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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ B ] / But not to worry

But not to worry tradutor Espanhol

441 parallel translation
I wasjust sayin'to Mr Cunningham that entailments were bad... but not to worry.
Sólo le decía al Sr. Cunningham que las deudas eran malas... pero que no se preocupara.
Oh, you're a bit modest there for most gentlemen's taste, but not to worry, they'll get plumper in time, and a few little tricks I know.
Eres demasiado modesta para el gusto de los señores pero, tranquila, se harán más grandes con el tiempo. y con algunos pequeños trucos.
- Hm. But not to worry.
No nos preocupemos.
- Last week. But not to worry.
- Sí, la semana pasada.
But not to worry, Gen. Rattenhuber, I'm genius with machinery.
Pero no se preocupe, Gral. Rattenhuber, soy un genio con las máquinas.
I regret that I have not the time to give to your exhibition now... but I'll worry you more when I get back.
Lamento no disponer ahora de tiempo para recorrer su exhibición, pero ya le incordiaré más a mi vuelta.
But, your lordship, you're not really going to worry about this barbaric prophecy.
Pero, su señoría, en verdad no se va a preocupar por esa bárbara profecía.
But Uncle Richard says not to worry.
El tío Richard dice que no nos preocupemos.
But you're not to worry.
Pero no te preocupes.
I do hope you won't say anything about it to my wife, not that I have anything to conceal, but I just don't want to have her worry about my hair.
No es que tenga nada que ocultar pero no quiero preocuparme por mi pelo.
Look, Eileen, I don't want you to worry, but I'm afraid the news is not too good.
Mira, Eileen, no quiero preocuparte, pero me temo que las noticias no son muy buenas.
But try not to worry so much about her.
Pero trata de no preocuparte tanto.
But don't worry. I'm not going to kiss you good night and make you unhappy.
No le daré un beso de buenas noches para disgustarla.
I might not cook the best tripe and onions in England, but whoever gets me won't have to worry about his plumbing.
No soy la mejor cocinera de Inglaterra, pero quien me lleve ahorrará en fontaneros.
But I'm not going to worry. I'm very happy today.
Están tramando algo, pero hoy nada me importa.
But in her condition, so as not to worry her unnecessarily I don't always tell her where I'm going.
Pero, dada su condición, para no preocuparla sin necesidad no siempre le digo adónde iré.
But your husband always said he had 500,000 life insurance... and told me not to worry
Pero su marido siempre decía que su seguro de vida era de 500.000 y que no me preocupara...
The retainers, sick with worry, quickly found some suitable young women, but they were all country girls and not to the lord's liking.
Algunas muchachas del feudo se ofrecieron. Pero al señor no le gustó ninguna.
I know you just wanted to clear things up, but I told you not to worry.
Sé que querías dejar claras las cosas.
I'm not crazy about it myself, but at least you don't have to worry about the rent.
No es para volverse loco de alegría, pero, al menos, no tiene que preocuparse por pagar un alquiler.
But you're not to worry any more.
Pero no tienes que preocuparte más.
But don't worry, you're not going to see it.
Pero tranquilo, no vas a verlo.
I am not one to worry when there's no need but... after we get this stuff to the door, how do we get it to the boat?
Yo no soy de los que se preocupan cuando no hace falta pero cuando tengamos el material en la puerta, ¿ cómo nos lo llevamos?
Maybe, but there's heavy pressure from the right flank you said not to worry about.
Nos presionan desde el flanco derecho, del que dijo que no había que ocuparse.
But tell her not to worry.
Pero dígale que no se preocupe.
But don't worry, sir, I'm not going to say I'm his father.
Pero no se preocupe, señor, no le voy a decir que soy su padre.
Not for him, Paul, but for us... how we're going to feel later on because we didn't worry.
No por él, Paul, sino por nosotros... por cómo nos sentiremos más adelante porque no nos preocupamos.
I'm sorry to worry you with this, but, uh... I'm not quite sure how this is all going to end, and I -
Siento tener que preocuparle, pero no estoy seguro de cómo va a terminar todo esto.
These attacks... I didn't want to worry you with them, but I'm not long for this world, my son.
Estos ataques... No quería preocuparte con mi salud, pero no viviré mucho tiempo, hijo mío.
Stavros, please don't take offence at what I'm going to say... but it seems to me... that you have some worry... some secret that you're not...
Stavros, por favor, no te ofendas por lo que voy a decirte... pero me parece... que te preocupa algo... algún secreto que no puedes...
But you know it's not the digging. It's the shoring up with wood and getting the dirt out - that's what you've to worry about.
Pero el problema no es excavar, sino poner refuerzos de madera y sacar la tierra.
- Perhaps not, but... has it occurred to you that the terrible worry that it might happen... could be sufficient to drive a person out of their mind?
- Quizá no, pero... ¿ ha pensado que la terrible preocupación que se siente... podría ser suficiente para que una persona pierda el juicio?
Well, he said not to worry about a thing, but I think we ought to go over there just in case.
- Dijo que no me preocupara... pero creo que debemos ir, por si acaso.
She came in, left a message for you, but you're not to worry.
Ha venido y le ha dejado un mensaje. No se inquiete.
But do not worry, here is what to entertain.
Pero no te preocupes, aquí hay con qué entretenerse.
Now you could go up to the terrace and shout "Sorry" And a half million people would answer me, "Do not worry, But do not ever do."
Ahora podría subir a la terraza y gritar "Lo siento", y medio millón de personas me contestarían "No te preocupes, pero no lo vuelvas a hacer".
Oh, and then she told me dad, and he come into me bedroom, but he told me not to worry.
Y luego se lo dijo a mi padre. El viejo entró en mi cuarto y me dijo que no me preocupara.
But it was your job to get that tank, not to worry about me, you stupid idiot!
Pero tu trabajo era el depósito, no preocuparte por mí estúpido idiota!
But not to worry.
No se preocupe.
But we left a note saying not to worry.
Pero le escribimos que no se preocupe.
But I am not going to worry about you.
Pero no me preocuparé por ti.
I might not be able to make it. But don't worry.
Pero no sé si podré acudir.
He even killed kids, but when you were told these stories, they told you not to worry,
Tan poco le gustaban, que hasta los mataba. Pero, cuando os lo contaban, os decían que tranquilos, que eran cuentos.
But I'm not going to worry about it,'cause I did hear from another guy, a guy named Wilson.
Pero no te preocupes, porque escuché un comentario de otro tipo llamado Wilson.
And then, just as suddenly as the kiss... he seemed to go right down, and we kept phoning the vets... and they said not to worry... that they didn't like to eat when they were under medication... but to bring him in on Monday.
Y luego, justo después de besarme... pareció debilitarse, y empezamos a llamar a los veterinarios... pero nos dijeron que no era nada... que solían perder el apetito cuando estaban medicados... y que lo lleváramos el lunes.
Me no say not to worry, but what?
No digo que no te preocupes, ¿ pero qué?
" But she wouldn't let on, because she didn't want him to worry about her... so you'd better not tell Klinger.'"
Pero no lo dijo, porque no quería que él se preocupara por ella... así que mejor no le digas a Klinger ".
But what happens if you're living in a more, you know, affluent society and you're lucky enough to not have to worry about that?
Pero, ¿ qué pasa si vives en una sociedad próspera y no tienes que preocuparte por esas cosas?
Oh, yes, but don't worry. You don't have to tie me to a chair. - I'm not going to do it here.
Si pero descuide, no tendrá que atarme a una silla, no lo haré aquí.
It's difficult, I know it is... but this is not the time to worry about losing your job.
Es difícil... sí, es... No es hora de pensar en perder o no perder el empleo.
Please, if you would be kind enough to tell Sarah what happened... but tell her not to worry.
Le agradecería que no le contase a Sarah lo sucedido. Dígale que no se preocupe.

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