Big family tradutor Espanhol
1,753 parallel translation
So it became a union rule : any member who held public office had to give half of the Christmas bonus... to the "big family," the union.
Y por decisión orgánica de las seis federaciones, cada alcalde y concejal da la mitad de su aguinaldo a su familia y la otra mitad a la familia grande :
Why? Well, my mom wants to have a big family dinner over at her place.
Mi mama quiere hacer una gran cena en familia en su casa.
No, big family, having a yard sale.
No, son una gran familia, tienen una venta de jardín.
I've got a big family.
Tengo una gran familia.
That if you are troubled again, then you treat us as a place of safety and refuge. We like to think of Restoration as a big family you can re-visit any time it's necessary.
Que si tienes problemas de nuevo, puedes tomarnos como un lugar de seguridad y refugio.Nos gusta pensar que la Restauración es como una gran família a la que puedes volver a visitar cuando es necesario.
They've already planed a big family party.
Ya han organizado una gran fiesta familiar.
You've also inherited a big family... william's family.
También has heredado una gran familia... La familia de William.
"THE BIG FAMILY" How nice it is to know
"LA GRAN FAMILIA" Qué bueno es saber
I wanna have a big family.
Ouiero una familia grande.
I'm having a big family dinner on saturday. Why don't you join us?
Organizaré una gran cena familiar el sábado. ¿ Por qué no te unes a nosotros?
I'm having a big family dinner.
Tengo una gran cena familiar.
Coming from a big family of hard bastards, the soft didn't survive.
Viniendo de una familia de hijos duros, donde el blando no logra sobrevivir.
But we're still gonna have time to have a big family.
Pero, nos vamos a tener tiempo para tener una familia grande.
Adopted yeah, have you got a big family?
Adoptados, si. ¿ Tienes una familia grande?
So you got yourself a big family car.
Tienes un gran auto familiar.
And I say we because we're one big family here.
Y digo'nosotros'porque somos una gran familia aquí.
I have a big family :
Mi familia es grande.
But I don't have a big family.
Pero no tengo una gran familia.
So it's the'family'gene that's making you run off and have your big gay wedding?
¿ Así que es el gen familiar el que te hace huir a tener tu gran boda feliz?
Birthdays aren't a very big deal in the Huntzberger family.
Los cumpleaños no son muy importantes en la familia Hunzberger.
And Sunny just gave me a big hug and said, "Look, you know, we've got our own family of friends."
Me fui a la playa y vi a Sunny y él me dio un abrazo grande y me dijo que teníamos nuestra propia familia y amigos.
It's a real big burden, being responsible for a whole family.
Es una carga muy grande, ser responsable de toda la familia.
It's a real big burden, being responsible for a whole family.
Es una gran carga, ser responsable por toda la familia.
- She's fabulous. We're one big, happy family.
Somos una familia feliz.
One, big happy family.
No algún débil mental del mundo real.
Okay. Now, whose family has a big yellow pickup truck?
Bien. ¿ Quién tiene una gran camioneta amarilla?
Oh, it's like... one big, happy... if slightly dysfunctional... family.
Oh, es como... una gran, feliz... aunque un poco disfuncional... familia.
My whole family has always thought I've been a big screw-up when it comes to this job.
Mira, toda mi familia siempre pensó que yo era un desperdicio cuando se trataba de mi trabajo.
service a big city bank does- - home loans, small business loans, family planning.
... de los servicios que hace un banco de la gran ciudad préstamos del hogar, a pequeños negocios, planes familiares.
Cause, with Big Chubby gone, there was only one person to take over the family business.
Porque con el Gran Chubby muerto sólo quedaba una persona para hacerse cargo del negocio familiar.
so I like what you said about making the family stronger, but as I told you, kayla's the one you wanna focus on. well, I prefer to look at the big picture.
Me gustó lo que dijo sobre fortalecer a la familia pero como le dije, se tiene que concentrar en Kayla.
I thought the money for the earring was gonna buy some big feast for the family.
Pensé que el dinero del pendiente compraría un gran festín para la familia.
The whole family's tiptoed round his need to be a big man for years.
De puntillas alrededor de toda la familia, su necesidad de ser un gran hombre durante años.
I just put the feelers out. Big Irish family, lots of cousins.
¿ Cómo... ¿ Te conozco?
I'm trying to protect my family, and he thinks it's a big joke.
Trato de proteger a mi familia, Y el cree que es todo un chiste
Man, I get to spend time with my big brother and his family, see the sights, meet new people, and best of all, sing-alongs.
Amigo, tengo que pasar tiempo con mi hermano mayor y su familia, admirar la vista, conocer nuevas personas, y lo mejor de todo, los "Canta Conmigo".
you jeopardized the security of our family, and you broke my heart- - first in little ways, and then in big ones.
Jugaste con los ahorros de la familia, y me rompiste el corazón. Primero con cosas pequeñas, y luego con cosas enormes.
I know you've carried a pretty big load for the family, Dennis.
Sé que has llevado una pesada carga por la familia, Dennis.
My whole family's a big fan of yours. We're always cheering for your team.
En mi familia son grandes fanáticos de ustedes, nosotros siempre estamos apoyando a su equipo.
There could be a big battle between the Shirakawa Family and the Banki-to before long.
Pronto... el grupo Shirakawa y la banda Banki podrían cruzar sus espadas.
One big, happy, dysfunctional family.
Una gran familia feliz y disfuncional.
You're the big, bad family man, huh?
Eres el gran y malvado "Hombre de Familia", ¿ no?
One big happy family.
Una gran familia feliz.
Because you all are one big incestuous family, and I'm not joining the family.
Porque ustedes son una gran familia incestuosa y no me uniré a la familia.
And if we're gonna be one big, happy, albeit unconventional... family... then there are a lot of things we need to discuss.
Y si vamos a ser una feliz, aunque poco convencional... familia, hay muchas cosas que tenemos que discutir.
We're all like one big, wonderful, dysfunctional family, and I love you guys.
Somos todos como una grande, maravillosa, familia disfuncional, y os quiero tios
My brother Oliver was away at college, and... so, it was just the three of us, one big happy family... my dad, David and I.
Mi hermano Oliver se había ido al colegio, por lo que éramos sólo tres. ¡ Una familia feliz! Mi padre, David y yo.
Financially, his illness has been a big drain on the family, you know.
Y sabes bien que esta enfermedad agotó los recursos de la familia.
All right, Lady Big Mike is cooking with the family ;
Todo correcto, la señora de Big Mike está cocinando con la familia :
I'd invite you all- - this family's got a big old suv- - but there's already a bunch of us going.
Los invitaría a todos... esta familia tiene una camioneta grande... pero ya somos muchos.
We are going to be one big happy family.
Vamos a ser una gran familia feliz.
family 1231
family is everything 18
family first 36
family guy 58
family comes first 25
family dinner 19
family and friends 25
family emergency 19
family reunion 17
family members 20
family is everything 18
family first 36
family guy 58
family comes first 25
family dinner 19
family and friends 25
family emergency 19
family reunion 17
family members 20
family only 25
family stuff 23
family law 16
family history 17
family too 21
family meeting 38
family man 38
family business 42
big fan 130
big fella 160
family stuff 23
family law 16
family history 17
family too 21
family meeting 38
family man 38
family business 42
big fan 130
big fella 160