All right, so I brought the stuff you were look...
Я привезла, что ты просил.
We wanted to make sure that you were all right, so we followed you.
Хотели убедиться, что с вами всё в порядке,... поэтому следовали за вами.
You were so concerned with Lobos that you neglected me.
- Ты был так занят Лобосом, что про меня забыл!
So if a driver were to kidnap me or get drunk and drive off a bridge with me sitting right next to him, you're claiming Zimmer's not responsible.
Получается, что если водитель похитит меня или, будучи пьяным, слетит с моста вместе со мной, его пассажиром, вы будете утверждать, что невиновны.
You were sticking to your cleanse, so I didn't really care.
Ты был занят чисткой организма так что мне было все равно.
So, when you were laid up, healing,
И когда вы лежали в кровати, поправлялись,
You were there, so are... are you stalking me?
Ты был там и получается... ты меня преследуешь?
Mama, I did come by actually, but you were... you were in your office alone with Monte with the door closed so I thought I would just would...
Вообще-то я приходила, но ты была у себя в кабинете наедине с Монти и за закрытыми дверями, поэтому я подумала, что могу...
You thought you were gonna see Harvey Specter come in this room so you two could get your stories straight.
Ты думал, что придёт Харви Спектер, и вы сможете согласовать свои версии.
Well, it became my business when Donna put you so far up on a pedestal that she couldn't smell the bullshit you were dishing out.
Оно стало моим, когда Донна возвела вас на такой пьедестал, что не может учуять запах дерьма, в которое вы ввязываетесь.
So you were close to him?
Значит, вы были близки?
But if you were so good at your job, how would you allow someone who wasn't even on the interview list to get in a room alone with Harvey Specter?
Но если вы такой профи, как вы могли пропустить человека, которого не было в списке соискателей, в комнату к Харви Спектеру?
Yeah, well, I don't think so, and if you were in my shoes, you'd do the exact same thing.
Я так не думаю, и на моём месте, вы бы сделали то же самое.
The way you were talking before, I wasn't so sure.
Твой недавний тон вынуждает сомневаться.
I'm so honored you were able to join us.
Рад, что смогли к нам присоединиться.
They took Miss Palmer, along with the other eight workers you were holding, so the kidnapping part of the story's over, which leaves us with the business at hand.
Они забрали мисс Палмер, вместе с ещё восемью вашими парнями, так что часть с похищением закончена, и мы приступаем к насущным делам.
So where were you the night Carter was killed?
Так где вы были той ночью, когда убили Картера?
So you were the mystery guest she was gonna bring with her when she went to see him this week.
Значит, вы и есть тот гость, которого она хотела привести с собой.
So you were in town last month.
Ты был в городе в прошлом месяце?
so were we 18
were you there 127
were you not 46
were you talking to me 24
were you alone 34
were you here 16
were you sleeping 48
were you drunk 20
were you waiting for me 17
were you 840
were you there 127
were you not 46
were you talking to me 24
were you alone 34
were you here 16
were you sleeping 48
were you drunk 20
were you waiting for me 17
were you 840
were you aware of that 16
were you hurt 19
were you close 42
were you surprised 19
were you asleep 35
were you worried 21
were you scared 70
were you drinking 25
were you looking for me 29
were you following me 24
were you hurt 19
were you close 42
were you surprised 19
were you asleep 35
were you worried 21
were you scared 70
were you drinking 25
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your 1839
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youtube 39
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