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Blond hair tradutor Espanhol

684 parallel translation
Dark blond hair.
De pelo rubio oscuro.
add the blood from the heart of a virgin. Then you can observe the blood must be from a girl with white skin, blond hair and blue or gray eyes.
añada la sangre del corazón de una virgen y observe, la sangre debe ser de una chica, de piel pálida, cabello rubio y ojos azules o grises.
A single blond hair, nothing else.
Un único pelo rubio, nada más.
By a strand of blond hair
Por un mechón de pelo rubio
Was she about this size and a blond. You know, with blond hair? Yes.
¿ Era rubia y así de alta?
Blond hair, brown hair, tall, short...
- Él. Rubio, moreno, alto...
He's 8 months old. A boy. He has blond hair and teeth.
Tiene ocho meses, cabello rubio y dientes.
- Blond hair and teeth?
- Cabello rubio y dientes.
- No blond hair? No teeth?
- ¿ Sin cabello y dientes?
And you think the hypnotist is that woman with the blond hair.
Y usted piensa que el hipnotizador es la mujer con el cabello rubio.
The thin ones with blond hair During the day make a fine pair
La flaca y rubia hace buena pareja de día
She said she'd tear that hussy's blond hair out by its dark roots.
Dijo que le arrancaría a esa fresca su cabello rubio por sus raíces oscuras.
Blond hair, blue eyes. That's not very Corsican.
El cabello rubio, los ojos azules no es normal para un corso.
You're letting the blond hair throw you.
No, es que te engaña el cabello rubio.
- So far, we've got blond hair. - Mm-hm.
Hasta ahora tenemos cabello rubio.
I'll pull that blond hair out by its black roots! - Edwina!
Te voy a arrancar de raíz ese pelo falso.
She has blond hair, blue eyes.
Es rubia, ojos azules.
A baby pie with a mop of blond hair and a cute torso.
Un bomboncito de pelo rubio y bonito pecho.
A young fellow about six feet tall, a gray suit and a blond hair?
Un tipo joven y alto, de traje gris y pelo rubio.
That curly blond hair, the pearly white teeth.
Ese pelo rizado y rubio, esos dientes blancos de perla.
He's a small boy of about eight years, blond hair.
Es un niño pequeño, de unos ocho años, pelo rubio.
We're looking for a man, 33 years, of medium height, blond hair and blue eyes. He's wounded..?
Buscamos a un hombre, 33 años, estatura media, cabellos rubios, ojos azules, herido...
A tuft of blond hair was always sticking out.
Siempre se veía un mechón rubio por encima del seto.
Blond hair.
Cabello rubio.
With the blond hair to the neck.
La que tiene el cabello rubio por el cuello.
Kind of slim, blond hair.
Delgado, pelo rubio.
He had blond hair.
Tenía el pelo rubio.
I think it was a young man, with bleached-blond hair.
Creo que era joven, con pelo rubio teñido.
What a beautiful baby! With her blond hair...
Pero qué maravilla de criatura, es verdaderamente hermoso.
Tall... one had blond hair and the other was dark-haired.
Sólo los he visto un poco en la cocina. Altos, uno rubio y el otro moreno.
Why does she have blond hair then?
¿ Lo dice porque tiene el pelo rubio?
I just saw blond hair, bare arms...
Acabo de ver un pelo rubio, unos brazos desnudos...
Blond hair, green eyes, crazy turned-up nose.
Rubia, ojos verdes, nariz respingona.
Blond hair, blue eyes, Nordic...
Pelo rubio, ojos azules, nórdico...
Obviously, I will never have blond hair or blue eyes...
Evidentemente, nunca tendré el pelo rubio ni los ojos azules.
Poltroni is six feet two, 175 pounds, has blue eyes and blond hair.
Poltroni mide 1.88 m, pesa 80 kilos, tiene ojos azules y pelo rubio.
He may be accompanied by the woman, blond hair and blue eyes, wearing...
Podría ir acompañado de la mujer, rubia de ojos azules, que lleva...
And a teacher should have blond hair.
Y una profesora debe ser rubia.
The hair might just as well be blond or black.
El pelo podría ser rubio o moreno.
Go ahead and laugh, that blond hair had me fooled for a minute but it's just as phony as that parachute jump into the jungle.
Te necesitamos en los números, Harry. He decidido que el bailar me sienta mal. Es indigno.
I remember I danced with a tall, dark boy... with curly hair... and a little short one with freckles... and a big fat blond one who sang in my ear.
Recuerdo que bailé con un chico alto, oscuro... con el pelo rizado... y con uno bajito con pecas... y con un rubio muy gordo que me cantaba al oído.
The man who wore this stuff is about 5 feet, 10 or 11 inches tall blond curly hair, weighs around 175 pounds wears a size-9C shoe.
El hombre que vestía esto mide como un metro setenta, es rubio, pelo rizado, pesa unos noventa kilos, y calza un cuarenta y tres.
I tell you, Pop, her hair is so bleached blond...
Te digo, papá, que su pelo rubio no es natur- -
Well, she was just out of college. Tall, blond, honey-colored hair, and she wore a polo coat and drove a convertible.
Acababa de salir de la universidad, alta, rubia con cabellos color de miel, vestía una chaqueta de sport
There's a senator, an agent, and a thing with blond, wavy hair.
Un senador, un agente y una cosa rubia con rizos.
But you must have noticed if he had brown, blond or no hair!
¡ Pero al menos se habrá fijado si era moreno, rubio o calvo!
What I meant to say was, the beautiful hair of the blond fish...
Lo que quise decir fue que el hermoso cabello del rubio pez...
Agostino was blond, with tousled hair.
Agostino era rubio, de pelo fino.
His hair was incredibly dark, which no one can believe now, because he has blue eyes and his hair has gone white, so people think he was blond.
Su cabello era extraordinariamente negro, nadie se lo cree ahora, porque tiene los ojos azules y su cabello se ha vuelto blanco, así que piensan que era rubio.
Your hair's just as blond... your eyes have the same twinkle... and you're more beautiful than ever.
Tu pelo esta igual de rubio, tus ojos igual de brillantes... y estas mas hermosa que nunca.
I have blond hair.
Soy rubio.

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