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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ D ] / Did that hurt

Did that hurt tradutor Espanhol

540 parallel translation
Did that hurt?
¿ dolió?
Did that hurt?
¿ Te duele?
Did that hurt so much?
- ¿ Eso le dolió tanto?
- Did that hurt?
- ¿ Les dolió?
Did that hurt, daughter?
¿ Te tiro, hija?
Did that hurt?
¿ te he hecho daño?
Did that hurt you?
- ¿ Te ha hecho sufrir?
Did that hurt?
¿ Te ha dolido?
Oh, did that hurt?
Oh, eso dolió?
Now, that didn't hurt, did it?
Eso no dolió, ¿ o si?
Oh well, even if that's the case. - Did he hurt himself?
- Oh, bueno, incluso si fuera así... - ¿ Le ha pasado algo?
That didn't hurt, did it?
No dolió, ¿ verdad?
That didn " t hurt very much now, did it?
- No te dolió mucho, ¿ no? - No.
There. That didn't hurt very much, did it?
No te ha dolido mucho, ¿ verdad?
- Did they hurt you that way, son? - No, Ma. Don't worry about that.
- ¿ Te hicieron un daño así, hijo?
That hurt me much more than it did the inspector.
Me dolió más a mí que al inspector.
That didn't hurt a bit, did it?
No te dolió nada, ¿ verdad?
Well, that didn't hurt so much, did it?
Bueno, eso no dolió tanto, ¿ verdad?
David, you don't think I did that to hurt you, do you?
Él no es el único que lo ha lamentado.
If they hurt you, I'll kill them like I did that lard face outside.
Si te hicieron daño, los mataré como hice con el cara de grasa afuera.
Oh, did that shotgun hurt you?
¿ Esa escopeta te hizo daño?
He's hurt himself. I did that, sir.
- Pobre diablo, se ha lastimado.
When did you- - - Did you really hurt that arm? - I hurt it.
¿ Cuándo- ¿ Realmente se hirió ese brazo?
Now that didn't hurt a bit, did it?
Ahora no te dolio ni un poquito, no?
Well, there now. That didn't hurt, did it?
Bueno, eso no duele, ¿ verdad?
It wasn't true what I told you. Abut promising to marry him. I only did that to hurt you.
- Pero no puede, yo le dije que iba a casarme
What's the matter? Did you hear something that hurt you?
¿ Oíste algo que te lastimó?
If that brain-basket did anything to hurt you, I'll bust him in half.
Si ese sabelotodo te ha hecho daño, lo partiré en dos.
Did I hurt you, ma'am, when I pushed you down like that? Oh, no, no, no.
¿ La lastimé cuando la empujé de esa manera?
- That's good news - did it hurt?
- Eso son buenas noticias. - ¿ Ha dolido?
You didn't realize that all this time, you did nothing but hurt me?
¿ Acaso no te has dado cuenta de que durante todo este tiempo no has hecho otra cosa que herirme?
Irv, that hurt me more than it did you. Correction.
Irv, eso me ha dolido más a mí que a ti.
I already told you that it did not hurt.
- Ya te he dicho que no me dolía.
I'm hurt! He did that on purpose.
¿ Cómo que qué me pasa?
Oh... did that naughty man hurt Mommy's little sweethearts?
¡ Cómo el desafío...! Oh... Hizo que el hombre pícaro herido ¿ Los enamorados pequeños de mi mamita?
- There. That didn't hurt, did it?
- Ya está. ¿ Ve como no duele?
Ah, that thought did occur to me, but I reckoned that in the ensuing fracas you might get hurt as well as the old guy.
Ah, no creas que no lo pensé, pero creí que en los siguientes altercados te podrías herir como el viejo tipo.
Well... that's hurt him more than it did me.
Eso le ha hecho más daño a él que a mí.
- There, that didn't hurt, did it?
- No te dolió, ¿ verdad?
Did he hurt you that much?
? Tanto daño te hizo?
That didn't hurt, did it?
Eso no dolió, ¿ verdad?
Hey, now, that didn't hurt too bad, did it?
No ha sido tan difícil, ¿ verdad?
He did not hurt that guy.
No le hizo nada malo a ese desgraciado.
Nobody got hurt but the guy that was supposed to get hurt... and nobody on anything I ever did ended up on death row... which is more than I can say for some I know.
Nadie salió lastimado excepto quien se supone debe salir lastimado... y nadie o nada de lo que yo haya hecho terminó en pena de muerte... que es más que lo que podría decir de otros que conozco.
It didn't hurt that much but I pretended it did and then he'd call me his little princess.
No me dolió mucho, pero fingí que lo hizo y entonces él me llamó su pequeña princesa.
There. Now, that didn't hurt much, did it?
Ya está. ¿ No ha dolido mucho, verdad?
Did I tell you that I got hurt in two busts, that my parents were here... that I'm getting killed all over the fucking place?
¿ Te dije que me hirieron en dos redadas, que mis padres estaban aquí... y que me persiguieron por todo el maldito lugar para matarme?
I think I did things to myself, to hurt myself, so that you'd know that I could hurt you.
Hice cosas para hacerme daño a mí misma, para que te enteraras para hacerte daño.
- Lo sé, pero debemos saber... qué hicieron las manos para provocar ese dolor.
[Chuckles] There now. That didn't hurt a bit, did it?
Ya está ; no te dolió, ¿ verdad?
I did a favor for a man that was hurt.
- Le hice un favor a un herido.

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