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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ B ] / Be careful with it

Be careful with it tradutor Espanhol

333 parallel translation
Be careful with it.
Cuidado con eso.
I thought you said to be careful with it?
¿ No era un juego de críos? Lo dijiste tú.
Be careful with it. I just had it waxed.
- Con cuidado, lo acaban de encerar.
Be careful with it.
Ten cuidado.
Do be careful with it now.
Ten cuidado con eso.
Tell him to be careful with it. It's got bullets in it now.
Dígale que tenga cuidado, ahora sí está cargada.
Well, be careful with it.
Bueno, pues cuidado con él.
It's homemade, so be careful with it.
Es casera, así que ten cuidado.
But please, be careful with it.
Pero ten cuidado con ella, por favor.
You'll have to use one of the best cups and be careful with it.
Tendrás que usar una de las tazas buenas. Y no la rompas.
Do be careful with it.
Cuidado con él.
Be careful with it.
Ten cuidado con esto.
Bring that in, and be careful with it.
Traelo aqui con cuidado.
And be careful with it.
Y tenga cuidado con ella.
Be careful with it.
Cógela, pero ten cuidado.
- be careful with it.
- Tenga cuidado con los esquíes. - Descuide.
We gotta be careful with it.
Debemos tener cuidado.
You gotta be awful careful who you hit it up with.
Tienes que tener mucho cuidado de con quién pegas hebra.
It's treason, and I must be careful in the future, but you must help me by not exciting me with your beautiful eyes.
Es traición, y deberé tener cuidado en el futuro, pero vos deberéis tener cuidado de no incitarme con esos ojos.
Here. Be more careful with it in the future, Doctor.
Tenga. ¡ En el futuro, sea más cuidadoso con él, doctor!
It's OK to play with your fans and friends a little, but I think you should be careful not to neglect your acting.
Debería estudiar duro para... convertirse en un digno sucesor del respetable nombre de Kikugoro... en los escenarios.
Be careful with that thing it might go off
Tenga cuidado con eso. Puede dispararse.
You need to be careful with the sun, it gives you freckles.
Hay que tener cuidado con el sol, que te salen pecas.
And be careful with that machine when you clean it.
Y ten cuidado al limpiar la máquina.
Still, he was careful to administer justice with discrimination. For it behoved him to keep on good terms with his pupils. Especially if their mothers happened to be good cooks.
Sin embargo, él era prudente... al administrar la justicia... porque le gustaba guardar buenas relaciones con sus alumnos... y en especial con los que poseían madres muy buenas cocineras.
take it easy and be careful about many things about food and packs and don't carry with you beach umbrellas... don't take the wrong changing rooms, or footballs... and another thing most of all... don't bust other people's watermelons!
Hay que estar tranquilo y poner atención a muchas cosas, desde los paquetes con la comida, a no dejarse las sombrillas, a no equivocarse de casetas, de pelotas, y además otra cosa... principalmente... no romper las sandías a la gente.
Just be careful you don't cut yourself with it, that's all.
Si tienes cuidado y no te cortas con ella, eso será todo.
And you be careful with the powder,'cause it bursts!
Tú, ten cuidado con la pólvora, porque explota.
I warn folks with children to be careful of it.
Si tiene niños, tenga cuidado.
- Be very careful with it.
- Tenga cuidado.
It's better to be careful with Reichan.
Es mejor ser prudente con Reichan.
Be careful with other people's money. It's good advice.
Avara con la plata de los demás, ¡ linda mentalidad!
Be careful with it.
It's a thing we all got to be pretty careful with
Hay que andar con cuidado en esos asuntos.
Get on with it and be careful not to sign yourself Pepito Sbazzeguti!
Siga con eso y cuídese de no poner Pepito Sbazzeguti, eh!
It's genuine, and the best steel... but be careful because you can hurt yourself with it.
Es de verdad, y del mejor acero, pero ten cuidado porque te puedes hacer daño con él.
It's only with Leos I have to be careful of.
Sólo hay que tener cuidado si eres del signo Leo.
Here is your toast, and be careful not to stain your notebook with it.
Toma, tu pizza. No la pongas junto al cuaderno, que se ensucia y no le des a los compañeros.
But be careful with that juice, it can be rough.
Pero no se pase, duele mucho.
Not with your nails, be careful or you'll crack it.
Cuidado con las uñas porque se rompe.
We've got to be especially careful with it.
Debemos tener cuidado con ella.
Please let me answer one question at a time. Hey, you be careful with that thing. It cost me a fortune.
Quería hacer algún trabajo, así que el profesor Travers le dijo que podría utilizar el laboratorio de su hija aquí.
Trying it on... well be careful, don't go to staining it with these shoes.
Probando... pues ten mucho cuidado, no lo vayas a manchar con esos zapatitos.
Be careful with it...
Tiene mucho valor sentimental.
You've got to be very careful with it.
Tienes que tener mucho cuidado con él.
Now... when it comes to dealing with the authorities... whatever happened between your mother and my father... we're going to have to be a little careful, aren't we?
En cuanto a lo que concierne a las autoridades... lo que fuera que pasó entre su madre y mi padre... tendremos que ser cuidadosos, ¿ verdad?
She says, "Be careful with that stuff back there." She throws it down!
Le dicen que tenga cuidado y lo tira.
Be careful with that, because... that makes it hurt... You stay straight, so... ~ Like this?
Hay que tener cuidado con eso, porque te duele ahí y luego te quedas tieso, así...
Be careful with those sacks there, should it happen to rip them!
¡ Cuidado con esos sacos, no me los agujereéis!
In any case, one must be careful with infant diarrhea, one must take certain precautions because it leaves a stain.
De cualquier manera, hay que tener cuidado con la diarrea de los chicos, hay que tomar ciertas precauciones porque mancha.
All right. So we'll be more careful. But he can't get away with it.
Bien, tendremos más cuidado, pero no puede quedar impune.

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