And who is she traduction Turc
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- And who is she?
- Peki kimmiş o?
Mr. Gibson, as I understand is a man who married a Brazilian wife, and for who I know nothing except that she was past her prime, which was all the more unfortunate.
Mr. Gibson, anladığım kadarıyla Brezilyalı bir kadınla evlenmiş, yaşlanmış olması dışında hiçbir şey bilmiyorum ki bu daha da vahim.
You're dealing, then, with someone so obsessed... that he or she is willing to kill an irrelevant and innocent victim... in order to place the blame on the person who wrote that book.
O halde karşınızda, yazarı zan altında bırakmak için masum birini öldürecek kadar hasta ruhlu biri var demektir.
And now, here she is, the woman voted by her senior class "most likely to go up a few dress sizes," a woman who would be a man, except her name is Lillian,
Ve şimdi huzurlarınızda son sınıfta "birkaç beden büyümeye en müsait" ünvanı almış, adı Lillian olmasa erkek olacak olan Lillian Oglethorpe.
As a kid I was always up in the trees, and I know my mother who is afraid of heights, still shakes her head in wonder when she realizes what her daughter does for a living.
Küçük bir çocukken hep ağaç tepelerindeydim ve biliyorum ki yükseklik korkusu olan annem kızının geçimini sağlamak için ne yaptığını öğrendiğinde hala şaşkınlık içinde başını sallar.
Your mother said she'd walk and feed him but you know the first rainy night who's gonna be doing it.
Anneniz ben gezdirip, beslerim dedi ama ilk yağmurlu günde o iş kime kalacak belli.
My boy and his sick mother who nursed you when you were a baby who fed you and nurtured you and now all she asks for in return is some soup from Jerry's and a burger from Don's and a meatball hero from Tratatorio's and a snow cone from lzzi's at the airport.
Oğlum ve onun hasta annesi. Sana bebekken bakan annen. Seni besleyen, gözeten annen.
So it's only a matter of time before she realizes who he is and calls the feds.
Yani Kelly'nin onun kim olduğunu fark edip, FBI'yı araması an meselesi.
I barely know who she is, and... And who she is changes the moment the next man comes in.
Onu çok az tanıyorum ve biliyorum ki ki odasına gelmesi gereken adam gelince değişecek.
Who is she, and what seemingly innocent pose will she next assume?
Bundan sonra hangi masum kılığa bürünecek?
The woman sitting out there knows the truest one, the mirror that most reflects the person she wants to be, despite all the makeup she uses, and hairstyles and clothes is in the eyes of the man who loves her.
Orada oturan kadın en doğrusunu biliyor. Kadının olmak istediği kişiyi en çok yansıtan aynayı. Kadının yaptığı tüm makyaja, saç stiline ve elbiselerine rağmen.
Who is she and where has she vanished to?
Kim o ve nereye kayboldu?
And my present job is to find out just who in the government would collaborate with Germany, if she wages war.
Ve görevim, savaş halinde kimlerin Almanya ile işbirliğinde olacağını bulmak.
I'm gonna go up to her window and when she comes out to see who it is...,... I'm gonna tell her I love her. There's her house.
Bu onun evi.
Only one has rejected me, and as fortune would have it... she is the only one who has ever mattered.
Sadece biri beni reddetti ve o kadar tesadüf olacak ki şu ana kadar önem taşıyan tek kişi de odur.
Who is she, and how old is she, Jake?
Kim bu, ve kaç yaşında, Jake?
Well, I'm sure that white woman feels fairly strongly that she is, and there are a lot of people who'll agree with her.
- Beyaz kadın da öyle hissediyordur.
It's about a woman who is alone in a very, very cold world... and all she wants more than anything is to have someone hold her close... and to tell her that everything's gonna be all right.
Soğuk bir dünyada tek başına kalmış bir kadını anlatıyor, hayatta tek istediği şey, yakınında birinin olması. ve ona her şeyin yoluna gireceğini söylemesi.
She's Mr Darcy's aunt, and her daughter Anne, who will inherit a large fortune, is destined to be Mr Darcy's bride.
Kendisi Bay Darcy'nin teyzesidir. Kızı Anne de büyük bir mirasın varisi Bay Darcy'nin de müstakbel eşidir.
We are far from the bones of our people, but perhaps there is one powerful being who will embrace this woman and give her the answers she seeks.
İnsanlarımızın kemiklerinden çok uzaktayız, fakat bu kadına güçlü bir kucaklama aradığı cevapları ona verir.
It was between Miss April and Women of the Ivy League. - Who is she?
Bu fotoğrafı Nisan güzeli ile Sarmaşık Liginin Kadınları arasında buldum.
But all I ever ask, and I would say this to her face, is only she remembers who is who, and not to go round with her, or Gracie either, with this attitude.
Tüm istediğim şey ise, bunu onun yüzüne söylemek. Böylece kimin kim olduğunu ve kimin onunla ya da Grace ile gitmeyeceğini hatırlar. Şunu da eklemeliyim.
And I've been thinking about who she is what she's about.
Televizyona mı, vidyoya mı yoksa bilgisayara mı ihtiyacınız var?
Look upon them and know that you are forever doomed, for I am she who is all-powerful.
Onlara bakın, bilin ki sonsuza dek lanetlendiniz. ... çünkü benim her şeye gücüm yeter.
She goes out on the street, and is it an accident that she meets Richard the man who killed this man and her husband?
Sokağa çıkınca karşısına Richard'ın çıkması tesadüf mü peki? Bu adamı ve kocasını öldüren adam o.
she doesn't even get a screen credit - - we get three hundred comment cards back one hundred and fifty of them wanted to know who is the blonde with George Sanders.
Biz üç yüz Yorum kartları geri almak bir yüz elli onları kim George Sanders ile sarışın olduğunu bilmek istedim.
And then you have to ask who I assume is one of your many girlfriends if she's wearing her panties, as loud as you can!
Ve sonra kız arkadaşlarından biri olduğunu tahmin ettiğim birine külot giyip giymediğini sormalıydın, mümkün olduğunca yüksek bir sesle!
She believes that one who doesn't know how to speak English he becomes degraded, and is unfit for your society.
O ise sanıyor ki, ingilizce bilmeyen insanlar... sosyetenize uygun değil, fakir insanlar.
What light through yonder window breaks? and Juliet is the sun! who is already sick and pale with grief art far more fair than she.
Şu pencereden süzülen ışık da ne? Orası doğu, Juliet de güneşi!
She looks into their eyes and tells them who is wishing the headaches.
Gözlerine bakıp baş ağrısının... kimin yüzünden olduğunu söyler.
The tight clothes and makeup ain't got nothing to do with who she is.
Dar giysiler ve makyajın onun gerçek kişiliğiyle bir ilgisi yoktur.
I love her for who she is, and if she weren't, it wouldn't matter.
onu kim olduğu için seviyorum. Ne olduğu, neye benzediği önemli değil.
She's a one-time Boston barmaid who had a nervous breakdown and ended up in a sanitorium, where I met her, fell for her,.. and then was so mercilessly rejected by her that to this day there is a sucking chest wound where once there dwelled a heart!
Sinir krizi geçirip onunla tanıştığım sanatoryuma yatırılan, eskiden Boston'daki bir barda garsonluk yapan bu kadına âşık oldum ve tarafından öyle zalimce reddedildim ki önceden kalp taşıdığım yerde bir göğüs yarası açtı!
For your information, there's a woman at the museum who's curator of moths and other winged things who's let it be known that she is drawn to me, much like a you know.
Aklında olsun, müzede güve ve diğer kanatlılardan sorumlu bir kadın var. Benimle ilgilendiğini söylüyorlar, şey gibiymiş bilirsin işte.
Who's the "great lady", and why is she outraged?
"Muhteşem kadın" kim, ve neden nefret uyandırıyor?
She's got a normal height Very quiet and the type who is always keeping to herself
Boyu normal sessiz ve kendi halinde bir tip.
She is sure that Ajay is the one for whom she was always waiting... and perhaps it was HE who was taking HIS time to show her.
Beklediği kişinin Anjay olmadığından emin. Belki de Allah'ın bunu göstermesi için zamana ihtiyacı var.
The longer she is away, the stronger they become, and who, honestly, can provide security against that?
Ne kadar gözükmezse o kadar güçlü olurlar ve açıkçası kim buna karşı bir güvenlik sağlayabilir?
Who is she and what did you arrest her for?
Kim bu kız, ne zaman tutukladın?
Where she discovers who she is and also the Nazi gold hidden under the embassy.
Orası gerçek kimliğini ve elçiliğin altında gizli olan Nazi altınlarını keşfettiği yer olur.
And who is she?
Now, I could be crazy, but I figure a guy who's been married as long as Prince Reindeer is ready for a new wife. I mean, Princess Grace... beautiful woman and all that... but she was losing her looks.
Evet belki çılgın olabilirim ama evli olan bir adamın Prens Geyik olduğu sürece yeni bir eşe hazır olduğunu fark ettim.
And everybody who knows about the diamond... is supposed to be dead or on this boat, but she knows.
Elması bilen herkesin... bu gemide öldüğü sanılıyor, ama bu kadın elması biliyor.
And in breaking news it is with great sadness that we announce the death of Paris Carver who has become an international figure since she became the wife of Elliot Carver, chairman of this network.
Haberleri keserek : Büyük bir acıyla Paris Carver'ın ölüm haberini veriyoruz, bu ağın başkanı Elliot Carver'ın eşi olarak uluslararası bir kişi haline gelmişti.
I am dating a supermodel zoologist, who I stole away from a professional football player, and she is off to the Galápagos Islands to artificially inseminate iguanas.
Süpermodel bir zoologla çıkıyorum. Onu profesyonel bir sporcudan çaldım. Ve iguanaları yapay yolla döllemek için Galapagos Adaları'na gidiyor.
They have experts who will testify that since she died in her sleep, the smoke inhalation... may have actually spared her pain and suffering.
Tamam. Tamam. İş sizi kürsüye çıkarmaya geldi.
Who is she and what's she doing here?
Bu kız kim ve burada ne arıyor?
It is she and her kind who turned God's hands against us, Your Grace.
Tanrının öfkesini üzerimize salan - o ve onun gibilerdir Sayın Başkan.
If we do not speak now if Venice does not stand up now and acknowledge who she is, then we are all damned not before this court before eternity.
Eğer şimdi konuşmazsak eğer Venedik şimdi ayağa kalkmaz ve onun kim olduğunu açıklamazsa, hepimiz lanetleniriz. Bu mahkeme tarafından değil sonsuzluk tarafından.
And what I dream of is a man who will discover her, and that she will discover a man who will love her, who is worthy of her, who is of this world, of this time,
Onu keşfedecek bir adam hayal ettim ve onun keşfedeceği bir adam. Onu sevecek, ona yakışacak, bu dünyadan birisi.
You know, a man who comes in, he automatically makes an assumption that she is either sitting there waiting to be propositioned and, you know, if she doesn't want it, then there must be something wrong with her
Bir adam gelir ve otomatikman bir yargıya varır. Kadın ya teklif edilmeyi bekliyordur ve kabul etmiyorsa da o zaman aklından zoru vardır Öyle ya aklı başında hangi kadın kendi başına oturmaktan hoşlanır?
and who the fuck are you 16
and who knows 137
and who was that 22
and who are you 398
and who are they 24
and who the hell are you 43
and who might you be 58
and who's that 72
and who is that 45
and who's this 56
and who knows 137
and who was that 22
and who are you 398
and who are they 24
and who the hell are you 43
and who might you be 58
and who's that 72
and who is that 45
and who's this 56
and who is he 36
and who is this 65
and whose fault is that 58
and who am i 66
and who else 21
and who 69
and who might that be 34
and who do we have here 19
and who would that be 36
who is she 1115
and who is this 65
and whose fault is that 58
and who am i 66
and who else 21
and who 69
and who might that be 34
and who do we have here 19
and who would that be 36
who is she 1115
is she beautiful 26
is she married 28
is she with you 37
is she 1013
is she pretty 86
is she single 26
is she your girlfriend 37
is she ok 125
is she still alive 35
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is she married 28
is she with you 37
is she 1013
is she pretty 86
is she single 26
is she your girlfriend 37
is she ok 125
is she still alive 35
is she around 26
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is she all right 347
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is she coming 28
is she in there 31
is she in trouble 26
is she okay 595
is she in 38
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