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Translate.vc / Turc → Anglais / [ H ] / Haklıydın

Haklıydın traduction Anglais

7,065 traduction parallèle
You were right.
Benim hakkında haklıydın, Anne.
You were right about me, Mother.
Çünkü en başından beri haklıydın.
That's because you were right all along.
Ama haklıydınız.
- But you were right.
Uyuşturucu konusunda haklıydın.
You were right. You were right about the drugs.
- Haklıydın, bir şey yoktu.
You were right. It was nothing.
Bana ait olmayan bir hayatı yaşamaya çalıştığımı söyleyen sendin. Haklıydın.
You are the one that said that all of this was me attempting to have a life that wasn't me.
Haklıydınız, desteğe ihtiyacım vardı.
You guys were right.
Ida'nın şu anda burada olmaması daha iyi olur. Haklıydın.
Ida probably shouldn't be here now, You were right.
Ayrıca Nighthorse'dan şüphelenmekte de haklıydın.
Also, you were right to be concerned about Nighthorse.
Hayır, sen haklıydın.
No, you were right.
Dinleme istasyonlarımız konusunda haklıydın.
You were right about our listening stations.
- Oğluma yardım etmek yapabileceğim en Hıristiyan'ca şeydi. Haklıydın Glenn.
Helping my son is the most Christian thing I could do.
- Evet, haklıydın.
Yeah, you're right. Yeah.
Ve haklıydın.
And you were right.
Ama haklıydınız.
But you were right.
Belki haklıydınız..
Maybe you were right.
Benim bir melek olduğumu söylerken haklıydın.
You were right about me when you said I was an angel.
Galiba haklıydın, taşınma konusunda.
I think you're right... about moving.
Sen haklıydın.
You were right.
- Haklıydın da.
- And you were right.
Jake, haklıydın.
Look, Jake, you were right.
# Biliyorum, haklıydın.
♪ I know you were right ♪
Geyik Avcısı konusunda haklıydın bir erkekti.
You were right about the Deer Hunter. - He was a man.
Salata konusunda çok haklıydın, biliyor musun?
You were so right about salad, you know?
Herşey hakkında haklıydın.
You were right about all of it.
Hayır, sen haklıydın.
No, you were right. It was a setup.
Seni neden terk ettiğim konusunda haklıydın, her şey hakkında.
You were right about why I left, you... you were right about it all.
Haklıydın, Peter.
You were right, Peter.
Siz tamamen haklıydınız.
You were in the right.
- Dinle, düşündüm de bu olaya olan yakınlığım falan, sen haklıydın.
Listen, I've been thinking about it, and with the benefit of hindsight, y-you're right.
Mazereti geçerli çıktı ama sen haklıydın Castle.
His alibi checks out, but you were right, Castle.
Sanırım haklıydın.
Guess you were right.
Sen haklıydın.
- Yeah, man. You're right.
You were right-
You were right all along.
Sanırım sen haklıydın.
I think you were right.
Tatlım sen haklıydın.
Honey... you were right.
Rusty, haklıydın.
Rusty, you know what?
- Haklıydın, adamım.
- You were right, man.
Önce şüphelendi ama sen haklıydın.
He was quite suspicious at first, but you were right.
Ama şu terfiyi sorgulamakta haklıydın.
You were right to question that promotion.
Ayrıca haklıydın.
Besides, you were right.
- Jessica, haklıydın.
- Jessica, you were right.
Haklıydın Batman.
You were right, Batman.
Haklıydın, sahib. Belki de amirlerimi çok yüceltiyorum.
Maybe I'd been giving my handlers far too much credit.
Sen haklıydın, Leo.
You were right, Leo.
Hey, you were right.
- Bekle haklıydın, Jacob'ın ölümü beni değiştirdi...
You were right. Jacob's death changed me.
Evsiz kadın haklıydı.
That homeless woman was right.
Aslında yatağı bir yatırım gibi görme konusunda arkadaşınız haklıydı.
You know, she's right about mattresses being an investment.

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