There we were traduction Russe
2,861 traduction parallèle
So there we were, looking at the great view.
Так что мы были там, любовались шикарным видом.
So there we were, hour four into this messy trauma, when I say, "that's not an adhesion," "that's the ureter."
Ну вот стоим мы, 4 часа как работаем с жуткой травмой, и тут я говорю : "Это не спайка, это мочеточник".
So there we were, okay?
Так вот, слушайте дальше.
There's this guy, some douche my wife shacked up with when we were on the outs.
Этот парень... с которым была моя жена, пока у нас был тайм-аут.
There were days I didn't know if we'd succeed.
Но я бы многого не знал, если бы мы никогда не ошибались.
And out here... there's gonna be a balcony that runs the length of the whole build- - you said we were gonna get ice cream.
А здесь... а здесь будет проходить балкон вдоль всего зда... - Ты сказал : мы скушаем по мороженому.
But I think there's a reason we were born unable to kill.
Но я думаю есть причина по которой мы были рождены неспособными убивать.
We had the four numbers of your code, which meant there were 24 possible combinations for Charles to try.
У нас были все четыре цифры вашего кода, что означает, что Чарльзу нужно было перепробовать 24 возможные комбинации.
I mean, we were all over that house and there were no other signs of bondage gear anywhere.
Мы осмотрели весь дом и не находили прочих приспособлений для этого занятия.
We were just there today.
Просто мы сегодня там были.
My mom realized that maybe now she didn't always have to be there for us,'cause we were there for each other.
И тут мама поняла, что ей уже не нужно всегда быть рядом с нами, ведь у друг друга есть мы.
Mr Fenton, sir, you promised me there'd be no more, that we were finished with this deception.
Мистер Фентон, сэр, вы обещали мне, что такого больше не будет. что мы покончили с этой ложью.
We were chasing down infected suspects, one of them was identified as Thomas Schirach, and you two were there because you had a treatment that was effective.
Мы разыскивали заражённых подозреваемых, один из которых был опознан как Томас Ширак, и вы двое были там, поскольку у вас было эффективное лекарство.
We understand you were there.
Как мы понимаем, вы были там.
We were brothers up there.
Там, наверху, мы были братьями.
Yeah, in my family, we yelled and swore and sometimes framed each other for petty crimes, but under all that crazy, we were always there to support each other.
Да, в моей семье кричали и ругались, и иногда подставляли друг друга в воровстве, но не смотря на это безумие, мы всегда были готовы подержать друг друга.
I mean, Uncle Danny for being there, but your grandfather for preparing us when we were little.
Я имею в виду, что дяде Дэнни спасибо, что был там со мной, а дедушке - за то, что подготовил нас, когда мы были маленькими.
What if I were to tell you that if we all work together there's a way we can get the new gaming systems?
А что, если я вам скажу, что, действуя сообща мы можем заполучить новые приставки.
The truth is that when we were out there having fun tonight, that was the longest I've gone without thinking about Becca in...
Правда в том, что пока мы отрывались сегодня, я совсем не думал про Бекку.
You know, when we were out there, for a microsecond, I looked at you, and I thought, "Hmm, yeah, I could see how someone could date that guy."
Пока мы были там, на долю секунды я взглянула на тебя и подумала : "А вообще-то да, я понимаю, как девушки могут клюнуть на такого парня".
You know what, maybe he thought we were meeting there.
Знаете, может он подумал, что мы встретимся там.
The point is, very early on, in the A series, we said there were two.
Дело в том, что давным-давно, в сезоне А, мы сказали, что их две.
We thought there were two, and then we said, " Oh, no,
Мы думали, что их две. А потом мы сказали : " О, нет,
When two people have been as close as we were, then it hurts too much for there to be any ill will.
Когда двое близки так же, как мы были, - слишком больно, чтобы дать место злым помыслам.
For a while there we thought you were one of those slow kid
Некоторое время мы даже думали что ты... из умственно отсталых....
I have to admit, there was a minute there I didn't believe we were all gonna make it out of that place.
Должна признать, что был момент, когда я не верила, что мы все выберемся с этого острова.
Um, we were told there were several street performers who work the area.
Нам сказали, что несколько уличных артистов работают в этом районе.
You were hoping, like we were all hoping, that Roger was still out there.
Ты хотел верить, как и мы все, что Роджер ещё там, ждёт тебя.
If there were a better match, we'd already know.
Если бы такой существовал, мы бы уже знали.
We don't even know if they were in there for sure, so let's wait until we do know.
Мы даже не уверены, что они там были, так давай подождем, пока все не разузнаем.
We were lucky to get out of there at all.
Нам повезло, что мы выбрались.
I thought we were meeting in that hatchback over there.
Я думал, мы встретимся в том хэтчбэке.
Something from the weekend we were out there with Ashbaugh.
Что-то с тех выходных, которые мы провели с Ашбау.
If they were out there, we should see them.
Будь они там, мы бы их увидели.
No, I think we were already there. Ah.
Нет, думаю, все тебя поняли.
We were there quite late.
Мы были там допоздна.
She just said we were to go there.
Она просто сказала, что нам нужно туда.
We should've gotten a hotel but we came down in such a rush, there were no available rooms.
что на комнату денег нет.
We were, I don't know, 10, 11 and there was this one kid in class who was always mean to us always picking on us.
Нам было, не помню, по 10 или 11... и в нашем классе был один пацан, который вечно точил на нас зуб, всегда к нам цеплялся.
That party we just threw, there were over a thousand people there, bro.
Да на это уже тысяча человек подвязалась, братан!
When we reached a village, knew that the 456 was there... because we were jumping, jump here, jump there.
Когда мы добрались до городка, знали что там команда 4-5-6 И мы двигались, танцевали и прыгали.
We left the lair because the Foot were taking hostages and we kicked some serious butt, and there was this girl named April O'Neil who took our picture, but we took care of it.
Эйприл О'Нил нас сняла, но мы разобрались.
That said, if there were... some token you had in mind beyond that... we wouldn't refuse it.
Тем не менее, если бы вы пожелали сделать и другой подарок, мы бы не отказались.
We were afraid that we'd run into one of them back there.
Мы боялись, что попадёмся им.
We were so freaked with the badass Brigade stomping in there, we didn't stick around.
Нас так напугал нагрянувший полицейский наряд, что мы не стали задерживаться.
We were just getting fucked up and sitting there and saying : " Well, we gotta do something.
Мы просто ширялись и повторяли, что надо что-то делать.
Darby was there before we were.
Дарби была там перед нашим приходом.
Now, people have criticized me and some of my colleagues, saying that we were pretending to be objective when there is no objectivity.
Меня и моих коллег многие критиковали, говорили, что мы пытались быть объективными там, где не может быть объективности.
Blink scouts the next site... and then we leave before they ever know we were there.
Моргуша выискивает следующее место, мы удираем, а они и не знают, что мы там были.
We were never "mates." There was no mating.
Мы не были приятелями. И никогда не встречались.
We were always told there was nothing left of 13.
Нам говорили, от 13-го ничего не осталось.
there we go 2292
there we are 716
there were 484
there were none 18
there were over 22
there were two of them 39
there were no survivors 16
there were two 42
there were three of them 19
there were only 25
there we are 716
there were 484
there were none 18
there were over 22
there were two of them 39
there were no survivors 16
there were two 42
there were three of them 19
there were only 25
there were three 17
there were complications 24
there were witnesses 20
there were no witnesses 29
there were others 52
there we have it 25
we were here 38
we were 914
we were there 68
we were close 44
there were complications 24
there were witnesses 20
there were no witnesses 29
there were others 52
there we have it 25
we were here 38
we were 914
we were there 68
we were close 44
we weren't 120
we were together 65
we were just friends 20
we were talking 74
we were here first 26
we were young 47
we were friends 142
we were lucky 44
we were in love 65
we were married for 17
we were together 65
we were just friends 20
we were talking 74
we were here first 26
we were young 47
we were friends 142
we were lucky 44
we were in love 65
we were married for 17