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Cover him tradutor Espanhol

1,258 parallel translation
Yo, cover him, RC.
Yo, lo cubras, RC. Switch.
Cover him up, Frank.
Cúbrelo, Frank.
Cover him!
¡ Cúbrelo!
Cover him.
Now, cover him. You know how to use this thing?
¿ Sabes usarla?
- Cover him.
- Cúbrele.
Let's cover him.
Le cubriremos.
I better cover him up so he doesn't catch his death of cold.
Mejor lo tapo para que no se vaya a morir de un resfriado.
Cover him up, man!
Tápalo! ! Tápalo!
Cover him up!
¿ Qué carajo estás haciendo?
You gonna cover him fine. Let's see ya.
Y no tendrás problemas.
Cover him.
Then they didn't cover him up right away. So I waited. And I waited.
No lo habían cubierto, así que esperé... y esperé.
They forgot to cover him up.
¡ Se olvidaron de taparlo!
Cover him by it when he is not aware
¡ a la saca!
We should at least cover him up with something.
Al menos deberíamos cubrirlo con algo.
We must cover him.
Debemos cubrirlo.
Rei, you will cover him with Unit 00.
Rei, tú estás a cargo de la defensa con la Unidad Cero.
I'd cover him for Pseudomonas.
Es mejor prevenir las seudomonas.
Cover him up. Take him to holding.
Tapadle y llevadle fuera.
Lock the door behind me when I leave and cover him up.
Cierra la puerta cuando me vaya. Y cúbrelo.
Cover him now.
My father will find him, call him up as a witness and he'll blow the cover.
Mi padre lo encontrará, lo llamará a declarar y nos desenmascarará.
The only thing Harry wanted him for was to cover his overdraft.
Para lo único que lo quería Harry era para cubrir sus descubiertos.
Your crew told him how you kicked'em out of the tank... and turned back alone to cover the battalion's retreat.
Gracias, mamá.
I'm gonna cut him off. Cover me!
Voy a cortarle el paso. ¡ Cúbreme!
- You promised Kaplan you'd cover for him.
- Prometió a Kaplan ir por él.
But when he was first president, they called him'the wimp - president', I mean this was the cover of'Newsweek';
Cuando fue presidente por primera vez lo llamaron el "presidente flojo".
Ifwe don't cover for him, then he'll be an unemployed psychotic.
Ifwe no cubren para él, entonces va a ser un desempleado psicóticos.
Did I tell you to cover up for him?
¿ Te dije que le cubrieras las espaldas?
Let me try to rescue him if it doesn't work your dogs could chase me out then you could bury him over again and this time cover his head
Dejad que intente rescatarlo. Si no lo consigo, azuzáis a los perros contra mí y lo volvéis a enterrar, esta vez tapándole la cabeza.
He was too dangerous... for him and his political cover-up.
Era demasiado peligroso... para él y para su cobertura política.
You don't have to cover for him anymore.
Ya no tienes que encubrirlo.
- Cover him.
Brendan, Chick, keep him up there, the rest of you take cover.
Brendan, Chick, manténganlo arriba, el resto cúbrase.
- No, I'm not. - So I should cover for him?
- ¿ Entonces debería encubrirlo?
That little vanity cost him his cover.
Esa nimiedad nos permitió ubicarlo.
Cover his eyes and gag him so he doesn't scream.
Vale, pero véndale los ojos y que no grite.
However, legend has it that one of his servants would lie with him at night so as to cover his back in order to keep him warm while he slept.
Sólo conozco historias que dicen que uno de sus criados siempre debía meterse con él a la cama, supuestamente para calentar su cuerpo.
You don't have to cover for him.
No hace falta que le cubra.
Hudson pleaded with me to cover for him tonight.
Hudson me ha suplicado que le cambie la guardia.
You don't have to cover for him.
No tienes que cubrirlo.
Cover him! Pitts :
¿ Cocinar?
This... precious book of love, this unbound lover,..... to beautify him, only lacks a cover.
Este... precioso libro de amor, este amante sin encuadernar, tan solo precisa ligaduras para ser más hermoso.
Cover him!
Súbanlo al coche!
I already told him our cover story.
Ya le he contado nuestra historia.
The last time I saw Pete Raymond... I told I'd be interested in watching him cover his own retirement. That's funny.
La última vez que lo vi, le dije que lo único que de él me interesaba era cuando hablara de su propio retiro.
If you cover me, I'll rob that van and we'll clean him out.
Si me cubrís, le hago un puente a esa furgoneta y nos llevamos todo.
Around the time, maybe six months after this was finished, I discovered through my friend Mike Mclnnerney, who was the artist who did the Tommy album cover, the teachings of Indian mystic Meher Baba, I've been following him since then, and then Tommy came out.
Por esas fechas, tal vez seis meses después, descubrí gracias a mi amigo Mike Mclnnerney, el artista que diseñó la portada del álbum "Tommy", las enseñanzas del místico hindú Meher Baba, al que he seguido desde entonces.
What I couldn't figure out was why would anybody help him cover it up?
Pero no entendía cómo alguien lo ayudó a encubrirlo.
Give him as much cover fire as you can, Tuvok. Aye, Captain.
- Dispare a discreción para cubrirlo.

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